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Jon's AU 302 Dar

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  • Jon's AU 302 Dar

    Sorry for lack of screen shots; the map type on my notebook resulted in all world views having lots of black sections.

    Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
    The Ancient era. 4000 BC to 300 BC

    4000 BC Found Capital in place. Reserach A.D. for Cow
    Quickly find Eastern edge of the landmass.
    Meet the Celts. Decide that she has to go, but make peace for now to get her off guard

    3560 BC Discovery of A.D. reveles a horse right nextdoor, decide on the Chariot rush plan.
    Start the wheel

    3200 BC Start Hunting as a beeline for Archery

    3060 BC Start Archery

    2720 BC Start Mining

    2560 BC Baracks complete in capital: Start construction of Chariots

    2480 BC Start Bronze Working

    2080 BC Decide an inital force of 4 Chariots is probably adequate to start the rush and start moving it towards the border

    2040 BC Start Sailing

    2000 BC Declare war on Celts and kidnap a worker on the Ivory

    1920 BC Battle at Celtic Capital: First 2 Chariots lose but that weakens the archer enough to bring the warrior to the top of the stack. 3rd Chariot wins. 4th Chariot kills damaged archer. Install a new governor. The Celtic Civilization is destroyed.

    Since the Celtic civ had been kind enough to found Hinduism, I establish it as my state religion.

    1720 BC Former Celtic capital comes out of resistance.

    1680 BC Meet a Protoguese work boat

    1640 BC Start Pottery

    1480 BC Start Writing since we're creative
    Found town 7-7-7-6-6-6 capital to take in the fish and reduce the large cultural gap in our landmass

    1440 BC Meet a Russian Galley. Catherine desires CLOSER relations

    1280 BC Start Masonry
    Found town 1-1-2-2-2 former Celtic capital taking in the Silk.

    1040 BC Start Mystism

    925 BC Start Meditation

    825 BC Start Pristhood

    775 BC Start Polythesism
    Found City 1-1-1-4-4 capital to bring in gold & reduce cultural gap

    675 BC Start Monotheism

    550 BC Start Aestetics
    Switch to Org Religion

    375 BC Complete Great Lighthouse in capital

    300 BC Enter the Classical Era

    This map is looking suspeciously like an archpello with West and East poles.
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

  • #2
    Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
    The Classical era. 300 BC to 375 AD

    300 BC Start IW

    275 BC Great Scientist born in former Celtic capital. Will found an academy in the capital when it reaches there.

    200 BC Start Code of Laws in hopes of founding Confucism. Catherine founds it instead.
    Found City 4-4-4-1 former Celtic capital (Fur + Deer)
    Northern Galley finds Washington

    50 BC Start Monarchy
    Sell CoL + Mono to Washington for Alpha
    Sell COL + IW to Protogul for Metal Casting

    50 AD Complete Statue of Zeus in capital

    75 AD Start Literature
    Switch civic to H.R. + C.S.
    Trade Alpha to Catherine for Math

    175 AD Start Music

    250 AD Run full scale expriments with plants. Lose 1 pop point per city but gain 2 health.

    375 AD Enter the Midevil Era
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


    • #3
      Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
      Early Midevil Era 375 AD - 680 AD

      375 AD Free Great Artist born.
      Start Theology in hopes of founding Christanity. Catherine founds it instead.

      475 AD Gret Scentist born. Light blub Philospachy. (Catherine had already founded Taoism, but Philo is a very expensive tech)

      520 AD Found City 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4 former Celtic capital to bring in the Marble.
      Use that Great Arist born earlier to instantly expand the borders. Doesn't quite take in the Copper.

      540 AD Start Currency

      580 AD Complete Swh Pago in capital. (Perhaps the least valuable wonder I've ever built, I now have all but Free Religion anyway and only have the Hindu holy city in my empire.)

      620 AD Sell Med to Protogual for 55 gold (on their turn)
      Start Drama

      660 AD Buy Construction from Progual for Monarchy & 125 gold.

      680 AD Start Compass
      Buy Calendar from Washington for Construction & 20 gold.

      Global View confirms this map as a tilted axis globe.
      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
      Templar Science Minister
      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


      • #4
        Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
        Late Midevil Era 680 AD - 1250 AD

        760 AD Start Civil Service

        780 AD Sell Currency to Washington for Horseback Riding + 50 gold

        900 AD Start Divine Right in final attempt to found a religion and have a second one

        1000 AD Buy Machinery from Cathrine for Civil Service + 30 gold
        Great Scientist born in former Celtic capital. Trigure a GA
        Add Burechrcy
        Found City 9-6-6-6 Capital (Future Mori Statue City)

