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Personal RtW-UE mod: HELP!

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  • Personal RtW-UE mod: HELP!

    I’ve bought every version of Civ once it appeared, although I only bought BtS a month ago, and didn’t start looking at RtW until a couple of weeks ago. Once I followed Dale’s advice in this forum and upgraded to 2GB of RAM, RtW actually became playable. I’ve experimented with RtW in all three versions -- the original BtS, the 3.17 BtS upgrade and finally the RtW-UE upgrade. I found the 3.17 upgrade completely positive, but I’m disappointed in aspects of RtW-UE.

    Compared to 3.17, RtW-UE has severely reduced unit production and tech advancement. Unit costs are essentially doubled, factories are weaker (no hammer-generation), and Goods Factories can’t be built. Tech costs have gone from high to preposterous. Once I decided to play a “real” (non-experimental) RtW-UE game, I chose Accurate Historical, noble-level, and USA for its strategic simplicity (the homeland’s essentially immune to attack). Compared to my 3.17 experiments, the result was a dreary grind to cope with Axis numbers and especially unit quality. Perhaps these changes are historically accurate, but there’s a huge gap between an accurate simulation (which this isn’t really) and a game that’s fun to play.

    Since I’m embarrassed to play at Settler level, I see two options. I can rename the RtW-UE “Road To War” folder and then reinstall the 3.17 version, or I can try editing the RtW-UE XML (I don’t know XML, but the relevant changes look pretty obvious).

    Reverting to 3.17 loses some bug fixes, presumably loses Bitter Winter disabling, and even revives the nuisance of expanding captured-city borders via Culture. So, my preference is to create my very own custom RtW-UE if I can.

    My intention is to reduce every value in CIV4UnitInfos and CIV4TechInfos to around 50%-60% of its RtW-UE value. Beyond that, I’m stumped. I want to restore factories-increase-hammers, even if only by 10% instead of 25%, and I want to enable Goods Factory building. Can that be done via XML? (I’m guessing that the lines in
    CIV4BuildingInfos handle increased-hammers. If that’s correct, is 10% entered as 10 or as .10?)

    Let me emphasize that the above isn’t a criticism of RtW itself; I’m truly impressed by the amount of work involved and the quality of the result. I’m just expressing my personal tastes and opinions about what I’d like to spend (far too many) hours playing.

  • #2
    Eventually I'm bound to understand this interface. Sigh...

    The next-to-last paragraph was supposed to be:

    My intention is to reduce every value in CIV4UnitInfos and
    CIV4TechInfos to around 50%-60% of its RtW-UE value. Beyond that, I’m stumped. I want to restore factories-increase-hammers, even if only by 10% instead of 25%, and I want to enable Goods Factory building. Can that be done via XML? (I’m guessing that the lines in CIV4BuildingInfos handle increased-hammers. If that’s correct, is 10% entered as 10 or as .10?)


    • #3
      I'm gonna slam this !@#$%&* computer off the wall, I am...

      One more time: The lines in Civ4BuildingInfos that I'm trying to describe have "iMilitaryProductionModifier" inside of paired less-than/greater-than signs (and without the quotes).


      • #4
        One more try, and then I'll leave quietly. I promise...

        The lines in CIV4UnitInfos and CIV4TechInfos that I'm trying to describe are those containing "iCost".


        • #5
          Most of the changes in RtW-UE were reality changes. In other words, a lot of the world didn't have the infrastructure to support modern production lines (say for example in Africa) and since the Goods Factory represented Industrialisation it was disabled to building in areas where industrialisation hadn't occured yet.

          Secondly, the doubling of costs across the board was due to the Global Scenarios put into the UE edition. Due to it's size, number of cities, and Civ4's stupid notion that "bigger means better", Russia and the US would produce many many more times tech and units. So they were cut. Also, the number of units on the board in all scenarios was causing some issues later in the game. Technology was just moving too fast, and it was possible to finish the tree in 1941-2.

          If you want to reduce the costs, then yes just change the iCost values. As for the factories I would suggest looking through the old RtW buildinginfos file and comparing what I removed for UE and putting it back for those buildings.


          • #6
            Dale, thanks for your reply.

            I have yet to explore RtW past 1944, but I see your point about the performance effects of unit proliferation -- by the late 1940s, you’d need a home supercomputer. As a former board-wargamer, I could accept the military standard unit icons (as used in city build choices); in fact, I’d prefer them, and I assume that would drastically reduce the graphics burden. Sadly, snazzy graphics are central to the Civ family, and simplified graphics ain’t gonna happen.

            So, you’ve convinced me that souped-up production and research aren’t practical in RtW. I’ve decided to swallow my pride and play RtW-UE at one of the lower levels; that’ll speed up research a bit without producing a glut of units. It also helps that I finally woke up to the fact that, if I want to play USA/Europe (I can’t imagine playing the feeble USA/Pacific), then the 1939 scenarios are the worst possible start -- starting in 1936, you’ve got three years to match the 1939 starting techs, and oh, that instant navy!

            Finally, two unrelated questions. First, many RtW scenarios come in pairs, one with and the other without a specific named leader; how do these “twins” differ? Second, I’ve seen angled brackets (less-than/greater-than) elsewhere in this forum, and I’d like to avoid a fiasco like my first four messages in this thread; how should angled brackets be entered so that they actually show up and don’t mean “ignore bracketed text”?

            I appreciate your patience with a RtW newbie. Thanks again!


            • #7
              First answer: In the release version of RtW I was not allowed to include Hitler or Hirohito (don't ask, I'm not answering it). There is no difference except in leader name.

              Second answer: On the old forum (changed a month ago) you could use [ XML ] and [ /XML ] (no spaces).

              It doesn't work now.


