I wanted to add this in the thread "When do you pack it in and declare a victory?" but realised it might be a bit too highjacking, so I'll open a thread of my own for the discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of the victory movies. So here goes:
I have to admit that, quite stupidly, I often play games to the end, even when it is obvious that I will prevail, simply for the reason that I want to see the victory movie. If the game just finishes with a dialog saying "you have won - click ok" I feel really cheated for my time. "-That's it?" sort of. So I want closure to my games and the victory movies do represent such closure.
When I was new to the game I was very arrogant and thought that the victory movies were cute but a little childish somehow. You know, invest 20 hours in the game and you get to see a 20 second computer animated sequence, so what? But I have grown to see that they actually have a point to them.
I only wish they would have made some more of them for each victory type and also use segmented parts that were seamlessly joined upon completion of the game to represent your march to victory. For a military victory they would use military building blocks. Segments displaying macemen raiding cities would be shown if I had won decisive battles in the middle ages. If the game stops with riflemen then no tanks in the movie. If you had really great hammer production at the end of the game compared to the trajectory for your opponents, then throw in some sequences about constructing lumbermills and factories and churning out weapons.
I think this would be doable with current technology. And if they don't want to do it for free, I would gladly pay for a movie expansion pack. The next step of course - when processing power increases - is a rendering into a movie of decisive moments in the game. The game knows where I won my battles and against whom, so it would render a decent sequence of when I conquered my enemies capital and raised a couple of wonders that were there. That kind of thing.
Right, I've stuck my neck out confessing to liking the victory movies, let's see if I am the only one....
I have to admit that, quite stupidly, I often play games to the end, even when it is obvious that I will prevail, simply for the reason that I want to see the victory movie. If the game just finishes with a dialog saying "you have won - click ok" I feel really cheated for my time. "-That's it?" sort of. So I want closure to my games and the victory movies do represent such closure.
When I was new to the game I was very arrogant and thought that the victory movies were cute but a little childish somehow. You know, invest 20 hours in the game and you get to see a 20 second computer animated sequence, so what? But I have grown to see that they actually have a point to them.
I only wish they would have made some more of them for each victory type and also use segmented parts that were seamlessly joined upon completion of the game to represent your march to victory. For a military victory they would use military building blocks. Segments displaying macemen raiding cities would be shown if I had won decisive battles in the middle ages. If the game stops with riflemen then no tanks in the movie. If you had really great hammer production at the end of the game compared to the trajectory for your opponents, then throw in some sequences about constructing lumbermills and factories and churning out weapons.
I think this would be doable with current technology. And if they don't want to do it for free, I would gladly pay for a movie expansion pack. The next step of course - when processing power increases - is a rendering into a movie of decisive moments in the game. The game knows where I won my battles and against whom, so it would render a decent sequence of when I conquered my enemies capital and raised a couple of wonders that were there. That kind of thing.
Right, I've stuck my neck out confessing to liking the victory movies, let's see if I am the only one....
