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AU 100-A DAR 4: The Medieval Era

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  • #46
    The Great Lighthouse has just been built before that screenshot in New York. Philadelphia and New York would also produce 2 more settlers to found to the West of Illinois.

    Research path was now to Education, then Representation.

    GL went up in 300AD, and my last (ninth) city was founded at about the same time. Next build priority was spreading confucianism, and then dealing with mounting health issues.

    I got Constitution in 1020AD and switched to representation. I had traded for metal casting so forges were starting to go up, especially at Washington, as I wanted Oxford's asap when the 6th university was complete.

    I got gunpowder in 1090AD.


    • #47
      DAR 4.3

      DAR 4.3
      Attached Files


      • #48
        Part 5:


        • #49
          nobel medival era (death of mongels and almost spain)

          Ok this is going to be a quick mostly pics one with little story (sorry for that had some real questions wanted to ask this time). On the info, elisibeth contacted me, with a caverel that jump started my research in that direction now have two hopefully circumnavagating the globe. The mongels have been destroyed and the spanish have lost Madrid. Took the pryamids when I defeated the mongels so been running police state. Madrid gave me the sistine chapel.

          World at the end of the medival age

          Have several cities that I have specialized now finally getting great people Two great people cities follow [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Cole\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ScreenShots\great person wash1.JPG[/IMG]

          [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Cole\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ScreenShots\great person city00001.JPG[/IMG]

          Two money cities one at the wine site I took from the mongels.

          [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Cole\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ScreenShots\Ning-hsia money city00001.JPG[/IMG]

          [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Cole\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ScreenShots\saxon money city0000.JPG[/IMG]

          following is an example of a production city
          [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Cole\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ScreenShots\production city0000.JPG[/IMG]

          Got banking right before entering the renissance era by researching gunpowder, next step is to research philosophy on the way to military tradition then maybe attack the saldians. Any help on specialising the cities or future plans would be appreciated!
          A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


          • #50
            ok how do you post pics!!

            Using the IMG button above and putting a path from my computer is not working. Tried to upload it to the site but can't get that to work either...

            I messed with the pics and they are the 800 pixels or less requiered.

            One more attached below as a test.
            [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Cole\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ScreenShots\great person wash1.JPG[/IMG]
            A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


            • #51
              You need to upload them through Apolyton. You get 20 MBs free I think click on upload file at the top of this page, it's right below modiki. Should be pretty self-explanatory after that.


              • #52

                due to the fact that I can't stay logged in that seems not to be working either...will work on it though. No way I can just put them in directly from my computer? Thanks!
                A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


                • #53
                  I use Irfanview to resize them to 800*600. Then you can just use attach file.


                  • #54
                    Prince Difficulty

                    DAR 1
                    DAR 2
                    DAR 3
                    DAR 4

                    680: It looks like the barbarian city is not exactly where I had hoped to place it. It’s a great place for it to be, it simply takes almost everything and leaves not much for the other cities to be founded around it. Nevertheless, keeping it saves me a settler, and so I will leave it where it is after I’ve conquered it. My axemen are moving into place—as it turns out, there are only two warriors manning the walls, and they will be dispatched with haste.

                    700: Barbarian city now under new management. Captured worker starts a road back to the empire, careful to move through the eventual square of the city to be founded between. Settler finished in Philly, and moved into the City slot five on the map given in my previous DAR. My cash is getting low, and that spot is a good spot for a commerce city. The barbarian village just captured also has several beavers in it’s radius, but will not be initially exploitable due to the lack of civil service to create a few farms in the area.

                    760: woah, out of nowhere, I have my first sighting of a barbarian swordsman near the town I just took. Weird—the barbarians holding the village were merely warriors, while out in the open was a swordsman.

                    My settler founds San Fran, and it is immediately designated as a commerce city. I’m going to have to stop the city founding now for a while to let my infrastructure catch up. I’m currently at negative 9 gold with 40% research—this is certainly not sustainable. I’m going to let a few units go to relieve the pressure, since I am not in war for the moment. Say goodbye to the old warriors!

                    800: A courthouse finishes, and a hamlet turns into a village, and the pressure to reduce costs is somewhat lowered. There is still a long ways to go, however: I’m hoping to get research back up to 70% or so before I found those last few cities. There’s still plenty of space to earn that cash back.

