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I want to play a Tripoli game

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  • #16
    Damnit, need 6 theatres for GT on standard size map...this is going to be an interesting challenge...
    You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


    • #17
      Hmm, perhaps that's what I was confused with.

      What map size do you need for GT but also Oxford and Wallstreet etc with just 3 cities? Gonna be hard on bigger maps, missing all those national wonders.

      On a normal map you don't have:
      - Globe, Iron Works, Oxford, Red Cross, Wall Street
      You have:
      - Hermitage, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, Mt. Rushmore, National Epic, National Park, West Point

      So 7 National Wonders for 3 cities. Meaning you can't build one of them. Mt. Rushmore I guess, since it's rather useless. Or Moai Statues if you don't have a coastal city.

      National Epic and Park in one city, Heroic Epic and West Point in another and I guess Moai / Rushmore and Hermitage in a third.

      Your problem is going to be commerce. Your specialist city won't produce a lot of it, your military pump city neither. And your final city will have to build all the wonders, so it needs hammers too!


      • #18
        I think city one pumps artists, city two builds an army and city three builds wonders.


        • #19
          I think you'd be lucky to get 2 great production sites. Right now I'm playing as Gandhi, and I've managed to get a great production city that is also an amazing GA pump (2 bananas, rice, corn, sugar, 5 grass hills, 12 forests, grass gems. Keeping 6 forests for health...), one city that has rice, 2 sugar, bananas, plains hill iron and 2 grass hills, and a crappy (second) city that has rice, grass cows and coastal clams that is just getting dragged along for the ride. The capital is building everything, wonders and army, which has been enough to fend off Shaka twice, the third city is the NE GA pump which will get the NP. Just trying to get to representation using one academy and 3 settled GS and the Great Library, which isn't easy on monarch, but it'll be interesting to see what happens...
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

