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AU 101 DAR 5: The Renaissance Era
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Jon's Dar V The Renananse Era Applying Scientific Methodogy to Religion spreading
1500 AD to 1690 AD Prince
Game Objectives and personal limitations
1: Found all 7 religions. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
2: Convert as many neighbors to my state religion as soon as possible.
3: Spread as many religions to my own cities as possible. (4+ in all my own cities required before I can win)
4: I shall win the game by a peaceful means (Culture, Diplomatic, or Spaceship)
This Era's goals:
1. Catch up with the Russians in tech!!!
2. Free Market, Free Religion, Represenation are immediatly desired civics. Evenually Democracy & Free Speach wil be as well.
3. Finish the last two shrines.
4. Connect the last few resources.
1505 AD Catherine converts to Judism
1510 AD Inan borders discovered
Fish connected
1515 AD The Spanish empire now holds Ten Million Souls!
Eastern Caravel blocked by solid wall of ice bergs; will have to double back.
Catherine beats us to Economics.
1520 AD Budhism has spread to Zaragoza
Far side of Russian Incan landmass discovered with western caravel.
Clams connected
1525 AD Borders of Salmanca expand
1530 AD Discover Economics. Adopt Free Market. Start reseraching Printing Press [cheapest undiscovered tech]
Borders of Pamplona expand.
Spread Christanity to Zaragoza
1535 AD Christanity has spread to Knossos.
St Augstine builds the Massid Al-Turam. (Islamic Holy City city has more hammers and more gold boosting buildings in place than the Confucian one)
1540 AD Alexandra converts to Christanity.
Catherine's GA begins
1545 AD Frederik adopts Buerarcracy & Serfdom.
1550 AD Christanity spread to Valanci.
1555 AD Discover Printing Press. Start reserach of Replacable Parts; known the AI doesn't have this.
Incans adopt Free Market
Sell Divine Right + Printing Press to Catherine for Astronomy + Music + 150 gold.
Tech status:
3 Techs behind Catherine [Nationalism, Liberalism, Gunpowder] I have none she doesn't have.
1 Tech behing Caesar [Gunpowder]. But I have a lot of techs he doesn't have. [If only he'd trade]
2 Techs in front of Incans
3 Techs in front of Victoria
I am lots of techs in front of the hopeless Germans
The galley finds the western end of the Roman-Greek-English landmass.
Spread Judism to Zarasoza
1565 AD Sell Philosophy, Paper, Literature, and World Map to Germans for Gunpowder & World Map.
Now, we're only two techs behind Catherine.
German map actually useful, it showed the location of a new German city that's semi-infill.
1570 AD Incans convert to Hindusism
1575 AD Alexander adopts Vassalage & Theocracy
Catherine's GA ends
Western Caravel reaches far enough west to see same tiles previously seen by eastern caravel. We've now circumnativaged the globe.
Juddism spread to Valencia
1580 AD Discover Replaceable Parts. Start Liberalism for Free Religion.
Borders of arasoze expand
Catherine adopts Vassalage, Free Market, and Free Religion
Rome adopts Vassalage
Whales connected
1590 AD Borders of Sarmatin expand
1595 AD Discover Liberalism. Convert to Free Religion. Start reseraching Nationalism as prereq to more important economic & civic techs.
One tech behind Catherine & one in front.
Judism spread to Pamplona
1600 AD Borders of Toledo expand
Borders of Valencia expand
1605 AD Notre Dame built far away
Incan GA begins.
Taj Mahal built far away; I'm guessing somewhere in Incan territory.
Spread Christanity to Dusseldorf.
1610 AD Discover Nationalism. Start Constitution for Civic, and prereq to economic & civic techs.
Borders of Cordoba expand
Sell WM to Rome for 300 gold
Sell WM to Incans for 210 gold
Sell WM to Germany for 40 gold
Buy WM from Germany for 20 gold
We now have the full complete coastline of the Russian Incan landmass (+ English colony)
One tech behind Catherine (Constitution) & one in front (Replacable Parts)
1615 AD Victoria adopts Theocracy
1625 AD Borders of Chehalis expand
Victoria completes the Spiral Minaret
Fish near Saramatin connected
Hindusism spread to Jolead
1630 AD Constitution discovered. Convert to Representation.
Start Democracy [Catherine has Corporation]
Dispite a 90% chance of a Great Prophet, Madrid produces a Great Artist.
