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Space Race

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  • #16
    i never cared about the space race. just once, i wanted to see the video when u finish it. it is much more exciting to have a domination, and win the game like that, to have the capitulation rights on all. pikemen always defeats mounted units. mounted units always defeats siege weapons. that is just a RULE. think realistic; siege weapons r so heavy to make maneuevers, although, mounted units are much more faster than them. and about the pikes, well, think that, you r running towards someone, and he got a very long stick with something sharp infront of it. the first impact d be between yourself and the sharpy thing, which d slice u into pieces... and just think about the poor horses...


    • #17
      Each unit has certain bonuses against enemy unit types plus you can add upgrades to units to make them better against certain types of units or to heal faster or what not. So the real key is to know what type of units your enemy has and then make an army composed of the right units & upgrades to stop him.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #18
        It's no different then the game "rock, paper, scissors.
        For every unit there is a counter, but sometimes that counter is slightly later in the tech tree so there are windows of opportunity that must be exploited.
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

