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Immortal unit ?

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  • Immortal unit ?

    The attack submarine has 50% retreat chance at build. If you give it a warlord, you may promote it to 50 more percent, taking it to 100%. Does this make this unit immortal (while attacking) ?

  • #2
    No... it just makes it French.


    • #3
      In France one would say it makes it Italian... but i don't care since i'm not french :P Anyway, anyone knows the answer to that question ?


      • #4
        Easy one to test. Get it to attack a Combat 20 Battleship

        Correction. Get 1000 of them and attack 1000 Combat 20 Battleships


        • #5
          I have the answer... you simply can't pick the promotion needed to get to 100%, 90% is maximum
          The last promotion is not shown among the promotion you have left.


          • #6
            I’ve got 9 immortal units in my current game and only one of them is a Warlord unit. My biggest problem with them is that they still have mortal tendency particularly when confronted by men with pointy sticks.


            • #7
              Getting 90% retreat odds on a heavily upgraded gunship is really really REALLY awesome.

              Edit: I believe you can only get up to 80% on gunships, 90% on cavalry. Careful with those upgrades!


              • #8
                But be careful not to let the unit get attacked or else it does not have the option to retreat.

                So it is still not truly immortal


                • #9
                  Retreat odds should be available to attacked units.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by frenzyfol
                    Retreat odds should be available to attacked units.
                    Might be a good idea, but could be difficult to institute. This was discussed a long time ago in earlier versions of Civ.

                    Since combat in Civ is the attacker moving into the defender's tile, withdrawing from an attack is fairly straightforward - if you stop attacking, you just pull back to your starting tile. But where would the defender pull back to?

                    If there are other defending units in a tile, then maybe they withdraw from combat and stay in place under the protection of the healthy units. But what if by the end of the combat all of the defenders have been killed or forced to retreat? Would the original attackers simply continue the combat as if there had been no retreat? What if the unit was attacked by a unit with blitz which was killed after the retreat? This could create all kinds of problems.

                    Or would retreating units vacate the tile they were defending? Where would they go? Would it automatically be directly opposite the direction of the attack, or a random "backward" direction? What if there was no tile to retreat to? Would the defender have some choice in either refusing to retreat or choosing the direction of retreat? Again, all kinds of problems.

                    And then you'd want to have units or promotions which counteract a unit's ability to retreat.
                    The (self-proclaimed) King of Parenthetical Comments.


                    • #11
                      A SMAC unit which did not attack in its previous turn and which was faster than its attacker automatically disengaged if it sustained 50% damage (unless attacker had ECM, or ZsOC or impassable terrain blocked retreat).
                      Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
                      Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
                      One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE] Originally posted by couerdelion
                        The axeman cometh...

