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AU 100-A DAR 2: 1480 BC Until Start of Classical Era

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  • #46

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    • #47
      Part 3:


      • #48
        Prince difficulty

        And the world continues...

        DAR 1
        DAR 2
        DAR 3
        DAR 4

        1440: Ahh, I now finally see Genghis’s borders to the north, and I also see that he’s got a settler on the way to founding a city near me even as we speak. It looks like he’s going to grab the gold and the cows to the northeast of New York, and there really isn’t anything I can do to stop it.

        Since Genghis is a more aggressive type of civ, but hasn’t yet adopted a religion, once I’ve got Confucianism I think I’ll give him open borders and try to convert him, to keep him pacified. Then I’ll cancel the open borders to keep my development area clear.

        1360: Library’s done via pop rushing, also taking care of the unhealthiness problem in my capital. My wait for Code of Laws was reduced from 20 turns to 11 after I assigned two scientists in my capital, and there’s so much food it still has room to grow! Slow growth is fine atm—it’s max size possible right now is only 5, and we’re currently at four after the population rush of the library.

        Shaken by the sight of Genghis settling closer to me, I decide to go ahead and make another settler now, to be ready to found a city as soon as the Oracle is done.

        1320: ooo copper! My exploring northern warrior finds copper up near Genghis. I can see already that he and I are going to have an uneasy relationship. After the Oracle, it may be time to put some serious thought into some military development.

        1240: Oracle is one turn from completion, and Code of Laws has 8 turns to go. Switching to an obelisk, which I population rush using slavery. Once New York expands twice, it blocks access west completely in the north. Again, with lots of bread around, this works easily.

        1200: Oh the pain! My Obelisk completes, and someone else completes the Oracle! My gambit has failed, and so now I have to switch tactics. It seems obvious to me that I alphabet quickly, to tech trade to catch up since I have fallen behind due to the failed gamble. I will stay with Code of Laws to found Confucianism, then switch to the Wheel for Pottery (to give my workers something to do and get those cottages going), followed by the alphabet to trade for the rest.

        After the alphabet, I’ll have to think a few to figure out if there is anyway I can use my Code of Laws advantage (if it still exists) as leverage somewhere. New York begins work on a settler.

        At least I have some cash now…

        975: Settler finishes in New York. Work starts on a Warrior. I think my third city is going to be far to the east, near Isabella, and blocking passage through the southern mountain pass. This will be my first coastal city, and frankly isn’t ideal, although it does have access to cows and rice once its culture expands. My settler heads that way, while the warrior exploring that area comes back to escort. Another warrior will be needed in the middle once they are founded to keep barbarians at bay.

        950: This DAR is short! With the discovery of the Code of Laws, I move into the Classical Era. I don’t convert, but I will be trying to get Genghis to convert via open borders and a missionary or two. If he does, I will too.

        Settler finishes in Washington. This one is going to head south of city three’s site, and create a city with stone, two ivory, and a wheat all within its working radius after culture expansion, or over to claim that copper up north near Genghis. I’ll decide which after posting this log.

        Militarily, nothing has changed. After alphabet and some tech trading, I’m going to shift focus, with one city pumping out settlers, and the other pumping out military units. Because copper is in a scary place to develop, I’ll likely shoot for iron working and hope there is iron somewhere in a better place.

        Expansion: I have two settlers now heading out to new spots, developing toward Isabella. Everything west of me will likely be mine now, with some minor invasions to get rid of whatever barbarian cities have popped up.

        Tech, by the end of the next DAR, will hopefully be caught up to my rivals. Because of my population rushing, and my failed Oracle gambit, I’m now down to fourth of the six places I can see. Sadly, I’m hurting in every category, being now 7th in every single category, except for Imports / Exports, where I am second. I’m running a 2 gold deficit with tech at 100%, and 135 gold left.

        I won’t post a pic with this DAR report, as I have no new cities.


        • #49
          Prince Zanzibar DAR 2 (Ancient Era)

          Pre-Game Thoughts
          Ancient Era (DAR1 and DAR2)

          Ancient Era Summary, 4000 - 1680 BC
          I feel pretty good about things at this point.

          Everybody knows how the map and demographics at game start.

          Map at End of Ancient Era

          Demographics at End of Ancient Era

          Things weren't perfect, not the optimal starting situation, for example. I was only able to pop 2 huts and got nothing but a few coin from them. And my population in my capital is a bit thin at the moment, due to some pop rushing of military. But that won't continue anymore. I'm also dead last in points of my known rivals, and dead last in production amongst everyone.

          On the plus side, I have a decent military set-up coming (2 Archers already garrisoned), so barbs shouldn't be an issue. I have either procured (or have immediate plans to procure) both Iron and Horses, so I should be set for military all the way through the gunpowder stage. That's nice! Actually, I currently have the most soldier strength of anyone -- perhaps that has something to do with my Epic/Marathon background?

          Also, my GNP is the best on the planet (expected due to my Financial trait, but still surprising since I only have a total of 3 population in the 2 cities). And my land area is looking good as number 3. I should be able to convert that to game points in the future.

          One interesting thing is that I wrote the "Pre-game thoughts" before playing (or writing) anything else. Of the whole list, the only ones that have come into play are some of the financial traits one, by building cottages on flood plains, and the fact that I didn't need to research Agriculture to leverage my first resource tile. All other decisions during this beginning era were driven by more immediate concerns at the time.

