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Good source of tutorials

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  • Good source of tutorials

    As it stands i can dominate settler, win most of chieftain and win like 1 in 5 on warlord difficulty. I haven't quite mastered the art of defense and most of my loss's tend to be cause someone declares war on me (or worse yet i declare war and get stomped) most of my wins on the other hand are culture or space race victories (which i find very easy)

    There's just too much of this game I don't understand. Specialists, specialised cities, Military, the tech tree, corporations, religion, espionage etc etc etc

    You guys are great and helpful, but i feel like an idiot for not being able to figure this stuff out myself and a freeloader asking you guys every question :P

    So im hoping like hell there are some good tutorials out there. Kinda like the one that comes with the game, but more advanced and focused.

    i feel that if I had a good idea on what land is good for what specialised city (and how to do it) I would be able to win.

  • #2
    Just played as wang kon (wanted protective cause i figured it might help my cities last more than 2 turns of attacks)

    Did advanced start, got 2 cities and a settler and tried to make my capital the millitary facility. I think i got terrible land, (my capital was nice, after regening map like 25 times i got 6 fish/clam resourses, and 1 cow in cap) because everything was taking forever to build

    i was using slavery to pump out military units faster and had skipped building anything in capital besides great light house, baracks, grainery and walls. rest was military

    out of the blue kubli kahn declared war on me and i was confident i would do ok, had about 12 units ready for war (was gonna attack justinian cause he was inside my empire) but i lost everyone attacking 1 city and he just steamrolled me even though i had all 3 cities slaving out units. everything i had lost to everything he had, it was rediculous. I got lucky and got the event that lets you declare peace cause they were good to your injured units, and the very turn i get him to finally declare justinian declares and marches into my empire while i had about 6 units total

    I lasted till medieval times (quit game about 2 turns after getting there) and was dead last in score by about 150 points out of the 2 people that shared my continent


    • #3
      Key to fighting attacking wars:

      - siege units (bombard to 0% defence)
      - enough troops in the attacking stack (more attacking non-siege units than defenders)
      - sacrifice some siege units before the real attack on the city in order to soften up the defenders
      - mind the terrain (dont attack across rivers etc.)
      - include at least one defensive unit in the stack, preferably two or more (one becomes city defender when stack moves on, and it feels good seeing his horses stuck on your spears).

      Keep some units at home to prevent enemy units from pillaging too much. Position yourself to get bonuses from terrain and mix units that counter different types of enemies.

      The most important point: if you don't want to get attacked, never allow yourself to fall far behind on the power graph. The only time you are safe from attacks is very early in the game.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AusSpyder
        Did advanced start, got 2 cities and a settler and tried to make my capital the millitary facility. I think i got terrible land, (my capital was nice, after regening map like 25 times i got 6 fish/clam resourses, and 1 cow in cap) because everything was taking forever to build

        i was using slavery to pump out military units faster and had skipped building anything in capital besides great light house, baracks, grainery and walls. rest was military
        Ok heres some things. i don't do advanced start, so i can't relate to that. BUT. I never make my capital city my military pumper, because I want my capital to generate funds, gpp, and beakers for me on the cheap. It can do this earlier. I make my second (or third, depending) my hardcore military city. This city should preferably have copper.. but as long as it has hills and a food resource preferably it will be able to provide plenty of units.

        Perhaps your enemies saw the way you were conscripting your slave army, and chose to invade rather than let mordor spread to the west.

        If you threw twelve units at a city and lost them all... perhaps you have a problem with the WAY you are fighting. THeres another thread from just the other day on here. If you have gotten to the point where the eenemy has longbowmen... you will definatly need to have catapults. Catapult the city to 0%, then suicide your catapults against the defenders. I usually take a collatarel damage buff with cats, since they are throw away units and seem to never win a fight or manage to withdraw. That same turn, you should have enough attackers to hit the grossly weakened defenders and wipe them entirely. 12 units + cats should be plenty for most anything you see.

        Also, combined arms. 12 axemen will wreck people at many stages of the game. Don't try to take 12 axemen against an enemy with chariots! you will get wrecked! You'll need some spearmen to deal with the chariots and then you are good.


        • #5
          We have a couple of reference threads at the top of this forum that can fill in the basics you may have overlooked. Try some of the referenced threads, especially Vel's primer. Good luck and feel free to ask any and all questions. We all like to help, and it has a positive self-feedback to feel we actually know the answer once in a while.
          No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
          "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author