This will consirably delay the last holy shirne
1635 AD Hinduism spread to Pamplona
1640 AD Fish near Cordoba connected
1645 AD Incan GA ends
Galley blocked by coastal ice berg exploring north coast of England
Ling Lun constructs a great work in Chehalis; [The Germans had constructed Hanover across the sea]
Borders of Chehalis expand
1650 AD Hindism spread to Marcia
1655 AD Discover Democracy. Convert to Universal Suffrage, Free Speach, and Emmancipation
Start reseraching Chemistry. (We need a cheaper tech than Democracy to trade for Corperation)
Catherine now has Rifling as well.
1660 AD Borders of Murci expand
1665 AD Alexnders asks for Cows in exchange for Wheat. Granted
Hinduism spread to Zargozd
Hinduism spread to Sarmartin
Hinduism spread to Valencia
(Christanity, Judism, and Hinduism now present in every city in the Spanish empire)
Budism spread to Seville
Budism spread to Santiago
1670 AD Discover Chemistry. Start reserach of Sci Theory (Prereq for Physics)
A Spanish revolt occurs in Handover.
2 techs behind Russia (Corporation and Rifling) & one in front (Democrcy)
1 tech behind Inacas (Corporation)
Update both Caravels to Frigates
1675 AD Trade Rice to Alexander for the
Spread Budhism to Cordoba
Spread Budhism to Pampona
1685 AD The people of Hanover wish to join our empire.
(Way too close to Chehalis [major factor in the revolt to begin with],
difficult to defend due to island,
plenty of Iron already, too small,
would increase maintenance much more than it would bring it for a long time)
Disband the city!
Inca's adopt Free Market
Sell Democracy to Russia for Rifling + 50 gold.
Trade my WM to Frederick for his WM & 350 gold.
Sell WM to Rome for 180 gold
Sell WM to Greece for 240 gold
Sell WM to Incans for 10 gold
Sell WM to Russia for 10 gold
(Very nice trade, net 90 gold for a 95%+ complete map)
2 Swords upgraded to Rifles (don't bring a sword to a gunfight)
Spread Budhism to Salamanca
1690 AD Enter the Industrial Era
Discover Scientific Method. Start Physics
Two sources of Oil inside our empire; landbased, so we can chop the forest we were leaving around just in case we had to found an anartic ocean city.
Borders of Zaragoza expand
Germany Adopts Free Market
Catherine one tech ahead (Corporation)
Incans one tech ahead (Corporation), 3 techs behind, but won't trade yet.
England & Greece four techs behind.
Germany is five techs behind.
The Romans are hopelessly behind.
End of Dar V
Era's goals:
1. We are close, only one tech behind now, with good possiblity of aquiring it elsewhere.
2. We're now in our desired civics.
3. We still have one shrine to go; unforunately we actually received a Great Artist which set us back big time with the last shrine.
4. Accomplished.
Game goals:
1. Found all 7 religons: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
2. Convert all neighbors: No longer matters since we are Free Religion
3. All but one city in my empire now has 4+ religions. (That one has 3)
4. The first prereq is to finish catching up with the Russians.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
MadDjinn DAR V
Prince Level
goals for this era:
1) get cash flow. we're seriously behind on this, so need money to boost everything.
2) get to 9 cities.
3) choose the 3 cultural cities to boost to a cultural victory.
4) spread religions and build monastaries to be able to build missionaries post Org. Rel & Sci. Methods.
5) build the holy shrines.
1480 AD - Salamanca founded south of Madrid to utilize the sheep/beavers/bronze there.
1505 AD - a busy year
finish Feudalism, and switch civics for a nice +50% worker bonus. move on to Liberalism as Vicky seems to already have education.
the Hagia Sophia is completed in Toledo for another nice +50% worker bonus
Alex and Vicky decide that they've had enough of each other and finally go to open conflict. both attempt to get my support, but I refuse both. (war, what's that?)
