Hello, I am new here, and I thought I would share a couple of maps that I have put a lot of work into. There are two; a map of Europe (110x100) and a map of Eurasia and Africa (120x60). The Europe map is adapted from the one included in Civ IV BTS, whose author I do note know. The Eurasia map is based on Genghis Kai's cutdown of the Giant Earth Map, though I have altered the dimensions and completely revised the landscape and bonus resources.
I have attached two screenshots and the .zip file to this post; the file can also be downloaded from Civilization Fanatics download database. I hope everyone who tries these maps enjoys them, I know I have. I am open to any suggestions, comments, or criticism that you may have regarding these maps.
I have attached two screenshots and the .zip file to this post; the file can also be downloaded from Civilization Fanatics download database. I hope everyone who tries these maps enjoys them, I know I have. I am open to any suggestions, comments, or criticism that you may have regarding these maps.