I loved playing RoM A new dawn since available. But when I saw that it the devellopment is re-started en a working beta 2 version was to download, that make me very happy. This MOD is for me Civ5 in a way. It brings new things to the game and make it even more intresting. There is more info on some other civ forum on the net.
Download here
It looks fantastic, it plays fantastic.... Everyone who doesn't like Civ5 (like me) should give this mod a try.
I love the option to play over 1600 turns. You should see the tech tree hehehe.
Remove the previous version of the mod if you have one before installing.
Download here
It looks fantastic, it plays fantastic.... Everyone who doesn't like Civ5 (like me) should give this mod a try.
I love the option to play over 1600 turns. You should see the tech tree hehehe.
Remove the previous version of the mod if you have one before installing.