Please follow these instructions in this order > > >
Firstly go to this link
removed and right down the bottom there is a file hidden titled removed.rar < < DOWNLOAD this.
;///Then download these patches\\\;
Where you'll see the link > Alpha Centauri Win 2000/XP Compatibility Update 1.03f
Lastly, download the 2009 update here removed
And thats it.
0 Optional 0
You might wanna
Download Hamachi:
I personally don't use hamachi but if u have connection
issues via ip >.> hamachi is the problem solver. Alpha channel: smacforall
Password: smac4all
Also you might need to go here removed/
> > > Select your router, then choose alpha centauri, and it'll tell you the
exact ports you 'may need to open'.
:::Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Alien Crossfire:::
Edit by Robert Plomp: posting illegal content on Apolyton is not allowed. Please don't do it again or we'll have to ban you from our forums.
Please follow these instructions in this order > > >
Firstly go to this link
removed and right down the bottom there is a file hidden titled removed.rar < < DOWNLOAD this.
;///Then download these patches\\\;
Where you'll see the link > Alpha Centauri Win 2000/XP Compatibility Update 1.03f
Lastly, download the 2009 update here removed
And thats it.
0 Optional 0
You might wanna
Download Hamachi:
I personally don't use hamachi but if u have connection
issues via ip >.> hamachi is the problem solver. Alpha channel: smacforall
Password: smac4all
Also you might need to go here removed/
> > > Select your router, then choose alpha centauri, and it'll tell you the
exact ports you 'may need to open'.
:::Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Alien Crossfire:::
Edit by Robert Plomp: posting illegal content on Apolyton is not allowed. Please don't do it again or we'll have to ban you from our forums.