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AU 101 DAR 4: The Medieval Era
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Jon's Dar IV Middle Ages Part 1: The Codification of Law
700 BC to 100 BC Prince
Objectives and personal limitations
1: Found all 7 religions. I'll consider it a defeat if this fails.
2: Convert as many neighbors to my state religion as soon as possible.
3: Spread as many religions to my own cities as possible. (4+ in all my own cities required before I can win)
4: I shall win the game by a peaceful means (Culture, Diplomatic, or Spaceship)
[Note: In light of the Religious centric nature, I'm spliting the Middle Age Dar up by founding of Religion]
700 BC Frederk converts to Budism.(They would pick the least represented religion in my empire)
650 BC Spread Christanity to Madrid. Convert to Christanity: (More useful to me)
575 BC Discover IW. Start reseraching Code of Laws
425 BC Great Lighthouse built far away.
Cordoba Founded
400 BC Toledo Founded.
350 BC Giborn declars us the second largest civ. (Frederick is 4th)
We now have 1/2 Million souls.
300 BC Copper connected.
250 BC Pyramids built far away.
200 BC Christanity spread to Munich.
Christanity spread to Barelonia.
175 BC Frederick converts to Christanity!
150 BC Borders of Seville expand
100 BC Found Confucianism in Toledo.Start researching Sailing, we could use a lighthouse.
#1 5 Religions baby!
#2 The only neighbor in my landmass has converted to mine.
#3 Our bigest two cities now has three religions.
#4 Too early to think about.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
Jon's Dar IV Middle Ages Part 2: The Philosphical Beeline
100 BC to 500 AD Prince
Objectives and personal limitations
1: Found all 7 religions. I'll consider it a defeat if this fails.
2: Convert as many neighbors to my state religion as soon as possible.
3: Spread as many religions to my own cities as possible. (4+ in all my own cities required before I can win)
4: I shall win the game by a peaceful means (Culture, Diplomatic, or Spaceship)
[Note: In light of the Religious centric nature, I'm spliting the Middle Age Dar up by founding of Religion]
1 AD Discover Sailing. Start researching Philosphacy for Taoism
25 AD Spanish empire now holds 1 Million souls
Church of Nativity constructed
Christanity spread to Toledo
Judism spread to Seville
50 AD Judism spread to Cordovia
150 AD Borders of Barcelonia expand
Christanity spread to Berlin
Judism spread to Madria
175 AD Christanity spread to Cologne
225 AD Christanity spread to Cordovia
275 AD Borders of Toledo expand
375 AD Hinduism spread to Serville
400 AD Christanity spread to Frankfurt
450 AD Christanity spread to Hamburg
475 AD Borders of Cordova expand
500 AD Found Taoism in Barcelonia
Start researching Monarchy [prereq to Divine Right, which is #1 choice for Great Prophets]
Hanging Gardens built far away
Key tactics used:
1. Using the Great Prophet for Church of Nativity which allowed me to raise my science rate.
2. Not founding any cities during this period, and instead allowing the existing cities to grow, particularly the capital with a library.
3. Almost immedidate reserach of Philosphacy instead of the Alphabet route, Philosphacy is very high on the Science & Artist lists, while it's very difficult to get a civ to trade you anything if that's the only one you know.
Goal #1: Only one more religion to go!
Goal #2: My only neighbor has my state religion in all but his smallest cities.
Goal #3: Very well, my capital has 5 religions, another has 4 relegions, another has 3, and the rest have two each.
Goal #4: Too early to think about.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
Jon's Dar IV Middle Ages Part 3: Divine Inspiration
500 AD to 780 AD Prince
Objectives and personal limitations
1: Found all 7 religions. I'll consider it a defeat if this fails.
2: Convert as many neighbors to my state religion as soon as possible.
3: Spread as many religions to my own cities as possible. (4+ in all my own cities required before I can win)
4: I shall win the game by a peaceful means (Culture, Diplomatic, or Spaceship)
[Note: In light of the Religious centric nature, I'm spliting the Middle Age Dar up by founding of Religion]
520 AD Switch to Pacifism. (Reason for one turn delay: Missonary in progress)
Spread Taoism to Madrid
560 AD Found Santiago
Spread Buddhism to Barcelonia
600 AD Discover Monarchy. Start the Divine Right. Use the Great Prophet from two turns back to speed Divine Right along.
620 AD Adoprt H.R. (Reason for one turn delay: Have to wait 5 turns between switching civics)
Rice connected
640 AD Judism spread to Santiago
700 AD Caesar says hi and asks if I'd like a salad he made himself. No thanks, but there will be peace in our time.
Parthagon built far away
Trade Theology to Rome for Math + Horseback Riding [equal value; Rome obviously has Currency]
720 AD Buy Calendar from Rome for Code of Law + 20 gold.
740 AD Buy Currency & Medal Casting from Rome for Philosphacy + 10 gold
Salmanca founded; in a race with Germany.