        1010 AD Found City 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-7-7 Former Celtic Capital (fish)

        1030 AD Sell Music & Drama to Protogual for Paper + their WM + 100 gold
        Buy Catherine's WM for 65 gold

        1040 AD Found Islam in that new ice cold fish city
        Start Optics

        1050 AD Construct Great Library in capital

        1070 AD Start Fedualism since AI still won't trade it
        Switch to Pacifism in final turn of GA

        1090 AD Great Merchant born in capital. Will conduct an overseas trade mission

        1100 AD Start Guilds

        1110 AD Our maps prove the world is round

        1130 AD Trade delegation in Russia in route to Moscow meets Aztecs

        1140 AD Caravel discovers Aztecs

        1150 AD Start Banking

        1170 AD Construct Versailles in former Celtic capital. One of the bigest reducation in expenses I've seen.
        Caravel meets Persians

        1180 AD Start Education

        1240 AD Found inill city 7-4-4 capital; work the corn & gold and it's costal

        1250 AD Enter the Renanancese era
        1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
        Templar Science Minister
        AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


        • #5
          Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
          Renance Era 1250 AD to 1605 AD

          1250 AD Great Scientist born in capital. Will found academy in best commerce city.
          Start Liberalism for the free tech

          1260 AD Catherine builds the AP, but I'm elected Palace Resident.

          1280 AD Catherine beats me to Liberalism and actually chooses a wise tech (Astronemy)

          1300 AD Start Economics for Free Merchant
          Found City 4-4-4-4-7-7-7-7 former Celtic Capital Iron & Coastal

          1310 AD Complete National Epic in capital

          1330 AD Sell Divine Right to Catherine for Enginner + WM + 80 gold

          1350 AD Receive free Great Merchant. Store for GA
          Same turn a Great Merchant is born in former Celtic Capital. Trade Mission I guess
          Start Gunpowder.
          Change Civics Free Market + Free Speech

          1390 AD Start Nationalism

          1410 AD Complete Heroic Epic.

          1420 AD Conduct Trade Mission in Lisbon

          1440 AD Start Constitution
          Great Scientist born in capital.
          Moi Statues completes
          Trigure the GA
          Switch to Free Religion

          1490 AD Start Printing Press
          Switch to Representation
          Capture Pathian from Barbs

          1505 AD Capture Olmec from Barbs

          1510 AD Start Democracy
          Complete Taj Mahal, triguring GA

          1520 AD Buy Astronemy from Catherine for Printing Press + 630 gold. Major increase in trade

          1540 AD Start Chemistry
          Switch to US + Emancipation

          1550 AD Start Replacable Parts
          Great Merchant born in capital. Hold for Sushi

          1565 AD Start Rifling

          1570 AD Found City 2-2-2-2-1 Parthian (Clam, Iron, Marble)

          1585 AD Start Military Science

          1605 AD Sell Gun Powder + Replacable Parts to Catherine for Scientific Method
          Advancing to Industrial Era
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #6
            Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
            Industrial Era 1605 AD to 1822 AD

            1605 AD Start Physics for the free Great Scientist

            1620 AD Great Phophet born in former Celtic capital - build Hindu Religious building

            1625 AD Found City 3-3-3 Parthian - Fish

            1635 AD Start Steam Power for Dikes. Will build Academy with Free Scientist

            1645 AD Sell Chemistry to Jao for Corporation + WM

            1650 AD Sell Rifiling to Catherine for Military Tradition + WM + 90 gold

            1660 AD Start Biology for additional food from farms
            Complete Statue of Liberty in former Celtic Capital

            1665 AD Develop beter methods of processing Coal Fuel. Go with Dry Docks produce 2 hammers and are heathy given this map

            1685 AD Start Medicine for Sushi
            Found City 4-4-4-1 Parthia : Fish
            Sell Steam Power to Catherine for Communism + 315 gold

            1715 AD Start Steel for improved Dry Docks and Iron Works
            Found Sushi Corp with the 1550 Merchant in former Celtic capital which is future Wall Street
            Great Scientist born in capital - Will found another Academy

            1720 AD Complete Hermitage in Capital

            1730 AD Complete National Park in former Celtic Capital

            1735 AD Start Railroad

            1750 AD Complete Oxfored in Rotterdam

            1760 AD Start Combustion; import Arab tea

            1765 AD Found City 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-1-1-1 Former Celtic Capital. Take in last of the coast on starting landmass