                    840: After a few more tech trades, I’m catching up in score with those above me. Bismarck took the lead at 818, with Hatshepsut close behind. I’m now just 60 points behind, compared to my low of about 150 points earlier. I’m the largest civilization, and in a few more turns hopefully I will have two more wonders, the Great Library and the Chichen Itza.

                    880: Traded for a few more techs. Also, finished up metal working on my own. I have now decided to finally do Civil Service, so I can start making macemen to replace the warriors I dropped. I’m now breaking down and researching Civil Service, that tech I was supposed to get from the Oracle two eras ago but just missed! I need to start chaining some irrigated farms together to help out a few cities on the outskirts that need food.

                    Oh, almost forgot to mention… I hopped up to first place with those tech trades! This is the first time in this game so far that I have occupied that spot.
                    900: Someone else finished Chichen Itza before I did. No matter… now I can turn my tech back up for a while, and upgrade a few of my warriors with the cash. Really, it’s the Great Library that I really want. Construction starts on the Heroic Epic in that city, as it turns out military units quickly when necessary.

                    940: Bah, lost the Great Library in Washington., with only a few turns left on it. With health and happiness at their limits, I am starting to work on improvements that raise the limit. Extra population not needed to keep growth stagnant are assigned to specialists.

                    On the positive side, I’m now sitting at almost 800 gold, a small fortune at this time in development. I am going to spend it upping my research rate, which has suffered at 40% for quite a while now.

                    1000: Start production of the Hanging Gardens in Philly. 12 turns to make. Still working on infrastructure to bring my gold intake positive at 70% research. Currently it’s at -22/turn.

                    1050: All of my cities are now connected by roads. My second commerce city San Francisco is beginning the construction of cottages. It will also have access to gold once it’s culture expands. My score has moved back down to third place, and my negative gold is down from 22 to 17.

                    1080: Civil Service is done, and none too soon, as Genghis looks to be contemplating invasion. I don’t have the money to increase my defences in numbers, but I can certainly start to replace my warriors with macemen. I start work on Paper, thinking to continue my tech push in this direction, hoping to score techs that trade well with the other civs. Civil Service should get me a few… weee! I upgrade to Bureaucracy.

                    1090: With Bureaucracy, my gold deficit cuts down to 11 per turn. Progress!

                    1100: Genghis Khan declares war. I kept hoping it wouldn’t happen so soon, but so be it. I’m woefully unprepared, but I’ll pull up what defenses I can. Fortunately I still have 571 gold, so I can quickly upgrade some of my existing troops in the area.

                    Heroic Epic finishes in New York the same turn, which will certainly help. I’m going to need several units quickly to survive this one, as I see war elephants and Keshik coming my way.

                    Bismark says he will go to war with Genghis if I give him Civil Service. Considering the plight I am in, I decide it’s worth it—he’s a military minded civ, and may be of real help to me.

                    1130: Hanging Gardens is finished in Philly, unfortunately it is also under heavy attack. It will be almost everything I can muster up to keep this city after gaining that wonder.

                    1140: I survive the assault in Philly, but it looks like I may lose Turfan. It’s going to be very, very close. Paper finishes, and since once again Genghis is missing some resources to build a full army, I decide to skip military development and go for Divine Right. My War Elephants will do just fine, and Divine Right always seems sought after by other civs.

                    Genghis has also sent a galley with a settler and longbowman to my still undeveloped far western area. It looks like I will be unable to stop the initial founding; however, I will send a few axemen that way to take it out before it gets threatening. Thank you, Genghis, for saving me a settler! (if all goes well)

                    I’m pop rushing spearmen in a frenzy, one every turn in Turfan, and they are holding well while War Elephants and a few Axemen head their way there. Keshiks are dying by the thousands!

                    1160: The attacks on Turfan completely thwarted, I send a few War Elephants and Axemen toward his new city to my west. I don’t really like where he placed it, so I’m going to raze it—I can’t really afford another city right now anyway.

                    I’m leaving a considerable garrison near Turfan, that is going to take a look at his capital. Perhaps now is the time to consider taking it. A few catapults are under construction in anticipation.

                    1230: haha oops! I wasn’t paying attention, and a barbarian took over Carib in the SW. There was only a little warrior there to defend my honor, and he fought bravely. I shall have to move on down and take care of this soon.

                    On the positive side, Genghis’ newly founded city to the west is now razed. I’ll move the axeman left from that attack down to take care of the barbarians that have proved a thorn in my side for some time.