760 AD Caesar adopts Theocracy ?! He has no state religion yet.
780 AD Found Islam in Salmanca.
Start resarching the Alphabet. (Caesar won't trade this and it's time to break his monopoly)
Caesar converts to Hinduism
Key tactics used:
1. Switching to Pacifism (after completing a Missonary) to double the Great People Points.
We're going to need them to build all those Religious lines and having neither Stone nor Marble.
2. Placing Berlin in Line of Sight via religion in previous DAR paid off big time with quick contact from a Roman Gully visting Berlin.
3. Ensuring geting a fair deal on trades with Rome, particularly in light that Rome can retrade these techs to at least the Germans.
4. Holding onto the Great Prophet for 2 turns so it could knock rougly 2/3rds of the turns off of researching Divine Right.
Goal #1: Mission Accomplished
Goal #2: For now, we're going to have to confine this to our landmass, at least until Optics.
Goal #3: Our capital now has 6 Religions, and our second oldest city 5.
Goal #4: Still too early to think about.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
1350 - got Kashi Vishwanath
1410 - history rankings show me as 7th-most powerfulstart to build up military for the first time all game
1460 - first GL who's not religious -- built an Academy in Madrid
1520 - got Church of the Nativity
1530 - Met Rome via first seafaring expedition
1560 - Beaten to Islam by 5 turns. Arrgh!
1570 - Met Greece
1585 - Met England; traded for world maps for 1st time. Leading in scoring by a wide margin: 1314, 1000, 917, 908, 904
1590 - founded 2 more cities, SE and SW of the capital. That fills up the continent.
1595 - Met RussiaEsquire
Jon's Dar IV Middle Ages Part 4: Religious Education
780 AD to 1500 AD Prince
Game Objectives and personal limitations
1: Found all 7 religions. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
2: Convert as many neighbors to my state religion as soon as possible.
3: Spread as many religions to my own cities as possible. (4+ in all my own cities required before I can win)
4: I shall win the game by a peaceful means (Culture, Diplomatic, or Spaceship)
In the final portion of Dar IV covering post founding of all religions, our main objectives are
1. Catch up in the techs we're fallen behind in (this process started with trades with Rome earlier)
2. There's one more peaceful decent city site to build to [SE]. [Other sites are very marginal; less worthwhile than barb cities]
3. There's a barb city at a choke point that needs captured. Probably at least one more barb city past it.
4. The Germans have some new cities that need our state religion spread to them.
5. We've got to build Shrines for our Religions. (Only 1 of 7 complete)
6. Hopefuly meet more civs.
Key Techs are Alphabet for tech trades & Optics to build Caravels. Somehow I think Music for a Great Artist is a lost cause.
860 AD Discover the Alphabet. Start researching Literature; at some point we will want the National Epic.
At this point, Romans tech strengths appear to be cultural while German tech strengths appear to be Production
Construct Temple of Solomon with GP born the previous turn.
Spread Christanity to Essen
Spread Islam to Madrid [all 7 religions now present here] (I thought it approative in a religion centric AU Course to get all of them present in the capital.)
900 AD Discover Literature. Start Drama; I like to use Theaters to help expand borders [after Temples playing Religious civs]
As suspected at least Rome has Music.
Chichen Itza built far away
920 AD Spread Christanity to Santiago
980 AD Discover Drama. Start compass, cheapest tech we're not aware of anyone having, and also is a prereq to Optics.
1000 AD Spread Judism to Toledo
Spread Christanity to Salmanca
Both Rome & Germany now have Construction, and so they both will trade.
Sell Code of Laws + Polytheism to Germany for Construction + 100 gold (A Partual twofer seperated by centuries)
1010 AD Found Murcia.
1020 AD Germany builds the Colosus
1040 AD Discover Compass. Start researching Civil Service for Bureaucracy & farm chaining.
Our Galley has found the start of an island chain that the Romans must have used to reach our landmass and will now start following it back to explore their landmass.
