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Libration nag?

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  • Libration nag?

    I had a city (marathon speed) 35 turns from legendary culture, 97% Persian (me), 2% Portugese. The nearest Portugese city was 5 tiles away--a puny size 5 thing with 63 culture. I got a popup notifying me that my city was "rightfully requesting" to join the Portugese empire!

    Anyone know the thresholds on that one? Seemed unreasonable to me, so I said 'no'.

  • #2
    Just tell your 'advisor' no thanks, and if he doesn't want to personally test out your newest dungeon complete with all the latest torture methods, he'll not ask again.

    Seriously, there's no penalty for refusing. You get a diplomatic bonus if you give it up, big deal.
    I'm consitently stupid- Japher
    I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


    • #3
      Eh, I've had a city requesting to join someone, who I've yet to make contact with...
      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


      • #4
        I had my second city once request it when I hadn't met anybody yet.

        I assume it is so rare that anyone would voluntarily give up a city that the nag is really annoying, especially when it comes up over and over. I said no 10 turns ago, and I haven't change my mind yet. It's annoying and I wish there was a way to turn it off. (Since I keep fearing I'll hit the wrong thing and actually give the city up accidently.)
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          Too bad you can't impale that advisor on a blunt stake. That would stop the question from coming up.
          Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
          Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
          One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


          • #6
            I wasn't so much annoyed by the request, as much as surprised that it had arisen. This was a city that I had founded. On the border, yes, but the culture was overwhelming enough that their border city had long since revolted and joined my empire.

            Funnier still is when a city revolts to join me, then asks to go back on the next turn.

            Request denied.


            • #7
              I find this nagging too... is it possible to switch it off? Ok, it can be nice if it's a newly conquered city or one under heavy influence, but if it has been yours for a long time/ ever, it's just annoying.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MoonWolf
                I find this nagging too...

                I have had it happen with a city I had recently founded with a settler.

                It gets very annoying - especially when I can't raze the city that asks.......

                I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                • #9
                  IIRC this is caused by a bug.


                  • #10
                    First or second box in the game options is for turning the advisor on or off.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vampgelus
                      First or second box in the game options is for turning the advisor on or off.

                      Sure I had those off already, but can check after I'd applied the latest patches...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Vampgelus
                        First or second box in the game options is for turning the advisor on or off.
                        Unfortunately, whatever it is we turn off does not include that guy. I always love it when this comes up in a city I just conquered. The note indicates the positive response I will get from its old owner if I do this. I would love to say, "I am in the process of killing that former owner, so why would I care how he feels about it?"
                        No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                        "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                        • #13
                          The correct response, of course, is to destroy the civilization it requested to join. Then there's no longer an issue.


                          • #14
                            Conquered barb cities will sometimes ask to join the nearest civ or worse, a new civ established to spin off a colony. How they built up a loyalty to a civ that never existed while they were free is beyond me. Of course, the right answer is "I'm the one in charge here, ... "
                            No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                            "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                            • #15
                              Now, some sort of harsher response, with the benefit of encouraging other cities to remain silent, would be nice...
                              I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"

