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Early, Advice? Slow, but land lead.

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  • Early, Advice? Slow, but land lead.

    Hi, I don't talk much. Been hardly playing 4 since it came out. Fan since 1. Hopefully the screenies post, I don't know how to do that yet.

    (Warlords), BtS 3.13, Bhruic

    So, I'm playing some Mayan dude. Settings are in a pic (Tectonics Large, Noble, Normal). I'll post pic of overview, with cityplans and resources.

    I got off to a bad start: my second settler was bushwhacked. It's only noble though (which I rarely beat), so I played on and am so far excited. I have a good chunk of land to myself. Barbs have been harassing me down south, but I sent my horsey down there, and I guess there's no barb city (yet). I think things are okay; I'm guessing I've caught up to the other civs, but I haven't met anyone.

    1) In the west mountains, I founded a city in that very secure pocket (Techtonics rocks!) If I read my graph right, theres only 10 plots available. They are 2 Lakes, 2 Forest/Plains (1 with silk), 2 plains, 4 Hill/Plain (1 city and 1 stone). It's cool that all 10 have fresh water. I was going to ask if this would be a better production city or science/commerce city, but it seems I figured it out while typing. It has to be production, because there are not enough plots to significantly contribute to commerce, right?

    2) As obvious by the city name, I had planned on making the current east coast city my GP farm (um, I've never had a GP farm yet -- I either forget about it or only have room for 3 cities; I like crowded). Then I realized my capital is a much better canidate since it's not coastal. Then I realized I don't know what I'm talking about.

    3) Miscellaneous questions, I suppose. Despite my early delay because I always choose to gamble and send my settler off alone and use 2 warriors for scouts, I think my starts are finally progressing well. But maybe not, it's already 150 B.C. and I only have all but 3 of the ancient techs. I have 5 cities, plan to have 8 or 9 on this continent, am producing 2 settlers, and have... crap, I only have 4 workers. (It's okay; don't worry.) I have only built one building so far, a wall, but I'm building a second. I now see that should have been a worker. Any how, I think that's good, I normally have have a bad habit of building barracks. I founded 2 religions (only tried to found one). I thought I was producing a good number of troops, but I just realized the game lets us cheat with demographics. I'm 6th in power, and a bit low for everything else, except I'm 1st in land, and nobody's gonna stop me from doubling that. (Well, at least I sound confident.)

    I know I don't have good plans yet, except for city locations. ATM I'm trying to figure out how to specialize my cities, and honestly that is the only reason I haven't built a barracks or a wonder yet. So far, I've been in doubt, and Snoopy says "when in doubt, build a unit." So I did.

    All in all, I am playing for score, which sounds like a conquest victory, which isn't my strong suit, but that's okay. I often win space race when conquest doesn't progress fast enough. Oh, this is only my 4th BtS game, and I only won a couple time in stock 4 on Noble, so I don't think I'm playing below my level. But the champs are flexible, and I need contingencies if conquest doesn't come easily. Considering the apparent land lead, perhaps I should spam missionaries and beeline the spiral minaret? Or what do you think you might do? I do think my method of guessing which techs to research is a very weak aspect of my game. Also, I usually win by culture and spacerace, and after accounting for a few conquest victories, I don't think I've experienced any other types of win.

    Where do we go from here?

    I'll try to upload the save -- at least this isle was sweetly generated. Any advice is welcomed, but please refrain from loading up the save and saying "Dude, you are so dead in like 26 turns!"

    [Edit: linked screenshot. Thanks Snoopboss.]
    Last edited by McCrea; June 17, 2008, 11:31.

  • #2
    Here's the save.

    Oh, and do people make espionage specialized cities? What do they need, how do you use em?

    Attached Files


    • #3
      I don't have time to read and think about this atm, but one note - use the Upload feature in the top bar. You can upload a full sized pic and then it will give you a link to an 800x thumbnail that links to the full size pic
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        Originally posted by McCrea
        Here's the save.

        Oh, and do people make espionage specialized cities? What do they need, how do you use em?

        Welcome to Apolyton McCrea.

        Espionage City

        Great Wonders:
        Great Wall (+2 Great Spy birth rate)
        Kremlin (+2 Great Spy birth rate)
        (can turn 2 citizens into Spy Specialists)
        Pentagon (+2 Great Spy birth rate)

        National Wonders:
        Forbidden Palace (+1 Great Spy birth rate)
        West Point (+1 Great Spy birth rate)

        Castle (+25%
        Courthouse (+2
        (can turn 1 citizen into Spy Specialist)
        Intelligence Agency (+8 :, +50%
        (can turn 2 citizens into Spy Specialists)
        Jail (+4 :, +50%
        (can turn 2 citizens into Spy Specialists)
        Security Bureau: (+8 :, +50%
        (can turn 2 citizens into Spy Specialists)
        (can thwart rival spies)

        Spy Economy - pop Great Spies, send them on infiltration missions to scout and get lots of Espionage Points (EP). Use spies to steal technology and perform other spy missions.
        And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot


        • #5
          Thanks for the welcome, Super49er. And what an elegant reply -- did you cut and paste that from somewhere that I haven't found yet?

          Great Wall (+2 Great Spy birth rate)
          I missed that new fact about the great wall. Sounds like good change. Oh, they buffed castles too. Sweet.

          National Wonders:
          Forbidden Palace (+1 Great Spy birth rate)
          West Point (+1 Great Spy birth rate)
          I'm reasoning that West point still belongs in superproducer. Because if WP&FP, then superproducer gets HeroEpic&Ironworks, with RedCross and Moai Statues left for navy or misc.


          • #6
            Here is a link to Anion's awesome BTS guide:

            And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot


            • #7
              Well, the linked docs are on Civfanatics, which has been down (for me) for at least the past week.


              • #8
                hmm...15 research and learning to 150 bc doesnt seem very good...i think you should improve your economy before expanding some more...after all you are on your own on the continent right?...having said that you will also need to go for caravels asap to find some "friends" to trade with...
                no more turns...


                • #9
                  4000BC save
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #10
                    Why are you banging your fist Krill?
                    "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben


                    • #11
                      Because I want it now to look at

                      Actually the problems are two fold: This is not a good island for a fin civ, at least not until windmills generate 2 commerce, and he doesn;t even have pottery yet, which should have been researched fairly early to benefit from the fin trait.
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        Aah, when I was new to the game it took me a while too to understand the power of early cottaging...
                        "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben


                        • #13
                          Oh hi, I thought this was dead. -- Or, I mean thanks!
                          Yeah, stupid me went and plopped down two more cities and was running broke. :/ I guess I got too used to crowded maps. Still playing, But I see it that I should have died 2x over. losing the settler, then bottoming out my economy

                          Here's the 4000BC.

                          Didn't have pottery yet? Yeah sounds pretty bad when you say it like that.

                          1220 AD. Got code of laws, calendar, then am currently researching Monarchy.

                          This in the first time in a while (practically since IV came out) that I didn't automate the workers, so yep, I fouled it up good.

                          Wish I had listened to you Fani!
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by McCrea; June 23, 2008, 18:39.


                          • #14
                            1220 AD, still no contact. 30% = +55 Guess I can still listen to fani and get compass for trade.


                            • #15
                              post a screenie so we can have another look at the progress of mr pacal...
                              no more turns...