1050 AD Frederik Adopts Organized Religion
1060 AD Borders of Santiaque expand
Borders of Salmanica expand
Trade a cow to Rome for Deer
1070 AD Borders of the Roman Empire discovered.
1090 AD Borders of Barcelonia expand
Spread Judism to Salamanca
Spread Judism to Marcia
1100 Use Great Prophet to build Koshivish Wantah; the idea is to profit from the Roman Hindu Theocracy
1110 AD Discover Civil Service. Switch to Bureaucracy. Start reseraching Feudalism for faster workers.
1120 AD Capture Sarmartian from Barbarians. 2 Workers were present. There appears to be a road leading west; so there's another barb town.
1140 AD Rome adopts Bureaucracy
1170 AD Sarmartian stops resisting
Frederick calls us and asks for Furs in exchange for Sugar. Agreed.
Start reseraching Paper; it's a cheap tech and I'm still hoping to aquire Machenry via trade.
Complete the Angkor Wat in Madrid. It's probably the most approative wonder to complete in a religion centric AU course with increasing hammers from priests.
1180 AD Borders of Cordoba expand
1190 AD Galley exploring Roman landmass path is blocked by coastal ice burgs.
Christanity spread to Marcia
1210 AD Discover Paper. Guess we'll have to reserach Machenry since the AI still won't trade it.
1220 AD Capture Chehalis from the barbs. This appears to have removed barb settlements from our landmass.
Looks like there's 3 marginal city sites worth founding for the resources.
1230 AD The Spanish Empire now holds 5 million souls.
Islam has spread to Sarmation
Romans construct the Great Library
1240 AD Rome calls up and wants a lot of Machenary considering it's half resrached. Nope.
Frederick wants my full world map for his; I ask how much gold for his WM. Just 10; thought so. I'll take it just to make sure he hasn't founded cities I'm not aware of.
1250 AD Frederick's GA begins
1260 AD Discover Machinery. Start Optics (Frederick won't trade)
Incense connected.
Christanity spread to Stuttgoft. It's now in every German city.
1280 AD Judism spread to Chehalis
1290 AD Cooper near Barcelonia connected
Borders of Macea expand
Christanity spread to Surmatin
1300 AD Discover Optics. Start resarching Guilds [UU if something bad happens]
Complete National Epic in Madrid
Trade Crabs to Rome for Pigs
1310 AD Meet Alexander. There shall be peace in our time. (Looks like the contact was from light of sight with the German city of Essenn)
Sell Paper & Theology to Greece for Enginnering & 10 gold.
1320 AD Rome's GA starts.
German's GA ends.
Chrianity spread to Chehalis
1330 AD Germany adopts H.R & Vassalage
St Peter builds The Mahaboun. [Several German cities have Budism]
Borders of Greece discovered
Judism spread to Surartan
Cow connected near Chehalis
1350 AD Hinduism spread to Cordoba
Trade fur to Alexander for Silk
1360 AD Hinduism spread to Santiago
1370 AD Discover Guilds. Start reseraching Banking; our holy cities could use banks.
1380 AD Borders of Salmatin expand
Valencia founded
Zarabota founded
1390 AD Alexder adopts Serfodm & Burarchcy
Roman's GA ends
1400 AD Rome adopts HR
Germany completes Sistine Chapel
Spread Hinduism to Chehalis
1410 AD Pliny declares us the most cultured civ in the world
Discover Banking, the old ways are best. Start Education
Cow near Valencia connected
Hinduism spread to Salamanca
1420 AD Borders of Santiago expand
Borders of Chehalis expand
Confucian has spread to Valencia
Alexander converts to Buddhism
Marble connected
Pawplona founded
1430 AD Hagia Sopha built far away
Rubbi Kirabalis builds Thelori Miao [take advance of shared inferstructure]
Iron near Pawphora connected
1450 AD Cross the International Date Line with eastbound Caravel.
Meet Catherine in a Carval that seemed to be heading my way. Cathernine is apprently looking for CLOSER relations. (Baby, you can come as CLOSE as you want.)
Catherine appears ahead in key techs.
1460 AD Christanity has spread to Pamplonr
Russian border discovered
1470 AD Westbound caravel discovers a much more direct route to Greece
Galley discovers Incan Caravel. There shall be peace
1480 AD Victoria greets us. There shall be peace.
Incan GA ends
Chrinstanity has spread to Oxford; oh that's how we met.
East bound Caravel discovers English territory on the land mass east of me way in the south.
1490 AD Victoria converts to Christanity.
Alexander circumnativates the globe.
