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  • Hd3850

    So, i my new graphics card arrived today... i installed it and everything seemed to work fine... until i actually started a game.

    My new card seems to hang when the 3D-map opens up (in Civ), at it happens everytime: The music might go on playing for a while, but the screen says: No Connection or something like that.

    I figured, my CPU is not the strongest, being still single-core (Athlon 64 3700+). And the package says pretty much dual core only (i didnt see the package, before it arrived, and i am pretty sure, it didnt say anything like that on the site), but i guess thats not entirely true...

    Well, the card is a Gainward HD3850, but all ATI-cards are the same, pretty much, right ? - and i read about people using a 3850 on a single-core system...

    Anyone heard of the problem / had it ?

    PS: I did the usual stuff of course - latest drivers, both MoBo and GraCa, DirX...

  • #2
    Okay - just in case anyone else is having this problem. What fixed it for me: I downclocked the graphics adapter to 450 Mhz for the GPU and 850 Mhz for the VRAM (via the CCC). Now it SEEMS to be stable - at least it doesnt crash (black screen - no signal) right on start-up anything that has something to do with 3D anymore...


    • #3
      Yeah, that sounds like a graphics card hardware issue. I'd be very curious if you have a bad card, though, if it's crashing that quickly right out of the box.

      Of course, make sure you have the latest driver ... but it's more likely a hardware issue. Is it an OC'ed video card (stock OC is a common thing on video cards)? If 450/850 is the default then you're probably fine, but if it is normally at the default for a 3850 and you have to downclock it from that, I'd strongly suggest a RMA.
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        RMA ? sorry, i dont know that abbreviation... please explain...

        EDIT: So, you´d say, snoopy, that my ´poor´ processor shouldnt be an issue and not be destabilizing the PC when paired with a 3850 ? Cause it seemed like that GPU was just too fast for the CPU for both to keep in sync, kinda (if that makes any sense at all)... Should the GPU adjust itself to the CPU via the drivers ?

        BTW my MoBo is an Asus 8N-E or something like that and i am using DDR1 memory (2 gigs at 3-3-3-8). So the system is kinda outdated...
        Last edited by Unimatrix11; October 10, 2008, 04:18.

