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  • #16
    hate to say it but when PS4 comes out, it should be the best gaming machine bar none, when you see what the PS3 can do right now, it is very likely, not for a good 8-10 years tho.


    • #17
      Consoles vs PCs have game design company preferences driven by the fixed vs variable status of the platform. That does not necessarily affect consumer preference, other than simple availability of titles. Which, admittedly, is one of the bigger factors that PCs are better than Macs for game playing.


      • #18
        well for now the biggest games are for pc's/mac's but only for now, when ps3 came out with its dual processor it rivaled if not exceeded most pc's cpu's. now that consoles have hdd's the games will be getting alot bigger and now with bluray for ps3 the games discs can hold 4x more info than a standard dvd and is in HD too. it wont be long before the best biggest games are for consoles, the price will go up too compare to pc's prices but in the end once good games are released the price for such consoles will be worth it. i myself bought a pc instead of ps3 cuz of civ4 , but id still love and plan on getting a ps3 soon hopefully once i got $300 + 100's for games.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ming View Post
          I hope you're right. I seem to end up buying a new computer every time a new version of civ comes out. My last one was for Civ IV... I'm sure I'll be buying a new one when Civ 5 comes out
          I think my next computer at the end of this year will be a mac. I'm hoping I upgrade twice before civ 5 (I probably will, I seem to do a computer every 2-3 years... but you never know).

          Originally posted by brandonjm8 View Post
          well for now the biggest games are for pc's/mac's but only for now, when ps3 came out with its dual processor it rivaled if not exceeded most pc's cpu's. now that consoles have hdd's the games will be getting alot bigger and now with bluray for ps3 the games discs can hold 4x more info than a standard dvd and is in HD too. it wont be long before the best biggest games are for consoles, the price will go up too compare to pc's prices but in the end once good games are released the price for such consoles will be worth it. i myself bought a pc instead of ps3 cuz of civ4 , but id still love and plan on getting a ps3 soon hopefully once i got $300 + 100's for games.
          Not really true, the biggest games goto consoles. Have you gone into gamestop and so on? What at one time was walls of pc games has turned into a small section of one shelf. All the games that get huge advertising budgets are console. Nice computers to run games are a bit pricey, and honestly... seen as geeky. A console doesn't have the same stigma, plus there's the development preference due to identical hardware.

          When it comes to price, I would expect to see the price of games to go up before the price of consoles really goes up again. Consoles are already sell at a loss and the PS3 really hit the limit of what people were willing to pay for a console. Game prices don't inflate nearly as much, I would expect to see the price of the games go up before the systems do in the future.
          Last edited by Brael; January 9, 2010, 20:47.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Brael View Post
            I think my next computer at the end of this year will be a mac. I'm hoping I upgrade twice before civ 5 (I probably will, I seem to do a computer every 2-3 years... but you never know).

            Not really true, the biggest games goto consoles. Have you gone into gamestop and so on? What at one time was walls of pc games has turned into a small section of one shelf. All the games that get huge advertising budgets are console. Nice computers to run games are a bit pricey, and honestly... seen as geeky. A console doesn't have the same stigma, plus there's the development preference due to identical hardware.

            When it comes to price, I would expect to see the price of games to go up before the price of consoles really goes up again. Consoles are already sell at a loss and the PS3 really hit the limit of what people were willing to pay for a console. Game prices don't inflate nearly as much, I would expect to see the price of the games go up before the systems do in the future.
            in the future yes consoles will have numerous bigger games than pc's. but is there any console game bigger than civ4? thats why i bought a pc instead and for the internet too. i have a high-end'ish machine myself which is why i can run those huge pc games on high settings .


            • #21
              Maybe we are getting a bit off topic, but there has been quite a few of interesting posts, so why not ...

              Consoles are made for game playing, while PC and Mac is your "work station". You have thousands of more games for PC than Mac - but a lot of them are just crap.

              Personally I have a great time playing CIV BtS, Football Manager 2010, Chessmaster, Colin Mcrae Rally, Halo and Links Golf. I never owned a PC, mostly because I never liked Windows and the tons of virus, so I don´t know how these games look on that platform. I can only tell that the few games I find the time to play on my Mac runs so great, that I would never dream of buying a console for my TV.

              Sometimes less is more




              • #22
                Originally posted by ybrevo View Post
                Maybe we are getting a bit off topic, but there has been quite a few of interesting posts, so why not ...

                Consoles are made for game playing, while PC and Mac is your "work station". You have thousands of more games for PC than Mac - but a lot of them are just crap.

                Personally I have a great time playing CIV BtS, Football Manager 2010, Chessmaster, Colin Mcrae Rally, Halo and Links Golf. I never owned a PC, mostly because I never liked Windows and the tons of virus, so I don´t know how these games look on that platform. I can only tell that the few games I find the time to play on my Mac runs so great, that I would never dream of buying a console for my TV.

                Sometimes less is more


                ps4 might change your opinion, might


                • #23
                  Originally posted by brandonjm8 View Post
                  ps4 might change your opinion, might
                  Yes brandonjm8 - it probably would, but I only have 24 hours a day and only 4 hours to enjoy the great games, so I have to pick a choice.

                  What has happened with this World? Back in the 90´ we sat for almost 8 hours to finish a chess game over the board. You could even see who was playing with the other pieces.

                  Oooops, I am getting very off topic now - but my major point is: You only need a few games and the thing to run it. Back in mid-90 we had Marathon for Mac and it was one of the best "shooter" ever. So was Myst also. And 7th Guest. All because of one important thing: The story was fantastic and it took you by the hand.

                  In CIV you create your own story - and this is why I love this game and cannot resist going back to it.