                    Finally, this turn Isabella declared war on Genghis as well. That means there are three or four civs attacking Genghis. I simply need to make sure that I’m the one that takes the capital.

                    1240: Broke even at 70% research for the first time! My goal reached, the next intended goal was to finish off Genghis. We’ve started that early due to his declaration of war, but we have no significant force at the moment to take his capital. Several cities set to work to remedy this situation.

                    First contact with Elizabeth of England is made this turn as well via her caravel to the west.. I apparently have a large tech advantage over her, and she knows it! However, she is unwilling to sign any trade agreements for a few old techs I have skipped.

                    Islam is founded in a distant land! Someone beat me to Divine Right by two turns.

                    1250: Trade paper for drama, a tech I usually get very early, but which I skipped in this particular game.

                    With a 71% chance of winning, a single axeman arriving at the barbarian city early takes his shot and loses. I guess I’ll have to try again with two units next time :/. It was worth a shot, anyway.

                    1260: Divine Right is researched. Wanting the free tech for Liberalism (and the civics it opens up) I move toward it by starting Education. As it turns out, Divine Right only nets me Machinery for now from the other civs. As I am now comfortably in first, I did the trade.

                    1330: My first town is created. My early development into cottages is starting to pay off, as for the last several turns my income has been rising faster than my expenses, despite churning out military units from many cities and without using Vassalage. After I have built a suitable force, Genghis’ capital will be history. I scouted out and found a variety of war elephants, keshik, and longbowmen in his capital. Bismark is raiding and pillaging with horse archers. Soon we will need to move in for the kill.

                    1360: Retook Carib from the Barbarians. I will not make the mistake of leaving it poorly defended again. The three axemen that took it over are assigned to watch over it’s wellbeing.

                    Looking over my diplomacy situation, Saladin looks to be my next military target. He’s one of the few nations not sharing our devotion to Judaism, and he is already quite annoyed at me. Bismark and Isabella are quite friendly with me, while Hatshepsut is pleased. It should be pretty easy for me to get them to declare war on him too if necessary, and if he doesn’t have a common border with Genghis (whom I’m hoping to finish off soon), then I’ll need to open up some borders to send an invading force.

                    I’m now first in gold, production, food, and land area, as well as second in life expectancy. My worst stat is my approval rate, which ranks sixth, followed by my soldiers, at fifth.

                    1380: Genghis offers a peace treaty and 30 gold. I sneer at him and decline. He will be finished!

                    1400: Education is discovered, and I enter the Renaissance and begin Philosophy. A Great Scientist is produced in Washington. It’s weird… my science output is almost entirely Washington, and I can’t decide if I should continue this or not. Washington’s science output is now at 112, with the next highest science center at 17 in San Fran. However, because San Fran has a similar land layout to Washington, I’m going to start building up its science capabilities. Therefore, the Great Scientist will create an academy in San Fran.

                    I’m now about 100 points ahead in score from Hatshepsut. I know she is working hard at culture and wonders, and I haven’t built any wonders in quite a while. I may decide to turn my production towards a few wonders to keep her wonder lead at bay, but right now I’m still focusing on finishing off Genghis.

                    I don’t really want to take down Isabella… she appears to be on great terms with just about everyone, and I would likely destroy my diplomatic relations with most of the world in doing so. Her secret has been religioin; she has founded the religion that currently six of the eight countries worship (I am one of the six).

                    My gold output is turning negative again. With 225 gold, I am at a -2/turn deficit at 70% research. On the Financial Advisor screen, most of this is due to City Maintenance—I’m slowly working one city at a time to reduce this, but it’s a long time in coming.

                    In tech, I’ve skipped several early techs and am slowly backfilling as I work ahead in other areas. Currently I’m hesitant to trade Education to anyone that has Philosophy, because I want to be sure to be first to get Liberalism (and the free tech). I did, however, trade Education for Guilds to Isabella, and Education for Gunpowder to Bismark, since they don’t have philosophy yet.

                    It’s beginning to look like Domination or Diplomacy might be my goal in this game, or *maybe* the Space Race. I am first in land area and world population, and because I have refused to give anyone open borders, I still have sites for four more cities to my west and south. I will not be able to keep people from settling these areas once someone discovers astronomy and uses galleons to get around my cultural borders, so I will at the beginning of this next DAR start pumping out a few settlers to finish off these areas. Diplomatically I am pleased or friendly with four of the other civs, one is annoyed, one cautious, and one is furious (and will soon be dead).

