Taking advantage of the AI is playing well. No matter how much of a builder the player is, some AI/human interchange will occur, preferably to the advantage of the human.
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what is your average difficulty level when playing SP?
I play at Monarch/Emperor level and have never tried higher levels. I normally play just to relax so I cheat by picking my favorite leaders/civs and decent starting locations on favorite maps (pangaea or terra) and then play to see how fast I can win . The main reason I like to finish earlier is to avoid having to move big armies of troops and workers around (and the higher risk of crashing later in the game).
At Emperor level, my biggest problems are the fact that the starting locations seem to be worse and the other civs are less likely to trade. I imagine those problems can only be worse at higher levels. Maybe I should try Immortal and see if I can win at all sometimes.