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No 2.00 patch, why?

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  • No 2.00 patch, why?

    My nephew bought Civ 4 a few weeks ago. He has version 2.0. I have version 1.74. I can't load games from his version because his version is 2.0. Why is there no patch for people who bought the earlier? I can't play multiplayer games now. WTF!! This is just a money grab by Firaxis. I have to buy the game again just to get the patch!! That is pure BS from Sid.

  • #2
    2.0 == warlords (an expansion) AFAIK. You dont have to buy the game again - just the expansion ´warlords´.

    I´d suggest though, you´d both get ´beyond the sword´ (3.0, patch both to 3.17), which adds more than warlords and works without it (but of course needs the ´vanilla´ standard version).

    EDIT : Please, confirm this, people, as i am not 100% sure.

    EDIT II: You did try the in-game patch-search, right ?

    EDIT III: Buying a new game will never do you any good, patchwise. Excuse the expression, but that is a pretty nooby misconception - which kinda adds to the inappropriate tone, i must say. If someone had answered : ´yes, sorry, you need to buy the game a-new - Sid needs money.´, it would have been soon enough to put it on.
    Last edited by Unimatrix11; November 18, 2008, 05:51.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unimatrix11
      Please, confirm this, people, as i am not 100% sure.
      Yes, 1.74 is the final patch version for the original game, you can't get any higher than that. Anything involving Warlords starts with 2 and BtS is 3, with the latest being 3.17. I'm not sure what the final version of Warlords is.

      I'd suggest to the OP that he become informed about how things work before he starts ranting on the forums.


      • #4
        Welcome to Apolyton, LordBiff.

        The numbers beginning with 2 and 3 represent expansions to the standard base (vanilla) version. Each expansion works independently. 2 is Warlords; 3 is BTS. Sid does suck up money, but he gives value in return.
        No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
        "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


        • #5
          I'm still pissed that they never corrected the problems with the latest BTS patch, forcing the fans to do what THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE.

          They have left the MP community hanging out to dry.
          Come on guys, isn't it time you fixed YOUR MISTAKE!
          Or is the MP community not worth your effort?
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #6
            Er...the latter has been known for a while now, ever since they ignored the MP community during the making of BtS...
            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


            • #7
              Ok, to clear a few things up. I have warlords. The game does not see the saved file. My nephew does not have warlords. So it can't be a warlords save. We started the game on his computer. When I try to load the game I get an error message saying something about file saved to protect mod files. My nephew and I DON'T HAVE ANY MODS. The caps are are used because someone will post saying that's the problem one of has mods. I repeat we don't have mods. the was a standard CiV 4. not Warlords or BTS. Just a plain Civ 4.



              • #8
                Are you firing up warlords or vanilla? It makes a difference. Just because you have warlords doesn't mean you can't start the vanilla IV game.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LordBiff
                  When I try to load the game I get an error message saying something about file saved to protect mod files.
                  That's been an issue a couple of times now when the game has been updated. Basically what it means is the game is reading the file with locked assets enabled. That's something you can select to prevent cheating in an hotseat game. Since it's seeing something it's not suspecting, it thinks the game has been altered somehow. There is a way to unlock it apparently but I'm not sure how that's done.


                  • #10
                    LordBiff, You can (and in this case probably should) load the basic game without warlords. Look around in the directories where you installed the game to.


                    • #11
                      that sounds logical, I have no idea how to make that change. Thanks

                      I'll just have to tell my nephew we can't play by email or hotseat. Since Civ 4 will not be patched, that is the end of the story. I have seen this type of stupid security before. It was an old game that me and a buddy wanted to play. It just wasn't going to happen. Why do game companies hate there customers? This type of crap is all too common.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LordBiff
                        Since Civ 4 will not be patched, that is the end of the story.
                        Your game is patched. 1.74 is the final patch for vanilla Civ. I'm not sure where you're getting this version 2 from if your nephew isn't supposed to have Warlords, since the only way he could have that version is if he has the expansion. As mentioned, patches with the number 1 are for the original game, those with the number 2 are for Warlords and 3 is for BtS. There is no version 2 for the original Civ. Maybe you should just try loading the game with Warlords instead. Honestly, you're ranting about something that you clearly don't have all the information for, and yet you refuse to acknowledge what people are trying to tell you.

                        PS: I just looked it up and 2.13 is the final patch for Warlords. That makes it 1.74 for the original game, 2.13 for Warlords and 3.17 for BtS.
                        Last edited by Willem; November 19, 2008, 05:44.


                        • #13
                          Look, LordBiff, if i get you right, you are trying to load a ´vanilla´-savegame with ´warlords´. I am nots surprised, that this doesnt work. Simply go to your game-installation folder and doublclick Civilization4.exe - this should start ´vanilla´Civ4 without the ´warlords´ expansion pack. You should also get the original title screen (a space view from earth as opposed to warlord´s sword-swinging guy). Try to load the savegame from your nephew from there.

                          Savegame compatibility is often as issue with patches, but it almost certainly is with expansion packs - nothing to get upset about, since this is a technical issue - just like you cant stick VHS-tapes into a DVD-player. Be glad, you still have the VHS avaiable (by starting vanilla civ), since this is not common with expansion packs.


                          • #14
                            It looks to me like you're trying to open a Warlords game with vanilla civ. Probably your nephew doesn't realise he has warlords.

                            Either open with Warlords or try finding the save game file through windows explorer and double-clicking it before running the game. It will then open the correct version whether it be the original, Warlords or BTS as long as you have it installed.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LordBiff

                              I'll just have to tell my nephew we can't play by email or hotseat. Since Civ 4 will not be patched, that is the end of the story. I have seen this type of stupid security before. It was an old game that me and a buddy wanted to play. It just wasn't going to happen. Why do game companies hate there customers? This type of crap is all too common.
                              this has nothing to do with a security feature at all. what are you not understanding? you're trying to play two different games together- Vanilla Civ and Civ Warlords. if you play the same game, everything will be fine.