                    Militarily, Genghis shall be finished off, and I am hoping to find Saladin’s borders right behind him. No one will trade me their world maps for a decent price, so I’ll just have to wait and find out. If so, Saladin will be my next target, and the Forbidden Palace will be built in Genghis’ capital. To speed up the culture process, I have a Great Merchant poised to drop a culture bomb on Genghis’ capital as soon as it’s mine.

                    200 points ahead in score.

                    Goals for next age (in order of priority):
                    Liberalism (free tech and useful civics)
                    Printing Press (need the extra cash)

                    Finish Genghis off, scout out Saladin.

                    Finish settling empty land to the west, then south before someone with astronomy gets there first.


                    • #55
                      Noble Difficulty

                      DAR 4 : The Medieval Era- 75AD-1380AD

                      Technology Researched(order researched):
                      Polytheism, Monotheism, Sailing(traded), Mathematics(traded), Theology, Currency, Drama, Music, Philosophy, Literature, Compass, Metal Casting, Horseback Riding(traded), Divine Right, Calendar(traded), Paper, Construction, Machinery, Optics, Guilds, Engineering, Gunpowder

                      Religions Founded:
                      Christianity(In 275AD): Atlanta, America
                      Taoism(In 680AD): Seattle, America
                      Islam(In 1150AD): Boston, America

                      Cities Built:
                      Seattle: 350AD
                      Khoisan(conquered from Barbarians): 450AD
                      San Francisco: 560AD
                      Los Angeles: 660AD(razed by Mongols in 1180AD
                      Ning-hsia: Conquered from Mongols in 1160AD
                      Ghuzz: Conquered from Mongols in 1160AD
                      Turfan: Conquered from Mongols in 1330AD

                      Notable Events:
                      Academy Built in Boston
                      Homer was born, giving me a +4000 culture boost in Chicago, cutting a huge swatch into both Spanish and Mongol territory
                      Changed to No State Religion for better relations with my neighbors
                      Gained Open Borders with all rivals
                      Following the Cultural Revolution in Chicago, both Spain and Mongolia closed their borders to me, cutting me off from the rest of the continent.
                      I then began preparing for war against one or the other
                      1380AD: Met England-got Open Borders

                      Mongolia: Began roughly 1100AD
                      I began bombarding Ning-hsia and Ghuzz immediately upon declaration, and once their defenses fell to zero, my Swordsmen and War Elephants fell upon their fleeing defenders. Both cities fell in 1160AD with the only casualties on my side being two Spearmen I sacrificed to soften the defenses of Ghuzz
                      Khan landed a Keshik and Axeman next to Los Angeles, unfortunately, I had not expected this and still had a warrior defending it. I upgraded him to a Spearman, but I still lost Los Angeles in 1180AD. Khan razed it making it impossible for me to recover it.
                      A small army of War Elephants and Macemen(I upgraded after the siege of Ning-hsia) with Catapult support began a years long siege of Turfan
                      This eventually led to the occupation of Turfan, but only after the defending Longbowmen and Axemen had killed every last one of my Macemen(darn stubborn they were, my Lvl 4 Maceman with city attack lost a battle with a Longbowman at 1.3 health with city defenses completely bombarded, I had 89% chance of victory)
                      Old Sarai is on the brink of defeat, the defenders are stubborn again, but they have no chance now that I've upgraded my Elephants to Knights

                      F9 Rankings:
                      GNP: Rank 1
                      Production: Rank 1
                      Food: Rank 1
                      Soldiers: Rank 1
                      Population: Rank 2
                      Land Area: Rank 1
                      Points: 1574(first place)

                      Things I did well:
                      I expanded some more, I created a bullish economy that saw the integration of 6 more cities with a net INCREASE in income. I built up a sizable army and used it effectively to take over half the Mongolian Empire. I vaulted myself into position to dominate the remainder of the game.

                      Things I could improve:
                      I need to build barracks into my military cities
                      I have only built one wonder, Chichen Itza
                      I have only produced 3 GP, one of which was free

                      Things I did horribly:
                      I don't know that I did anything horribly in this DAR, although I really do need to get more GP
                      Get Easy Money for your Gaming Needs!