          Techs researched:
          Fishing (given)
          Agriculture (given)
          Animal Husbandry
          Bronze Working
          Iron Working

          The Hunting/Archery/Iron Working research would probably have been skipped if Bronze Working had revealed Copper that I could have accessed. Instead, I'd probably have driven toward Writing/Alphabet or perhaps Code of Laws. But not seeing any copper, I didn't feel comfortable leaving my military to the Warriors until I could find out about the Iron situation.

          Diplomatic Relations:
          Hatsepshut - Hindu - Known
          Bismark - None - Known
          Genghis Khan - None - Know

          It's too early for rifts to have been developed.

          No religion in any city.
          Shifted to Slavery

          Ancient Era, Blow by Blow


          • #50
            My DAR1 finished in 1480BC,with iron working and alphabet.I will post the summary,send the screenshot(if I can)and go to DAR3.
            Cities - Washington:7pop.(1unhappy)granary,7turns to barracks;NY:1pop.,56turns to granary.
            Commerce/turn:+31research -1gold.
            Relations:+2 with Saladin,+1 with the others.
            Technologies:fishing,the wheel,agriculture,hunting,mysticism,mining,sailing ,pottery,animal husbandry,masonry,bronze,iron,writing,alphabet,in 9t eurns mathematics.


            • #51
              Noble Difficulty

              DAR2 1480BC - Classical Era (825BC)

              Technology Researched(order researched):
              Civil Service

              Religions Founded:
              Confuscianism(In 825BC): By Americans(Holy City- Boston)

              Cities Built:

              Notable Events:
              Confuscianism Founded in Boston
              Stonehenge Built in Berlin, Germany(875BC)

              F9 Rankings:
              GNP: Rank 1
              Production: Rank 5
              Food: Rank 2
              Soldiers: Rank 6
              Population: Rank 2
              Land Area: Rank 3
              Points: 344(first place)

              Things I did well:
              I stopped expanding so that Washington could increase in population and built workers out of NY. That seems to have paid off because I've vaulted back into first place in points, and my production has shot up.

              Things I could improve:
              I'm not really sure what to put in here except that I still need to get more cities.

              Things I did horribly:
              I didn't really have time to do anything bad in this DAR, it went so fast that almost nothing happened. Either DAR3 or DAR4 will be much longer and will probably make or break my bid at World Domination.
              Get Easy Money for your Gaming Needs!

              Get More Easy Money for your Gaming Needs


              • #52
                Noble Difficulty

                DAR 1 4000 BC - 1520 BC
                DAR 2 1520 BC - 250 BC
                DAR 3 250 BC - 740 AD
                DAR 4 740 - 1390

                DAR 2 1520 BC - 250 BC

                This period, we decided to focus on building up America's Army. The barbarians to the east needed dealing with, and our brave warriors would not be strong enough to dislodge them. After Washington built our second settler, we started building a barracks. Bronze Working was coming soon, and hopefully soon after, we would be able to build Axemen.

                Boston was founded on 1080 BC, halfway down the river from New York. We began building a third worker, meanwhile, as New York had excellent horses roaming the grasses nearby, we began to study the art of horsemanship.

                By 800 BC, barbarians were encroaching inside America's borders. We as yet had no advanced units to deal with the threat, so Washington's barracks began training a chariot. Our first chariot was produced in 750 BC, just in time to handily smash a warrior who was about to pillage our corn farm. The chariot learnt all about how to 'shock' melee troops in the one combat, and we sent it out to deal with the Yue-Chi tribe across the desert. This mission was quickly successful, and the Yue-Chi's warrior was defeated in 675 BC. The humiliated tribe humbly requested to join our civilisation, and this wish was granted. We named the conquered city Albany.

                Our army grew, with a second chariot trained in Washington. We sent this one south, to sweep the tundra of barbarians. Meanwhile, we began building archers to serve as city garrisons. Philadelphia was founded on the southeast coast, in 525 BC.

                In 500 BC, Genghis Khan offered us the agreement of open borders. Trade routes opened up with his capital, Karakorum, and we were pleased to note Genghis Khan converted to the one true faith, Judaism, at 450 BC. Diplomacy also proceeded with Hatshepshut, who traded her pigs for our corn, and Bismarck who also agreed to open borders. The only civilisation not being friendly was Spain. We disagreed on religious issues.

                In 250 BC, we were delighted to discover the alphabet. At this point, our scientists could exchange technologies with remote civilisations, and we acquired the art of Iron Working and Pottery - opening borders with Saladin at the same time. Here, we entered the Classical Area. At the same time, our first Horse Archer unit was commissioned.

                At the end of DAR 2, America's stats were as follows:
                1st in Score.
                1st in GDP.
                3rd in Manufactured Goods.
                1st in Crop Yield.
                2nd in Soldiers.
                1st in Land Area, and population.

                Our army consisted of 4 warriors, 4 archers, 2 chariots, and 1 horse archer.

                Our technologies researched this session: Mining, Bronze Working (1160), Priesthood, Hunting, Archery, Horseback Riding (575), Writing, Alphabet (250) (and traded - Pottery from Hatty, Iron Working from Saladin)

                The primary concern for the realm of America was the rising expense of maintaining a growing empire. While research was progressing at full speed, the treasury was dwindling, with 14 turns of gold reserves left. A second concern - we had not yet acquired a source of metal. There was some closeby. Hopefully, these concerns will be addressed soon.

                On the positive side, America has caught up dramatically with the other civilisations. We have a potent economy, an effective mounted military, and we have the ability to produce more troops quickly as needed. The classical age will bring consolidation, commerce, and maybe conquest.
                Attached Files


                • #53
                  Edit : Decided to go back to 3280 BC, and try a different build approach.

