Sorry for lack of screen shots; the map type on my notebook resulted in all world views having lots of black sections.
Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
The Ancient era. 4000 BC to 300 BC
4000 BC Found Capital in place. Reserach A.D. for Cow
Quickly find Eastern edge of the landmass.
Meet the Celts. Decide that she has to go, but make peace for now to get her off guard
3560 BC Discovery of A.D. reveles a horse right nextdoor, decide on the Chariot rush plan.
Start the wheel
3200 BC Start Hunting as a beeline for Archery
3060 BC Start Archery
2720 BC Start Mining
2560 BC Baracks complete in capital: Start construction of Chariots
2480 BC Start Bronze Working
2080 BC Decide an inital force of 4 Chariots is probably adequate to start the rush and start moving it towards the border
2040 BC Start Sailing
2000 BC Declare war on Celts and kidnap a worker on the Ivory
1920 BC Battle at Celtic Capital: First 2 Chariots lose but that weakens the archer enough to bring the warrior to the top of the stack. 3rd Chariot wins. 4th Chariot kills damaged archer. Install a new governor. The Celtic Civilization is destroyed.
Since the Celtic civ had been kind enough to found Hinduism, I establish it as my state religion.
1720 BC Former Celtic capital comes out of resistance.
1680 BC Meet a Protoguese work boat
1640 BC Start Pottery
1480 BC Start Writing since we're creative
Found town 7-7-7-6-6-6 capital to take in the fish and reduce the large cultural gap in our landmass
1440 BC Meet a Russian Galley. Catherine desires CLOSER relations
1280 BC Start Masonry
Found town 1-1-2-2-2 former Celtic capital taking in the Silk.
1040 BC Start Mystism
925 BC Start Meditation
825 BC Start Pristhood
775 BC Start Polythesism
Found City 1-1-1-4-4 capital to bring in gold & reduce cultural gap
675 BC Start Monotheism
550 BC Start Aestetics
Switch to Org Religion
375 BC Complete Great Lighthouse in capital
300 BC Enter the Classical Era
This map is looking suspeciously like an archpello with West and East poles.
Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
The Ancient era. 4000 BC to 300 BC
4000 BC Found Capital in place. Reserach A.D. for Cow
Quickly find Eastern edge of the landmass.
Meet the Celts. Decide that she has to go, but make peace for now to get her off guard
3560 BC Discovery of A.D. reveles a horse right nextdoor, decide on the Chariot rush plan.
Start the wheel
3200 BC Start Hunting as a beeline for Archery
3060 BC Start Archery
2720 BC Start Mining
2560 BC Baracks complete in capital: Start construction of Chariots
2480 BC Start Bronze Working
2080 BC Decide an inital force of 4 Chariots is probably adequate to start the rush and start moving it towards the border
2040 BC Start Sailing
2000 BC Declare war on Celts and kidnap a worker on the Ivory
1920 BC Battle at Celtic Capital: First 2 Chariots lose but that weakens the archer enough to bring the warrior to the top of the stack. 3rd Chariot wins. 4th Chariot kills damaged archer. Install a new governor. The Celtic Civilization is destroyed.
Since the Celtic civ had been kind enough to found Hinduism, I establish it as my state religion.
1720 BC Former Celtic capital comes out of resistance.
1680 BC Meet a Protoguese work boat
1640 BC Start Pottery
1480 BC Start Writing since we're creative
Found town 7-7-7-6-6-6 capital to take in the fish and reduce the large cultural gap in our landmass
1440 BC Meet a Russian Galley. Catherine desires CLOSER relations
1280 BC Start Masonry
Found town 1-1-2-2-2 former Celtic capital taking in the Silk.
1040 BC Start Mystism
925 BC Start Meditation
825 BC Start Pristhood
775 BC Start Polythesism
Found City 1-1-1-4-4 capital to bring in gold & reduce cultural gap
675 BC Start Monotheism
550 BC Start Aestetics
Switch to Org Religion
375 BC Complete Great Lighthouse in capital
300 BC Enter the Classical Era
This map is looking suspeciously like an archpello with West and East poles.