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Leaders Preferred Victory Type

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  • Leaders Preferred Victory Type

    Does anyone have a list of which victory type the computer AI opponents shoot for?

  • #2
    Well... I'm pretty sure Shaka and Monty go for conquest wins, since they pretty much suck at anything else

    I'm not sure the AI's are programed for a specific victory type. While they have a "usual" style of play that might lead to more victories of a specific type than others, I think it's more a matter of how the game develops and what position they are in later the game.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      I had a game recently where Monty took over a continent and I took over a continent. Monty went for a space win (and failed).


      • #4
        I don't think there is any such list. Leaders may have a predisposition, but the VCs they go for are determined in game.


        • #5
          My last game Mansa Musa won a cutlural victory 2 turns before my invasion fleet was able to land and obliterate his capital.

          About 15 turns after the "Just One More Turn" option his empire was a smoldering ruin.

          I realized too late that I was going to lose to a CV.

          Leaders must each have some sort of tendency towards a victory type. Obviously the psychos tend towards domination, but do some leaders call of the troops and opt for a space, cultural, or diplomatic victory even if they are the most powerful?

          I have a good feeling about the military attitude of leaders, but would like to better anticipate the direction they strive towards earlier. This way i can learn to deny techs/resources sooner rather than later.

          All things being equal is it possible to rank each leader with a victory tendency? (I know better than to trade iron to the romans, horses to the mongols, etc.)


          • #6
            yeah, i have a tendency to believe it's not leader related but more game situational. 90% of my games are played on pangea maps. I have NEVER had another civ win by culture, and from what I've seen in the stats no one has ever tried.
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              In my last game (Shaka, Epic speed, Monarch level) Ramesses tried to go for a cultury victory in early gunpowder age.
              He built about every wonder, he was the tech leader and he had 4-5 religions for each city (I think he founded at least 4 for of them), and also he was first in Power.
              We were friend for all the game.
              Suddenly I noticed he stopped researching, I checked victory screen and I discovered
              he had 3 cities with 30k culture.
              He was on the opposide side of my continent, but I managed to destroy one of his 3 city just in time (I had to vassalize Boudica and Justinian with my Cannon+Musket army before reaching him).
              I realized that the 4 city had just 4k culture, so I think he aimed for a culture victory long before I discovered his plan.


              • #8
                Well done to Blake for coding a Culture Victory strategy into the BTS AI.

                I think they decide quite early on if they're going to give it a shot. I've lost to it once, which I applauded at the time, and seen quite a few attempts now.