1500 AD After 2200 years, we have finally entered the Renaissance Era
Discover Education. No 1st for Liberalism in the drop downs. Up oh, start researching Economics. :scarred:
My fear is confirmed, Catherine is the first to Liberalism.
Trade Incense to Catherine for Spice
This segment's goals:
1. In this segment, we thought we had caught up in all others except Music; until we discovered the advanced Russians. And in the last turn, their lead increased.
2. Pending Industrial Era resources, all worthwhile city sites are now founded, and there are no barb cities on this landmass.
3. Major progress in spreading religions; all but the cities founded during this segment of the Dar have 3+ religions.
4. All German cities that we are aware of have Christanity.
5. Major progress in Shrine building. We now have 5 of them complete.
6. We're now in contact with all civs.
Global goals:
1. Found all 7 religions. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
2. Convert as many neighbors to our state religion as soon as possible. We have reinterpreated this goal as meaning just the ones on our landmass. That did succeed.
On a more global view, we're planning on switching to no state religion as soon as we have Liberalism.
3. Spread as many religions to my cities as soon as possible. (4+ in all my cities required to win). All but the newest cities have 3+.
4. I shall win the game by a peaceful means. At the moment, the first step is catching up with the Russians in tech.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
MadDjinn DAR IV
Prince Level
at this point (775 BC) we still need 2 religions, many cities, techs other than religions, and defenses, not to mention meeting everyone.
as the barbarians are being annoying, we learn the knowledge of Hunting and Archery to get some defenders up on the hills to guard us.
The Pyramids and Great Lighthouse are built by others around 350 BC.
in 325 BC we build the Dai Miao in Barcelona. (1 down)
we pick up mining, then push towards Literature to help boost beaker production.
Freddy finds out about Confuciousism and converts. As we're still buddists, we don't talk much with him for awhile.
in 100 BC Cordoba is settled.
In the year of 200 AD, we meet an arrogant leader named Caesar. Right after we declared him friends, he demands knowledge of Code of Laws! we decline of course. he is too far away by boat to be a problem now, but we'll need to watch him.
Toledo is settled in 250 AD.
the parthanon is built elsewhere...
Freddy decides he now likes Taoism and converts. We see this as a good sign, and also convert. We'll need to start spreading the religion soon.
as we finish learning about Literature, we move on to the next religion to gain: Christianity.
in 560 AD Christianity is founded in Cordoba.
At this time we decide its a good time to start fishing for backfilling techs. We manage to trade CoL to Julius for BronzeWorking, Animal Husbandry and some gold. Freddy also appreciates CoL and lets us know about Iron Working and Sailing. good trades
Unfortunately in the next few years, Caesar learns of Christianity and converts ending any good relations we may have gained.
we now push for Divine Right and start with Monarchy.
in 700 AD a great Priest is born and we use him to hasten our understanding of Divine Rights. (after we finish Monarchy a number of years from his birth)
in 740 AD we finish the Great Library in Barcelona! this
will help us speed up to useful techs.
we then build the National Epic in Barcelona to help produce great Scientist to help our cause. hopefully we'll still manage to get another 6 Great Priests as well...
in 1000 AD we finish learning about Divine Rights and Islam is born in Toledo! Our main objective is secure. now we need to grow and influence all of our neighbours with the spirituality we have found.
now that we are finished getting religion, we now need some money to fund our progress. so we head through Math to Currency.
The Acadamy at Barcelona is completed in 1040 AD.
Angkor Wat is completed in Madrid a few years later.
we decide it's not time to check for some more trades. freddy hands us over Calandar, Metal Casting, Construction and some gold for Currency and Philosophy!
we decide it's now time to learn Civil Service.
over the next few hundred years, we found Santiago, build the Spiral Minaret in Madrid and the Sisten Chapel in Seville.
we finally start meeting other leaders around the world. Alex, Victoria and Huayna all are interested in learning our secrets.
Once we learned CS, we moved to Music (for the Cathedrals) and Paper before checking for more trades.
Philosophy goes to Alex for Drama and Horseback Riding.
Theology heads to Alex for the Compas.
Theology and Monarchy went to Freddy for his limited world map, some gold and Machinery.
Divine Right went to Hua for Engineering and some gold, this made him very happy with us.
we then traded Music to Hua for Optics.
and, in the year 1470 AD, we got edumacted!
our world so far:
we're going to have to spend most of the next era building up a great civilization, since right now we are far behind in most categories.
A passive victory is most likely. We'll need to decide which 3 cities are going to be Legendary soon, or aim for a nice fast diplomatic victory.