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Strangler Approach

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  • Strangler Approach

    I have been playing with an idea for a strategy based on some ideas learned and read about here. I don't have as much experience as many of you, so i am hoping to get some thoughts/pointers.

    The concept is to limit the AI military through disadvantaged wars (AI v AI through diplomacy or AI v. Player with Warlord strat), to limit the AI research through Espionage (spy pillaging and production culling), and to limit the AI economy through corporations. It is my belief that the early Warlord/Espionage/SE provides good synergy. During the late game the switch to Warlord/Espionage/Corporations maintains and builds on the advantages of the first phase. The ultimate goal is to create such huge disadvantages for the AI that its military, industrial, and economical growth are slowed to nothing and eventually to drive it to the negative. The enemy empires will collapse unto themselves leaving the player with a small hypermodern well trained army, incredibly wealthy and robust economy, and an immensely capable espionage system. The AIs will be the third world, and the player will be the first world. As time permits the player will be able to leverage these advantages to a Space victory, a diplomatic victory, or a time victory.

    The idea is to run SE with Espionage with the Warlord strategy.
    As I understand it, the Warlord strategy cripples the AI through war weariness and forces the AI into spending resources on military spending rather than research/growth/infrastructure.
    The Specialist Economy allows for the generation of GP and also permits the reasignment of the science slider to create wealth or espionage. Additionally, since the Warlord strategy requires the enemy to always be within the cultural borders of the empire, this would mean that the player is exposed to pillaging. It is my understanding that the SE is more protected from pillaging forces than the CE.

    I have mentioned boosting the Espionage slider to manipulate the AI into a disadvantage through switching religion and civics, destroying key resources, undermining production, destroying buildings, and poisoning wells. The Warlord strategy requires the AI to be the aggressor, espionage creates aggression. Besides the active espionage missions, the passive effects of espionage are quite useful and include being able to see the enemies' production queues, research direction, and clearing the fog.

    So far, the enemy will be forced to attack, and will be stealthily undermined, and will be technically inferior due to the Warlord, Espionage, and SE strategies respectively.

    The next phase in the development of the overall 'manipulative strangler' strategy is to undermine the economies of the AIs that the player is not 'currently' at war with. The objective is to switch to a corporate economy once the SE is no longer viable. I propose this is accomplished through a corporate strategy. The current strategies should allow the player to be able to be the first to create each corporation. The player will have the GP from the SE, and should have a tech advantage through the use of espionage (destroy the production of research buildings for example, and a foreknowledge of the research of the enemy) and the Warlord (AI shift of focus to military instead of research). If I understand Corporations correctly, a 'franchise' in an enemy city allows that city to convert certain resources into benefits while siphoning money from the economy and diverting it to the player's coffers. Judicial use of spies can deny the AI the benefit of a corporation (by destroying improvements) and slowly cripple his economy. The objective is to switch to a corporate economy once the SE is no longer viable.

    In summary the player is the puppetmaster; he manipulates wars and economies not through sheer force, but through technological, economic, and diplomatic means.

    The questions to the reader are:
    a) is this viable?
    b) what are critical techs?
    c) what are critical leader traits?
    d) what are the key wonders?
    e) what tips do you have to improve on this specific idea?

  • #2
    Manipulating is iffy at best. The AI has different levels with other AI's than with you. How many times has your neighbor who has the same religion as you but different than every other nation sill has better relations with the heathens instead of his brothers of the faith. So I think relying on manipulating successfully is just setting you up for a beating. And if you not quite willing or the timing is poor to join in a war, Diplo is rigged against you. Most of the time when the AI does declare against another AI, both sides come crawling to you for help. This will happen till you have negatives against everyone, Yet they're still happy with each other. This isn't saying that no manipulation works, I'm just saying it's not very reliable.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      I think all of these are viable tricks, and definitely worth exploring. (Ignore the Ferengi in the gorilla suit in the corner.)

      That said, I think my favorite trick is going to be as powerful if not more powerful in increasing AI-on-AI tensions. That trick being: to spread different religions to different AIs.


      • #4
        Yeah, the AI will usually only go after militarily weaker powers so I make sure my nation is militarially strong, wait for AI vs AI fights, then sweep in and kill both.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
          Yeah, the AI will usually only go after militarily weaker powers so I make sure my nation is militarially strong, wait for AI vs AI fights, then sweep in and kill both.
          You can set force the AI to declare on whoever you want if you work your espionage correctly. Military strangth is more subjective than you might think. 15-20 highly promoted great general units will not show up well on the powergraph, yet they can take down a SOD easily.

          I understand your basic instruction. I am proposing something more sophisticated and complex than the basic: build big infrastructure, build big army, kill all, unga-bunga.


          • #6
            It's always fun trying new ideas. While you may never do it again all out, you may learn some good tricks for future games. Let us know how it develops, what works and doesn't work.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              I do minor manipulations: when both my and another AI civ are racing toward an important tech (Liberalism, Physics), I often ask that AI civ to switch government. That 1 turn advantage is usually enough.


              • #8
                And I think that's a good point for trying a game like this... You will learn what really works, or how to get better at so that when you need a stunt like that in a more traditional game, you will have excellent experience at it already

                Again... keep us posted. Old dogs can always learn new tricks.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  Figured I'd start this thing on noble.
                  Tectonics 30% water

                  the SE is taking care of everything all by itself.
                  it's too easy.
                  got mids/wall/parthenon/zeus/sistine no prob.
                  Power graph is low, but managed to set my empire up with two cities at chokepoints to the access of the rest of my empire.
                  Espionage is starting to really take off with the introduction of courthouses, scotland yard, and nationhood. Espionage slider at 20%, science at 10% no net income.

                  Have some longbows/macemen/cats/HAs ready + walls built + barracks in my chokepoint cities.

                  tonight i will infiltrate monty (SoutEast neighbor) with a ton of spies and get him to DOW me. In the meantime, Washington is lining up to be my main victim for the Corporate i am keeping him in my good graces. Off the top of my head, i can't remember who the others are...Cathy, Gilga, Zara, and a couple of others.

                  I plan this order for the GGs:
                  - medic longbow
                  - super defender longbow
                  - anti-melee mace
                  - mop up HA
                  - collat cat

                  May post results later tonight.

