I was wondering if there are any guides for running one out there. If not, can anyone care to explain how it works? From what I've gathered so far, it's good to have a philosophical leader, and cities that have lots of food? Also is it possible just to have a specialist city or two in an otherwise non-specialist economy (if you just happen a settle a couple of cities with tons of food.
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Guide to running a Specialist Economy?
Yes to the build select SE cities in an otherwise cottage-intensive economy (CE). You can do that if you have a lot of food resources, especially water-based food (since you can't build cottages on those tiles). However, in a CE, you are after the money and beakers, so other specialists are considered less useful. I sometimes run one city as an SE in a mostly production-intensive economy to build spies once I have the big spy agencies available. Unless harrassed by a lot of war, that may be the only city in which I build a jail.No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
"I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author
See "Specialists usage" thread, where Trimiro has published the link to a CFC thread that satisfies your request. That is the thread I was referring to above.No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
"I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author
Here is the link for anyone interested. I did not write the guide, I just read it and I can say it is a good guide.
Wow, blast from the past. Zounds that was 3 yrs ago.
Looking at the guide with 3 yrs of hindsight, it seems ok. The main concern I see with it is that it does not detail the several different types of SE, and the different tactics that go into each.
The linked articles are from 2008 , so I'd like some stock market hints from 2011
Can you point me towards some decent articles / threads that discuss these different tactics and strategies? I've played my way up to Monarch being a CE-spamming builder and now I've found a brand new game going SE-warmongering
Originally posted by Sarco View PostThe linked articles are from 2008 , so I'd like some stock market hints from 2011
Can you point me towards some decent articles / threads that discuss these different tactics and strategies? I've played my way up to Monarch being a CE-spamming builder and now I've found a brand new game going SE-warmongering
For example, you've got your Serfdom SE with a CE switch, you've got your Caste System SE, you've got your Slavery SE. Bureaucracy SE, Vassalage SE. There's your priest SE with Angkor and founding multiple religions, your scientist SE, your merchant SE. There's the lightbub strategy and the settle / farm strategy. The Guide touches on some of this but hardly in a comprehensive analysis IMO. It needs to list all the different options, and say which can be mixed & matched (to some extent, you can customize your SE by picking a strat from each "column").
Anyway I can (and have) talk about this for months.You'll see when you poke around the threads on CFC. Good luck, you'll need it. There's a ton of material buried in the discussions.
Originally posted by Sarco View PostAlthough I'm a bit disappointed about the stock market.I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
Here's another (though still not all that comprehensive) SE reference guide:
In just about every thread in which the topic is discussed, someone asks for a strategy guide to creating a Specialist Economy. Wodan gives some general principles here but it is still not a step-by-step guide. I do not consider myself an expert, but in attempting to teach myself to master...
The discussion which follows it also is worthwhile.
I've been browsing a few old threads on this matter lately and trying to play a game or two but I haven't had the time to play properly. I started a game at prince level but that seemed too easy or shall we say too forgiving.
One question I started thinking about was this:
If you have population to run scientists in your pyramids city, should you run them or should you just keep up shields production maintaining only one engineer specialist (when applicable)?
The reason for this is obviously to keep your chance of getting a GE 100%. The downside is of course that I lose 12 beakers per turn + GPP, though that is probably traded for some decent production.
I suppose the question later in the game is also - run just one type of specialist or all types per city? It mostly applies to the GE city since those are the hardest to come by and very useful.Last edited by Sarco; January 11, 2009, 19:35.