A few questions, in no particular order ...
1. Is it better to build Moai Statues in your coast city with the highest existing number of hammers, or in your coast city with the most water tiles?
2. Does the Spiral Minaret's commerce bonus apply to a new religion if I switch to it despite building the wonder while under a different religion? For example, I'm Buddhist and I build the Minaret. But then X turns later I switch to Confucianism. Do I then get gold per building for all Confucian buildings? And is it all buildings worldwide or just in my empire?
3. Is it better to settle science specialists or build the academy the first time the academy is available?
4. I whip for two pop and dislike whipping for 4-6 pop as the hit to worked tiles, and therefore production, seems too great; is this a good strategy? (I'll whip for more but only if I'm in a hurry, etc.)
5. How do you see what wonders a city has when you capture the city and have to decide whether to keep or pillage it?
6. The consensus is that cities should specialize and only build the buildings that facilitate that. But what about science/commerce cities in the early game? I often find there are no science buildings (or, vice versa, commerce) remaining to build after the library and monastery (if you have a religion) until several techs later. What should a "science city" build in the meantime? Is it OK to build commerce buildings there as well? Because if the root of gold and science is commerce, then isn't it OK to have the max of all those buildings in any city that has a lot of commerce or gold tiles?
1. Is it better to build Moai Statues in your coast city with the highest existing number of hammers, or in your coast city with the most water tiles?
2. Does the Spiral Minaret's commerce bonus apply to a new religion if I switch to it despite building the wonder while under a different religion? For example, I'm Buddhist and I build the Minaret. But then X turns later I switch to Confucianism. Do I then get gold per building for all Confucian buildings? And is it all buildings worldwide or just in my empire?
3. Is it better to settle science specialists or build the academy the first time the academy is available?
4. I whip for two pop and dislike whipping for 4-6 pop as the hit to worked tiles, and therefore production, seems too great; is this a good strategy? (I'll whip for more but only if I'm in a hurry, etc.)
5. How do you see what wonders a city has when you capture the city and have to decide whether to keep or pillage it?
6. The consensus is that cities should specialize and only build the buildings that facilitate that. But what about science/commerce cities in the early game? I often find there are no science buildings (or, vice versa, commerce) remaining to build after the library and monastery (if you have a religion) until several techs later. What should a "science city" build in the meantime? Is it OK to build commerce buildings there as well? Because if the root of gold and science is commerce, then isn't it OK to have the max of all those buildings in any city that has a lot of commerce or gold tiles?