I was kind of hoping that too since even the designers admit that Aggresive AI makes the game harder
I have really mixed feelings on the tech trading issue. I think it depends on the game conditions. When I used to play the standard world with two large continents, I always thought it made it harder. I would spend my time eliminating potential trade partners early on my continent, while the other continent, far out of reach in the early game was busy trading their butts off as many times, they were all the same religion. But on single continent games, I'm not really sure.
I have really mixed feelings on the tech trading issue. I think it depends on the game conditions. When I used to play the standard world with two large continents, I always thought it made it harder. I would spend my time eliminating potential trade partners early on my continent, while the other continent, far out of reach in the early game was busy trading their butts off as many times, they were all the same religion. But on single continent games, I'm not really sure.