I want your company at the technical, marketing, sales, and development departments to hear me in this response:
You better think again about, “we can not offer any support for MODs,” and frankly, you never answered my questions and I bought your brand new product.
As a purchaser of Civ IV products the last year I’ll tell you without the people who have built MODS and SCENARIOS my purchasing would have STOPPED! This game would be SITTING ON THE SHELF a long time ago!!!
Because of the MODs and SCENARIOS it’s the only reason you have my financial support. Realize there would NOT be CIV Fanatics and Forums or much of anything really without these MODs and Scenarios and the people who ENJOY them.
It’s these people’s creativity and hard work that keeps your game on the market or it would be in the $9.99 section of stores! I am an 'end user' not a MODs developer.
Think about it and reconsider what you want in the future, including Civ V.
Thank you for your consideration.
Phone: ###
P.S. Copies sent to every department at 2K Games & Firaxis (2 I could find)
You better think again about, “we can not offer any support for MODs,” and frankly, you never answered my questions and I bought your brand new product.
As a purchaser of Civ IV products the last year I’ll tell you without the people who have built MODS and SCENARIOS my purchasing would have STOPPED! This game would be SITTING ON THE SHELF a long time ago!!!
Because of the MODs and SCENARIOS it’s the only reason you have my financial support. Realize there would NOT be CIV Fanatics and Forums or much of anything really without these MODs and Scenarios and the people who ENJOY them.
It’s these people’s creativity and hard work that keeps your game on the market or it would be in the $9.99 section of stores! I am an 'end user' not a MODs developer.
Think about it and reconsider what you want in the future, including Civ V.
Thank you for your consideration.
Phone: ###
P.S. Copies sent to every department at 2K Games & Firaxis (2 I could find)