What is the best strategy for playing a domination game?
I find it incredibly hard, as the production of soldiers and war weariness really seems to get to my cities. I find myself building so much military that my science and commerce start to go down the tubes. The strange thing though, is that I look at the powergraph and Hannibal has twice my power, but less production than I do. This is just at Prince. I usually have no problem playing Prince if I play more peacefully. I've gone for a Farms + Caste System + whips strategy.
I find it incredibly hard, as the production of soldiers and war weariness really seems to get to my cities. I find myself building so much military that my science and commerce start to go down the tubes. The strange thing though, is that I look at the powergraph and Hannibal has twice my power, but less production than I do. This is just at Prince. I usually have no problem playing Prince if I play more peacefully. I've gone for a Farms + Caste System + whips strategy.