1520 AD - Murcia founded. founded on the Isthmus west of Cordoba. This solidifies our hold on 3 incense and puts a crab into our control.
we throw our borders open to spread our religion and gain some healthy trade routes.
1525 AD - the Church of Nativity is founded in Cordoba. Julius must have really spread Christianity in his domain, as we are now at 80% research with +8 gp.
1525 AD - the Incans decide to convert to Judaism!
1530 AD We finally meet Cathy. And shes well ahead of us in score. And a Confusionist!
1540ish AD
we trade Divine Rights to Alex for Guilds and some cash.
the next year we trade Education to Cathy for Banking + cash
and Education to Alex for Gun Powder + cash
1555 AD We discover Liberalism first! We take Astronomy as our freebie tech.
We move onto researching Economics to get Free Markets.
1560 AD - the short lived war between Alex and Vicky is over. As they both started the war just learning Gunpowder, They have decimated each others movable forces. we don't know if any cities have changed hands yet.
1575 AD Cathy converts to Taoism! this is a good start, since Freddy is already at Taoism, that leaves too many to go.
1580 AD - Cordoba completes Versailles! It's really close to the palace I know, but it's also 10 culture/turn... it will help us pressure Frankfurt to join us.
1585 AD - our ninth city is founded. Valeria is situated to the south of Seville on some forested Tundra to get a city access to the only Iron in the area, and access to more crab for trading.
1585 AD - Alex converts to Islamthat's another one gone the wrong direction... we'll need to spend alot on missionaries soon.
1590 AD - the Kong Miao is built in Seville to take advantage of Cathy's former religious spread.
We also learn the secrets of Economics, and so shift our efforts to getting to the Industrial era via Steam Power. We aren't quite ready to lose our Monastaries and Great Library yet, so we'll take a bit more time and go the long route. first stop: Printing Press.
1605 AD - the Incans see the light! They've converted to Taoism!
1625 AD -
after completing many costly build projects in the capital (scientific/economic) we've decided that we need to start focusing on culture more. So we have switched to Free Speech and Pacifism.
We also discover the Printing Press. on to Replaceable Parts and the Lumber Mill!
1635 AD - further ostricising herself from dilpomatic channels, Vicky has decided to adopt Buddism as her state religion. While this gives me more money, it doesn't help my Taoist cause much.
Alex didn't like it either, and starts round two against Vicky.
1655 AD - Replaceable Parts is mine! workers scour the forests setting up as many lumber mills as they can. we move on to Chemistry before finishing the era with Steam Power.
many nations have started adusting themselves to their favoured civics at this time. We still need to pick up some more techs from them so we have a shot at something better than Hereditary Rule!
1685 AD - Chemistry is finished. we move directly to Steam Power to finish this era.
1705 AD - we trade Chemistry to the Incans (behind us in score) so that we may learn about Nationhood. after we become industrious, we'll need to get a new government type, and this will speed that goal.
1710 AD - the war is going badly for Vicky. she has fallen behind Julius and Freddy in score, as Alex captures Canterberry!
1730 AD - we finally make it to our goal. Steam Power is under our control, and we gain a source of coal in Madrids fat cross already mined! sweet.
at this point, we've spread Taoism to all but one city in our domain. Islam took a number of missionaries to finally get a foot into Madrid and Barcelona. we've built monastaries for all religions, at least 1-2/religion. Madrid has every religion + monastary and all the temples.
Madrid and Barcelona are definitely going to be 2 of the cultural cities. at present, they are the top 2 cities in the world!.
Cordoba and Seville each have a religious holy shrine, and high culture wonders. we'll start developing them both, but I think Seville will end up with the culture as it has more food resources to work with, and a river.
Madrid will receive Wall Street when we can get it, as it wil contain 3 holy shrines. Barcelona will get the Oxford Library (with the National Epic) so GP production will easily continue between these two cities.
the Hermitage and Forbidden Palace will likely go to Seville to give it a boost in culture production. while the Globe Theatre will go to Cordoba.
Seville will likely be the 3rd religious culture city.
at this point, we leave the era at 90% science and +45 gp/turn
we've another great Priest headed to Toledo to found the holy shine for Islam, so that leaves us needed two more GP's (Jewish and Hindu) to get all the shrines.