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Defence against amphibious attack

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  • Defence against amphibious attack

    In my current game I am playing with a different playing style, trying to win a cultural victory (as opposed to my normal domination). So the end game is playing out rather differently than normal - so thought I would see if anyone had any tips.

    Its a tiny islands huge world, so everything is coastal. I have three cultural giants crusing happily towards the 75,000 victory post. I am as advanced as the world leaders, but not so large - after all we have been spending out time writing symphonies and painting, not conquering (for once!).

    I presume that the AI is going to have sense and as I approach cultural vicotry is going to try to attack and destroy one of my cultural cities. It would have to be an amphibious attack, since we are all on small islands. Fair enough, who wouldn't. But how best to defend?

    I am experienced enough at waging war, but this is slightly different. How to defend against a massive amphibious assult, whose only aim is suicidal burning of a single city?

    We are up to infantry, destroyers and transports. WIth the speed these boats travel they can be massing outside my boarders one turn, and unloading at my cities the next. So what can you do?

    As far as I can see naval and air units are useless, since neither can prevent an army landing. They can prevent reinforcements, but a suicide attack doesn't need them. Therefore, the only approach is to pack each of the three cities with large numbers of (defensive) units, so that if the AI tries an amphibious assault direct into the city with a naval SOD, it can hold out. At the same time, have enough counter-attack units (either split between the cities or elsewhere - fortunately the three are on the same island connected by railways) including air and canons/artillery so that if the AI tries to land next to a city, its stack can be sufficiently weakened immediately, that the city can survive.

    I am sure I can get that to work, but it offends me that there is no 'front-foot' solution, to keep the barbarian heathen from sullying the holy land with their feet.

    Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Yes. Nuclear War.

    I'm not kinding, during this past weekend I was playing with a friend....we were chugging along and then the AI decides he is pissed at me (we had been friendly for...well...decades at least).

    The AI declares war (he is on a seperate land mass)

    I have my destroyers guarding the waters so to speak.

    I ask the AI for a peace treaty - will not have nothing to do with it.

    Fine...I will lay in wait.

    Eventually a stack of ships show up heading my way.

    My, my what is that?!? I decide on the nuclear option. 2 ICBMs and the fleet was no more.

    Surprisingly, the AI decided to talk to me and sue for peace.

    So The Priest, if you have such advanced military (infantry, destroyers, etc) you REALLY need to research nukes...for the final say...
    "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
    "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


    • #3
      Also, use subs and planes to recon the area around your continent to pick up any potential invasion force. Of course, if you are too close to the AI, they will be able to attack you in one turn...


      • #4
        Use battleships to collateral the naval SoD (or better yet bombers if you have them) and then kill it with combat 2 battleships.
        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


        • #5
          Only in Civ can the answer to a question be "Nuclear War!", but I think you are right

          I can see how a couple of Nuke's gives the ability to knock out a naval SOD and hence reduce any war to a conventional step by step war which I can handle.

          There is still the problem though that I will need to prempt any attack. For if I wait to see if that stack really intends to attack and can't be bought off with some coal or something, then they have unloaded before I can respond. Such is life - but I just need that scouting screen among the islands. In fact it is rather like real life when the only way of defending European cities against the Soviets was the doctrine of preemption - if you mass your (superior numbers of) forces, we will use a nuclear first-strike.

          One problem though. If I build Manhatten, others can then have Nuke's and wouldn't a nuclear attack be just the sort of thing to bugger up my culture building (or does it - what is the effect on buildings of a nuclear strike?). If so, do i really want to let that genie out of the bottle.

          It would be a little while before i could get Nuke's because there must be a few more techs to research and Manhatten would take a while to build (on this island map hammers are scarce). But it gives a direction, thanks.


          • #6
            To prevent or at least slow down your enemies' attempt to build nukes, use spies to destroy their uranium mines.


            • #7
              As other people have pointed out, the best way to win a culture victory is not to creep up on Legendary culture and paint a big bulls-eye on your cities, but to squirrel away some great artists and culture-bomb your cities to Legendary status on what will then become the last turn of the game.


              • #8
                Yes, I see the point, though ... that just feels wrong to me!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DaveV
                  As other people have pointed out, the best way to win a culture victory is not to creep up on Legendary culture and paint a big bulls-eye on your cities, but to squirrel away some great artists and culture-bomb your cities to Legendary status on what will then become the last turn of the game.
                  Then you need quite a lot of them. In one of my recent games, I chose to head for cultural as I had two legendary cities. To pump up the cultural production in my third city, I added as many artist as specialists as possible, build cathedrals and just produced culture. The city cranked out over 900 culture points pr turn, very soon reaching 1000. A great artist gives 4000 points and takes quite long time to "breed". Now, do the math.


                  • #10
                    Put your destroyers and subs out where you can see SoD fleets before they are in range. Who cares if it costs an extra 10 gp/turn in maintenance. This is essential to almost any defense. Following are some possibilities for such defenses.

                    Put a "response fleet" of transports loaded with infantry somewhere central, where you can reinforce at-risk cities in 1 turn, depending on where the attack is likely to come in.

                    Build airports in many cities, with 1 "extra" infantry in each city, so you can airdrop as soon as you see the incoming fleet.

                    Bombers to hit the incoming fleet.

                    Privateers. (Build them up and DO NOT UPGRADE them.)

                    Blitz destroyers.



                    • #11
                      I had several games like yours.
                      Strong navy to dominate the coast and kill some transports before
                      troops disembark. Numerous defensive troops in each coastal city.
                      And offensive troops to destroy every enemy stack on our land.
                      And diplomacy if possible.
                      Best regards,


                      • #12
                        Why not upgrade the privateers? To build them and then upgrade for the extra visibilty I would understand.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MoonWolf
                          Why not upgrade the privateers? To build them and then upgrade for the extra visibilty I would understand.
                          Because they can attack the incoming stack without going to war.

                          If you aren't worried about being the aggressor and pre-empting the incoming SoD and DOW yourself (which honestly is probably OK), then sure go ahead and upgrade them.

                          And, obviously, if the AI has destroyers too then privateers are going to be so many thrown mudclods which will splat against their hulls, so in that case also it would behoove you to upgrade.



                          • #14
                            A cheap but very time consuming way to spot incoming fleets is to have airships or bombers patrol your borders, if you don't have the money to use submarines or destroyers, like wodan11 mentioned.

                            If your "big three" cities are sufficiently far inside your borders, you can also simply cancel all open border agreements, so everyone has to declare war far before reaching your cities.

                            But from my experience all of this is not necessary, as the AI rarely attempts to stop the player from getting a cultural victory at all. Being a peaceful player I've done more cultural than other types of victory, and in about one tenth of all cases the AI sent some pathetic invasion fleet five turns before my last city would reach legendary. In the rest it did nothing.


                            • #15
                              How active the AI will defend against a CV depends a lot on what version of the game you're running.


