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Rise of mankind, a new dawn 2.0

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  • Rise of mankind, a new dawn 2.0

    I loved playing RoM A new dawn since available. But when I saw that it the devellopment is re-started en a working beta 2 version was to download, that make me very happy. This MOD is for me Civ5 in a way. It brings new things to the game and make it even more intresting. There is more info on some other civ forum on the net.

    Download here

    It looks fantastic, it plays fantastic.... Everyone who doesn't like Civ5 (like me) should give this mod a try.
    I love the option to play over 1600 turns. You should see the tech tree hehehe.

    Remove the previous version of the mod if you have one before installing.
    Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real

  • #2
    Do you have a write up which explains what is changed?
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dinner View Post
      Do you have a write up which explains what is changed?
      Mostly bugs I think. the game was already ok for me before as it was. They want to make the game stable first and then they going to make small of bigger changes. Balance the game is one of those things that is important.

      here the list that is SOLVED since the version 1.76 (in beta version 2.0)

      - Nukes causing CTD Solved
      - Game ending in different years for different gamespeeds (ethernity in 2275AD, snail in 2125AD, marathon in 2135AD, epic in 2281AD, normal in 2155AD) Solved after svn588
      - Horse Archer and similar units have wrong attack bonus on different terrain types, although correctly indicated in civilopedia Not a bug
      - Inquisitor mod Working properly
      - Shields for cities or the Arcology building disabled Not a bug
      - Science problem reported by OMG!!! ( Not a bug
      - Remove UN Mission (it's totally useless) Solved after svn588
      - Civs falling behind in techs from modern era (tech diffusion) it should be solved after svn588, need feedback!
      - Inflation Fixed importing C2C code in svn588
      - Remove free commando promotion for mounted/tank units Done in rev 601
      - Increase cost for espionage mission cost for Anarchy mission and Change civics mission. Done in rev 601
      - Make fixed borders an option Done in rev 595
      - Remove from carriage workshop Fixed in rev 594
      - Default save is MaxComp save Fixed in rev 593
      - Limit to 5 dreadnought armor units Done in rev 601
      - Loyal/loyalty promotion for Praetorians Done in rev 610
      - Unlimited Power Event Fixed in rev 612
      - Events happening somewhere else shown as happening in your empire Fixed in rev616
      - National Anthem event, is incorrectly linked. Fixed in rev619
      Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dinner View Post
        Do you have a write up which explains what is changed?
        Here's a summary copied from CivFanatics:

        (spoilered for length)


        Version 2.x features

        Main features


        * 288 Techs in tech tree
        * 300+ Units total
        * 199 Buildings
        * 107 New Random events
        * 84 Wonders
        * 53 National wonders
        * 54 Civic options
        * 52 Improvements for terrain/resources
        * 33 Unit categories, modern units are superior to ancient units
        * 34 New resources
        * 35 Pre made maps included: various Earth maps and scenarios and fictional maps
        * 23 New Leaders for default civs
        * 7 New Projects
        * 6 New Route types
        * 5 New Civilizations (65 with extra civ addon pack)
        * 4 New Citizen types
        * 4 New Religions
        * 2 New Civic categories
        * 2 New Map sizes: Giant (54% bigger than Huge), Gigantic (50% bigger than Giant ie. 134% bigger than Huge)
        * 2 New Gamespeed: Blitz 215 turns, Snail 3000 turns
        * 1 New terrain type: Marsh
        * AI Autoplay
        * Better BTS AI 0.84b
        * Corporation specific buildings
        * Civic specific buildings
        * Dynamic Civ Names
        * Enhanced Interface (BUG 4.3 mod)
        * Ethnically Diverse Units
        * Cultural Citystyles 0.95
        * Faster expansion in late game: Colonists and Pioneers build cities with preset buildings
        * Fight in the future era with futuristic units
        * Influence Driven War
        * Inquisition, destroy religions
        * Modified Civics
        * Modified Religions (each religion is more unique)
        * More game alerts, extra information about cities and diplomacy options
        * New promotions (for air units too)
        * New unit flags for Civilizations
        * Revolutions
        * Ranged Bombardment
        * Sevopedia
        * Super Spies (promotions for spies)
        * Supports maximum of 50 players
        * Tech conquest, conquering enemy cities boosts your research
        * Tech diffusion, civs can't fall too far behind in tech race
        * Unit order enhancements, icons show each units current task
        * Unofficial Patch 1.40
        * Upgradeable buildings
        * User configurable options (see: BUG options and Rise of Mankind Config.ini)

        + much more, see RoM Concepts pedia pages in-game

        Mods combined fully or partially

        * BtS: Next War
        * BtS: Charlemagne (just the new units)
        * BtS: Final Frontier (just some unit graphics)
        * Cultural Citystyles 0.95
        * Ethnically Diverse units
        * The Lost Wonders of Civilization v1.3
        * Greenmod 2.10
        * Caravan mod
        * Modern Warfare
        * Nautil's air units mod
        * Sevopedia 2.3.1
        * Specialist Stacker
        * BtSFlagMod
        * Enhanced Tech Conquest
        * Longer techbar in techscreen
        * OrionVeteran's Inquisition 2.00d
        * wide City bar
        * JKP1187's Event mod
        * Raw Commerce
        * Civ4lerts
        * zCivics
        * 50 Civ DLL
        * UN Forces
        * Asphalt Roads
        * BUG 4.3
        * BULL 1.1
        * RevolutionDCM 2.7
        * Super Spies 1.3
        * Better BTS AI 0.84b
        * Unofficial patch 1.40
        * Influence Driven War 1.1
        * Static Leaderheads
        * Holy Wars 0.2a
        * Advanced Combat Odds 1.0
        * Plenty of Routes
        * Examine City at Conquest
        * Global Warming mod
        * Antilogic's Events Pack
        * Vincentz' Warlords II modules
        * Vincentz' Industry modules
        * Vincentz' Jungle Camp module

        Definitely not my cup of tea.
        Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
        I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


        • #5


          • #6
            a lot of people hate the war, but why do most of the They love war games?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Johansukipli View Post
              This is just a choice of playing. You can win any civ game on multiple ways. To have that option you need civ game that give you a chance to win no matter what victory you chase.
              Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real

