What I want to do is this. I want to make it so every civilisation starts with 2 settlers as well as there starting city, and every settler will cost the same as a late game wonder.
The thought is that this will both drasticly increse the defense of every city and force more fights over resources from every army as it will be really hard to get every needed resourse without conquest, thus starting more wars.
Prob is, I cant find where to modify this, I know i seen it somewhere as I seen something simmilar when i used to modify the colors of some of the countries, but now i cant find it.
Also, anyone forsee anything coming from this that I might not have thought of? would hate to go to all this trouble to find it makes things way to easy/hard
The thought is that this will both drasticly increse the defense of every city and force more fights over resources from every army as it will be really hard to get every needed resourse without conquest, thus starting more wars.
Prob is, I cant find where to modify this, I know i seen it somewhere as I seen something simmilar when i used to modify the colors of some of the countries, but now i cant find it.
Also, anyone forsee anything coming from this that I might not have thought of? would hate to go to all this trouble to find it makes things way to easy/hard