Hi, I am just trying to get a better feel for some of the strategies people use. In this game I am playing the Incas on a Pangaea map. I have set the difficulty at Noble to make the game a little easier. Other settings are epic speed, large map, tropical. I have enclosed my starting screen shot. Please offer advice as to what your research choice would be as well as build. Thanks...I will post more as game progresses.
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Game advice
Well if you are on Pangea- you may want to starting trying to build an army as many close borders could lead to wars. Or I guess you could also aim for religion and try to spread it. But I would prefer the army myself.It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
You're laughing with that juicy gold resource in your fat cross, as well as two flood plains and pig.
If I was you, my first goal would be to hook up all those resources by researching the appropriate technologies and getting some workers out.
My second priority would be to explore. Providing Shaka or Monty aren't close neighbours, you're going to have an extremely easy run.
I guess you might as well research Buddhism and get an early religion. But next Bronze Working is a must if only for the ability to slave pop out a worker ASAP to hook up that gold and pig. After animal husbandry, pottery should be researched to capitalise those flood plains. You're going to be a science super power.
After hooking up resources and finding where/who your neighbours are, then you can think about what to do next.Voluntary Human Extinction Movement http://www.vhemt.org/
If you want to make use of that early UU, then build a bunch of them and go rush your nearest neighbour. With it you can win even if the one you're attacking has an Archer in place, if you have enough of them. I wouldn't recommend holding on to any of their cities though, just go and remove him/her from the map to give yourself more room to expand later. The Incan UU only has a very small window after which it's pretty much useless. But it can be very effective during that time period.
If you want to take advantage of the starting Mystism tech:
First reseach Polytheism
Then proced directly to Monotheism for a powerful bi-religious capital.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
This is my initial play. I researched Meditation and founded Buddhism. While researching Meditation, my quechua unit found Carthage undefended to the East. I raised it eliminating them. Next up was mining followed by bronze working. My second quechua located Thebes to the West and captured it. I kept this one as it was not far from capital. I will move worker to trees and chop second worker and settler. After wheel I intend to research pottery and animal. Any thoughts as to a different approach or what next move should be? See image for current status.[Current Map
Very nice. Use show resources (It's a button over the mini-map) for future screen shots please! But it looks like Thebes has 3 seafood and cattle, you've got a nice river system, and both stone and marble nearby, and you're Industrious. Any chance of posting the 4000 BC save?
As for what I'd do: Wonder Whore like no one has wonder whored before. But I do that anyway, so take that advice with a couple pounds of salt.You've just proven signature advertising works!
I think you'd have been better off waiting for his capital to have grown to size 2 so you could have kept it. Second starting cities are excelent.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
Too bad Thebes wasn't on the hill one tile north. Then it would have stone and rice also in it's big fat cross.
Not sure if I'd waited the the city to pop size 2. While waiting, it could produce a defender making it impossible to take with that single unit. Nice start you have!
Here is my third city...this is where I start to get into trouble. I like my capitol and the second city is excellent as well. The third one should be decent. I currently have the following techs: Fishing, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Mysticism, Meditation, Mining, Bronze Working, and Wheel in 1 turn.
My intended research is as follows: Pottery, Priesthood, Masonry. Does this seem like a sensible path? As well, should I look to a fourth city or should I build up my strength and connect my cities. I am leaning towards popping a few more workers to improve cities.
Third City
Originally posted by joncnunn
I think you'd have been better off waiting for his capital to have grown to size 2 so you could have kept it. Second starting cities are excelent.Enemy capitals are usually great sites.
And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot