I think we have all seen starts where neighbours are visible from the word go but one in particular surprised me. Playing as Ragnar, I saw my usual coastal start and settle in the starting position. On doing this I saw the Zulus across the bay and thought to myself – this might be fun. Realising that my capital was on a smallish peninsula, the scout sped north to beat the Zulu scouts to huts on my side of the choke point.
Turn two arrives and the Huayna Capac’s scouts appear next to my scouts. It turns out that I have space to settle precisely ZERO cities and have a completely defenceless capital that would have no chance of getting even a warrior up before a Quecha or Archer from one of my neighbours appears.
It’s a shame that I was specifically trying to play a reasonable start because this would have been very interesting. Not quite sure if I got any strategic resources that might have given me a fighting chance.
As it happened, I think Huayna only had space for one other city while Shaka have a whole continent to develop in the north.
Are they any other stories where the start has really left nowhere to expand?.
Turn two arrives and the Huayna Capac’s scouts appear next to my scouts. It turns out that I have space to settle precisely ZERO cities and have a completely defenceless capital that would have no chance of getting even a warrior up before a Quecha or Archer from one of my neighbours appears.
It’s a shame that I was specifically trying to play a reasonable start because this would have been very interesting. Not quite sure if I got any strategic resources that might have given me a fighting chance.
As it happened, I think Huayna only had space for one other city while Shaka have a whole continent to develop in the north.
Are they any other stories where the start has really left nowhere to expand?.