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Military build up vs. completionisim

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  • #46
    My last game I was making 300gpt Shrine income by 1500AD, and wasn't even trying to spam missionaries. I could easily have doubled that. As it was, it was more than enough to keep my units updated plus pay all my empire maintenance.



    • #47
      Since you can only build 3 missionaries at a time and each one is worth $1 per turn for the rest of the game, I recommend spamming missionaries for religions where you have the shrine. No way the presence of your religion in a foreign city helps the AI more than you unless you are shooting to win by score. This is a very long and tedious on Large/Huge, Epic/Marathon.
      No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
      "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


      • #48
        Originally posted by wodan11
        My last game I was making 300gpt Shrine income by 1500AD, and wasn't even trying to spam missionaries. I could easily have doubled that. As it was, it was more than enough to keep my units updated plus pay all my empire maintenance.

        300 gpt is peanuts when it comes to upgrading units. At time I've spent thousands improving mine. I can have a single unit requiring 300 gold in fact. And that amount from a shrine is pretty uncommon. The most I've ever seen is about 100 in a shrine city, maybe 150. And that was with actively spreading the religion. Consider yourself lucky to have made that much.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Willem
          300 gpt is peanuts when it comes to upgrading units. At time I've spent thousands improving mine.
          "Thousands"? So, that would be, what, all of 5-6 turns of income? Your logic doesn't follow.

          And that amount from a shrine is pretty uncommon. The most I've ever seen is about 100 in a shrine city, maybe 150. And that was with actively spreading the religion. Consider yourself lucky to have made that much.
          That was 3 shrines, actually. And it wasn't atypical at all.

          I daresay you haven't experimented with religious/shrine strategies, or play on standard maps or smaller, if your experience is only <150 gpt by endgame.

          To show some numbers, figure about +175% multiplier; let's round to +200% to make the math easy. To get your 150 number, 50 is needed. / 3 = 17. Only 17 cities. Heck, I typically have 17 cities in my empire alone. Adding in all the cities from other players and it's easy to see how that number could be doubled without even trying. Simply getting free religion spread will give that much. Spamming missionaries will give a LOT more.



          • #50
            Originally posted by wodan11
            That was 3 shrines, actually. And it wasn't atypical at all.
            Having three religions is fairly atypical in itself. Unless of course you're an incorrigble warmonger you just takes them.

            I daresay you haven't experimented with religious/shrine strategies,
            You'd be mistaken.

            To show some numbers, figure about +175% multiplier; let's round to +200% to make the math easy
            To get your 150 number, 50 is needed. / 3 = 17. Only 17 cities.
            Where on earth are you coming up with these numbers? Market = 25%, Grocer = 25%, Bank = 50%. That comes out as 100%, not 200% or 175%. At one gold per city, that's 75 cities to come up with 150 gpt, not your 17. I can't even figure where you got that 3 from or what it's supposed to be doing. You can get 200% if you have Wall Street in one of those holy cities, but that still means about 37 cities in order to earn 150 gpt.

            And I was referring to the income from a single holy city BTW. Having three certainly makes it possible to earn 300 gpt.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Willem
              Having three religions is fairly atypical in itself. Unless of course you're an incorrigble warmonger you just takes them.
              In my experience, having put some effort into exploring religious/shrine strategies and improving my skills in those areas, I disagree.

              You'd be mistaken.
              Then how do you explain how your experience differs from mine?

              Anyone else care to offer their experience?

              Where on earth are you coming up with these numbers? Market = 25%, Grocer = 25%, Bank = 50%. That comes out as 100%, not 200% or 175%.
              Wall Street goes into one shrine city. So, that city has at least 200%. If you plan it well, that city will have at least 2 shrines, if not more.

              The 175% figure is an average depending on circumstances from game to game.

              At one gold per city, that's 75 cities to come up with 150 gpt, not your 17. I can't even figure where you got that 3 from or what it's supposed to be doing. You can get 200% if you have Wall Street in one of those holy cities, but that still means about 37 cities in order to earn 150 gpt.
              Since you aren't using Wall Street, I would agree that your games are suboptimal.

              And I was referring to the income from a single holy city BTW. Having three certainly makes it possible to earn 300 gpt.
              No problem. (You know what they say about assumptions.)

              Even with just one city, it's still possible to get 50gpt, with 50 cities. Not that much more difficult. You would need a lot more missionaries in most circumstances, but you wouldn't need so many Prophets and wouldn't have the hassle of trying to finagle the shrines into the same city.



              • #52
                And don't think that you only spread religion by building missionaries. Yes if you only get into the religion game late - because you think the best way forward is to catpure your shrines - that is the only option available to you.

                But, if you go for it properly the money rolls in without you even having to spend the hammers (or at least very few).

                (a) if you can build a shrine before most cities have religion, then your religion spreads pretty effectively all on its own into these 'empty' cities.

                (b) if a civ doesn't yet have religion, a single city converting will cause the civ to adopt it as their state religion teh next turn, and then they start building missionaries to spread it to the rest of their cities.

                Its not a all difficult if you found buddism/hinduism, build say 3-4 missionaries and a shrine to find that you soon have 5-6 civs converted. Initially just with 5-6 cities, but give it another 50 turns and you have 30-40 cities easily, with no more missionary expenditure at all, and it keeps growing (and of course you gets lots of friends too).

                Lots of different strategies for playing Civ of course, and like most this is situational. But a proper "shrine income to fund my 100% research and full-upgrade strategy" can work wonders, and it not at all about 1 gold per missionary.


                • #53



                  • #54
                    Hello been reading for a longish time as I played and stopped playing civ3. Anyway,

                    On a recent game, granted I was playing monarch as Isabella I managed to fund 3 religions (Hindu, Christianity, and Islam) Hinduism and Islam were founded in the same city, so that one manages to bring in a very large amount of cash, even if it wasnt a city that due to land is viable as a cottage farm.


