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Can someone explain Civ Vanilla to me?

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  • Can someone explain Civ Vanilla to me?

    I've seen this thrown around a lot on these forums and i'm now becoming quite curious as i've been on a Civ IV marathon recently and would like something new until V is released. So I was wondering if someone could briefly explain what is it exactly? Specifically:

    What changes can I expect from Civ IV? I've got some info but a lot of searches relate to patch updates rather than informing me of the content.

    Are there many improvements / flaws when compared to the original? A simple "It's better" or "It's shi**er" will suffice.

    If I downloaded, installed, and didn't like Vanilla, would I be able to revert back to CivIV with minimal fuss? (I.e. Not install it all again).

    Where would I be able to find the most recent patch/download/edition?

    Sorry for asking, i'm sure it has been answered already. Please forgive me

  • #2
    Generally, Civ Vanilla is a reference to Civ IV without the two upgrades. Most of us play BTS, but a few still play the original, called "Civ Vanilla." Most of your other questions answer themselves in light of this answer. BTS is a whole 'nother game, much superior to the original Civ IV.
    No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
    "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


    • #3
      Really? Boy do I feel stupid - i'd like to thank the 31 visitors for not pointing out my own ignorance

      Guess i'll have a look at BTS and see what that has to offer


      • #4
        Nahhh... no question is stupid (unless you ask it multiple times )

        At CFC, you probably would have taken tons of abuse... here, somebody will usually answer your question eventually.

        And yes... BTS is by far the best Civ Version ever. Give it a try.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          I played it all weekend. It is soooooo much better

