Originally posted by wodan11
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Seems to me you're taking a very liberal definition of the word "bug." We need to talk the same language before we can achieve any consensus.

A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended (e.g., producing an incorrect or unexpected result)
The key is a continual feedback-improvement mechanism.
The main problem with getting bug free is that improvements tend to be included as well as bug fixes, and improvements introduce new bugs.
The main problem with getting bug free is that improvements tend to be included as well as bug fixes, and improvements introduce new bugs.
It's a process that would, in essence, never end, or at the very least fanbase interest would wane before the process drew to a close.
The current system is basically what you're advocating. A company produces a game, they sell it, they patch what they can, when there is no longer enough money in the product to justify the cost of continued patching they dump it and if the fanbase wants to keep working at it, they can and will.
This is not a "new" process you're advocating, it's what is, and though it is not the preferable system (which would be the company delaying release to fix most of the bugs and not need patches to begin with), it is practical, and in either case the consumers have all but demanded the market that continues to occur. There's such an instant-gratification expectation in the consumers, as they don't want to wait for the products to go through proper testing, then when they cause the publishers to see dollar signs by demanding the product, who then force the developers to release the product early, they buy the product with the expectation that everything is going to work exactly as intended right out of the box.
Then they whine and complain and blahblahblah, and the patches come out, and then it is no longer feasible, and the publishers make the developers drop the product, and the fanbase continues to apply patches until they lose interest or the Operating System divide becomes too wide for them to care about trying to make it work.
Then the process repeats for the next edition.