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  • Tecks

    I enjoy fighting in longer wars the problem is as I fight others are tecking up a lot faster than I.

    Is their a way to slow the teck while keeping normal production?

  • #2
    To slow their tech rate, get them embroiled in war as well. You can pay/bribe civs to declare war on one another without getting embroiled yourself.

    And, welcome to Apolyton.
    Last edited by dojoboy; February 19, 2009, 11:08. Reason: welcome
    "What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
    I learned our government must be strong. It's always right and never wrong,.....that's what I learned in school."
    --- Tom Paxton song ('63)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dedric View Post
      I enjoy fighting in longer wars. The problem is: As I fight, others are teching up a lot faster than I am.

      Is there a way to slow down the teching while keeping normal production?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unimatrix11 View Post
        Careful. When I did that, Snoopy lambasted me.


        • #5
          I dont care. I cant stand it, if people dont use interpunctation. This is not meant as an insult to anyone, but as a reminder, that it shouldnt take readers more effort to understand your posts, than it takes you to write them. If someone cant be bothered to use at least basic interpuncation, i cant be bothered to even try to understand what he want to say. Mind you, i didnt call anybody names (not even in my head i did), and i am aware, that not everybody is fluent in english. So i thought, i´d help out. My last post would have been more wordy, had Dedric some english-speaking location-entry in his profile. But even then, i would have kept in mind, that orthographic skills are not obligatory. Just make sure, your sentences are readable with a minimum effort, please. For that, interpunctation is not always optional.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unimatrix11 View Post
            I dont care. I cant stand it, if people dont use interpunctation. This is not meant as an insult to anyone, but as a reminder, that it shouldnt take readers more effort to understand your posts, than it takes you to write them. If someone cant be bothered to use at least basic interpuncation, i cant be bothered to even try to understand what he want to say. Mind you, i didnt call anybody names (not even in my head i did), and i am aware, that not everybody is fluent in english. So i thought, i´d help out. My last post would have been more wordy, had Dedric some english-speaking location-entry in his profile. But even then, i would have kept in mind, that orthographic skills are not obligatory. Just make sure, your sentences are readable with a minimum effort, please. For that, interpunctation is not always optional.
            The spelling and punctuation was pretty poor in the OP. I enjoy the irony that this is hardly perfect English either.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ColdPhoenix View Post
              The spelling and punctuation was pretty poor in the OP. I enjoy the irony that this is hardly perfect English either.
              I don't think the issue is perfect English, but rather about structure.

              I do agree with this point:

              ...that it shouldn't take readers more effort to understand your posts, than it takes you to write them.
              "What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
              I learned our government must be strong. It's always right and never wrong,.....that's what I learned in school."
              --- Tom Paxton song ('63)


              • #8
                Now that we have had our grammer and punctuation lessons, could we return to the OP issue? The AI often seems to play tag team with the player. Some of them fight wars with the player (and with each other), while others tech away, then trade those techs to the fighters. How does the player keep up?

                One way, if you have turned off "tech brokering" in the custom game set up, is to trade your techs for other techs or money to allow you to keep up. Concentrate your research on military techs which are much easier to trade. Then open up the tech portion of your diplomatic screenset and identify who has techs to trade and what money is available. Techs back to you advance the cause, and money allows you to raise the tech rate for at least a few turns.
                Last edited by Blaupanzer; February 19, 2009, 12:25. Reason: Concious of punctuation
                No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dedric View Post
                  I enjoy fighting in longer wars the problem is as I fight others are tecking up a lot faster than I.

                  Is their a way to slow the teck while keeping normal production?
                  If you are playing BTS, you can ramp up espionage and steal their technologies.

                  And, welcome to Apolyton.
                  And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ColdPhoenix View Post
                    The spelling and punctuation was pretty poor in the OP. I enjoy the irony that this is hardly perfect English either.
                    Feel free to fix it. I see, i missed an ´s´ and had a problem with expressing the location-thing (how would you have done it?). For any other mistake you can point out to me, i´ll make a thousand less in the future - so i´d be thankful.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dojoboy View Post
                      I don't think the issue is perfect English, but rather about structure.

                      I do agree with this point:

                      (I really hope the OP is not taking offence in this - really i do. We are all nice people on Poly and i am explicetly NOT saying ´Learn how to write perfect english and then come back´)


                      • #12
                        Basically I want double/tipple science costs and normal production, and income for all not just the AI.


                        • #13
                          Uni... when you use I to refer to yourself, it is customary to CAPITALIZE.
                          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wodan11 View Post
                            Careful. When I did that, Snoopy lambasted me.
                            I honestly don't remember what you're talking about... I generally dislike people criticizing others' grammar, but simply correcting it is probably not a big deal as long as it's not snarky I wouldn't do it to a newbie, for fear of scaring them off, but whatever.
                            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dedric View Post
                              Basically I want double/tipple science costs and normal production, and income for all not just the AI.
                              If you just want to straight up slow down tech, edit the gamespeedinfo.xml file for whatever gamespeed you play on; you can control both your tech costs and the AI's through that.

                              In (Civ4 game directory)\Assets\XML\GameInfo (or Beyond The Sword or whatever), there is the file civ4gamespeedinfo.xml.

                              Look at the tags like:
                              and change 100 to some higher number. 100 is 'normal' on a normal speed game. If you play marathon, it's normally 300. Adjust that up and away you go! It increases research cost for everyone; if the AI gets a research bonus/penalty it comes off that percent, although I make no promises that the effect will be difficulty level-agnostic. It's quite likely that straight increasing research cost will have a significant effect on the AI's performance, and probably for the worse. My guess is that the AI will simply not research much, and you'll be in the tanks-versus-spearmen game quite regularly; but experiment. You may want to adjust the AI's research percent back down a bit (in Civ4HandicapInfo.xml) to compensate, if you find the game becomes imbalanced.

                              I attached a file with Normal changed to 3x slower tech. You can either create a mod and use it as that, or unzip it in your normal assets (but BACK UP THE OLD FILE, and you won't be able to play multiplayer with it this way).
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by snoopy369; February 19, 2009, 22:36.
                              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