                      Get More Easy Money for your Gaming Needs


                      • #56
                        Noble Difficulty

                        DAR 1 4000 BC - 1520 BC
                        DAR 2 1520 BC - 250 BC
                        DAR 3 250 BC - 740 AD
                        DAR 4 740 - 1390

                        DAR 4 740 - 1390

                        760 - The Great Library in New York was completed.

                        800 - Frankfurt, a German colony just south of Albany, is revolting. Looks like the Mongols aren't the only people that envy the American way of life.

                        880 - Genghis Khan threatened me, demanding wine. He needs to learn manners.

                        900 - Declared war on Genghis Khan. His insolence will stop.

                        920 - Adopted Bureaucracy and Organised Religion. Boston built a settler, and was changed to military production.

                        940 - Genghis captured Austin on his north borders, killing all his former citizens and razing the city. Note to self - Mongols are brutal. On the bright side, Frankfurt joined our empire and was given the name of Portland.

                        960 - we captured Old Sarai, a Mongol colony to the northwest of Boston. We named the city Sacramento.

                        1000 - Big battle near New York. Mongol Keshiks met American Horse Archers. The Keshiks were experienced, but our Horse Archers won the day through superior numbers, and massed for a march north.

                        1010 - Settled Chicago in the tundra west to south. Unfortunately, the new city spotted a barbarian warrior two turn's march to the west. The tundra-patrolling Horse Archer had moved north to join the war. The citizens of chicago quivered, and waited their inevitable doom, meanwhile sending a harshly worded rebuke to the capital for sending them into dangerous territory unescorted. The exact words are not printable.

                        1020 - Chicago razed by barbarians. A great prophet, St. John, came of age in Washington, and moved to New York, the holy city of Judaism. There, he constructed the Temple of Solomon, a building that would bring much wealth and culture to New York. More horse skirmishes in the forests north of New York - a Keshik was outnumbered three to one by horse archers, but took down two horse archers. I resolved to see how Genghis would fare against spearmen.

                        1030 - The artist Homer came of age in Washington. He helped our scientists discover Theology.

                        1060 - Made peace with Genghis Khan. Embarassingly, I had to offer him an amount of gold. He was about to retake Sacramento, and the war was not going anywhere. Genghis' experienced Keshiks had been a equal match for my Horse Archers, and I had not been ready with spearmen to counter. There would be time for more wars later,

                        1120 - Ptolmey was born in New York - first Great Scientist. Formed the New York Academy.

                        1140 - Founded Seattle.

                        1170 - Hatshepsut traded maps with us. Useful, we hadn't yet explored the furthest north reaches of the continent, being blocked by the Spaniards and the Mongols. She also traded Feudalism, for our Civil Service.

                        1180 - Hatshepsut demanded stone. We refused.

                        1200 - Founded San Francisco.

                        1210 - Built Notre Dame in New York.

                        1250 - Hatshepsut wanted Open Borders again. Sounded good to us at this point. I gave her a gift of Furs.

                        1260 - The Hanging Gardens completed in Washington

                        1290 - Genghis Khan declared war on Isabella. Awesome, because I don't like either of them.

                        1310 - Islam was founded in Seattle.

                        14th century - with forges now in place, began ramping up production of war elephants and catapults. Genghis will crawl before us.

                        1380 - St. Patrick was born in New York. He began a pilgrimage to the Islamic Holy City of Seattle.

                        1390 - With the discovery of the Printing Press, we entered the Renaissance.

                        At the end of the Medieval Age, we are established firmly as the most powerful civilization on the planet. We have built wonders, and birthed great people. We are building the greatest army, an army that will sweep Genghis from the face of the earth. Our territory is nearly all settled, the next options for expansion are either through the Mongols, through the Spaniards, or across the ocean...

                        Our score is 1700 at this time, 500 points clear of Hatty. We are first in GNP (50% more than the second), first in manufactured goods (two and a half times more than the second), first in crop yield, soldiers, land area, and population.

                        Our army numbers 11 archers, 9 horse archers, 2 war elephants, 1 catapult, 3 spearmen. Many more catapults are now under production, they will give us the offensive power we need and we plan to back them up with longbowmen, crossbowmen, and macemen.

                        We discovered technologies in this order: Civil Service, Music, Theology, Paper (1080), Construction, Compass, Feudalism (from Hat), Metal Casting, Machinery, Optics, Divine Right, Printing Press.

                        In keeping of the flavour, here are our armies, hidden in the forests south of Genghis's border:
                        Attached Files

