Can you have AAR and DAR combined ? In this scheme , you have two types of thread - the individual ( this is not an AAR - I'll expand later ) , and the comparative ( the DAR ) .
The game is broken up into chunks in both cases ( or rather , threads ) . A player , after writing up one chunk of the game , posts it simultaneously in both , his individual thread , and in the appropriate DAR thread . The "chunks" can be of arbitrary size in the individual thread , but any post in the DAR thread must follow the given timeframe .
This way , an individual player can play the game in smaller pieces , and can get feedback which is more fine-grained , but still be able to compare himself with other players .
Readibility is also vastly increased - whenever you want to read about a person't game in more detail , you have his thread to refer to , and you don't have to mentally collate anything .
How does this sound to the veterans of the AU ?
The game is broken up into chunks in both cases ( or rather , threads ) . A player , after writing up one chunk of the game , posts it simultaneously in both , his individual thread , and in the appropriate DAR thread . The "chunks" can be of arbitrary size in the individual thread , but any post in the DAR thread must follow the given timeframe .
This way , an individual player can play the game in smaller pieces , and can get feedback which is more fine-grained , but still be able to compare himself with other players .
Readibility is also vastly increased - whenever you want to read about a person't game in more detail , you have his thread to refer to , and you don't have to mentally collate anything .
How does this sound to the veterans of the AU ?