            1780 AD Start Assembly Line

            1785 AD Great Enginner born in Utehent. Will found Construction Constructions in future Wall Street

            1800 AD Start Fasicm for free Great General

            1806 AD Start Electricity
            Assign Free Great General to a Vetran Chariot & update it.

            1808 AD Great Phophet born in former Celtic capital. Will build Islamic building with it.

            1810 AD Complete Iron Works in Rotterdam

            1814 AD Complete Wall Street in former Celtic capital.

            1816 AD Start Refidge : Super Market & extra water move

            1822 AD Enter the Modern Era

            1822 AD Start Radio for the wonders
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #7
              Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
              Modern Era 1822 AD to 1921 AD

              1822 AD Start Radio

              1832 AD Start Mass Media
              Complete Forbidden Palace in Pushim

              1836 AD Complete Broadway in Ironworks

              1838 AD Start Industrailzation

              1840 AD Great Merchant born in capital. Hold for GA

              1846 AD Complete Globe in the Hague

              1850 AD Start Plastics

              1854 AD Complete Rock N Roll in Capital

              1856 AD The Hague build Subway

              1860 AD Start Flight

              1862 AD Complete Christo Redentor in Iron Works
              Great Phophet born in former Celtic capital - hold for GA

              1864 AD Found City on small south Alum island on the Alum for it

              1866 AD Complete Hollywood in former Celtic capital

              1870 AD Start Rocketry

              1872 AD Complete West Point @ Heroic Epic
              Complete Mt Rushmore @ Globe Theater

              1878 AD Start Super Conductor

              1886 AD Complete Three Gorges Dam @ Iron Works

              1888 AD Start Ecology

              1890 AD

              BT: Washington declares War!
              Naval assualt on NWmost city on island : They lose the whole stack. Their order of attacks seemed pretty poor.

              1892 AD Bribe Protugal to join the fight against Washington

              1898 AD Start Computers. Complete UN.
              Burn Buffalo to the ground. Great General born; use to free upgrade a Chariot into a Calvary

              1900 AD Great Artist born in capital. Use to found Civilized Jewerals @ Wall Street

              1901 AD Burn Seatle to the ground.

              1903 AD Start Fiber Optics

              1904 AD Burn Atlanta to the ground.

              1905 AD Aztecs declare war on Arabs

              1908 AD Immigrates arrive in Amsterdam
              Burn Chicago to the ground

              1909 AD Start Satellites
              Amsterdam achieves legandary culture
              Great Scientist born in former Celtic capital. Found Alum Inc @ Oxford (3rd best city)
              After Arabs help Aztec unit in heroic act, Aztecs & Arabs sign peace treaty.

              1913 AD Start Advanced Fight
              Burn Denver to the ground

              1915 AD Great General Born : Construct Military Academy @ West Point

              1916 AD Start Fusion
              Complete Internet @ Ironworks
              Internet provides Fission

              1919 AD Complete Apollo Program in Capital
              America surrenders!

              1921 AD Enter the Future Era
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #8
                Jon's DAR Latest Bhruic patch. Prince Level - Normal speed
                Future Era 1921 AD to 1944 AD

                1921 AD Start Genetics for free health now that the war is over
                Use Free Great Enginner (and left over Great Merchant and left over Great Phophet) to triger GA

                1922 AD Internet provides Artillery
                Great Artist born @ Globe Theater. Construct a Great Work at 3rd best cultural city

                1924 AD Start Robotics

                1928 AD Start Composites
                Great Enginner born in capital: Use to hurry along Space Elevator

                1931 AD Start Kaser
                Catherine complete Apollo

                1933 AD Comple Space Elevator in capital
                Constuct Interstate Highways

                1934 AD Start Stealth
                Great Merchant born in former Celtic capital : Conduct Trade Mission

                1937 AD Complete Tech Tree
                Spend 201 gold to save Factory from fire in capital
                Former Celtic Capital acheives legadary culture

                1940 AD Protogual completes Apollo

                1941 AD Aztecs declare war on Arabs

                1942 AD Complete Future Tech 1

                1943 AD Great Artist born @ Oxford University. Create Great Work.
                That city acheives legardary culture

                1944 AD Catherine declares war on Darius
                Darius canceled his trade deal with me
                Darius demands a tech : DENIED
                I win a cultural victory

                Time spent: 24 hr 46 min

                Top 5 Cities are all mine

                Leadership abilities of Augustus

                Personal Bests Set: Normalized Score, fastest victory (all types)
                1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                Templar Science Minister
                AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

