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Multiple video configurations?

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  • Multiple video configurations?

    So, I have to admit that I'm a little spoiled from playing Battle for Wesnoth (see plug below) which has an inventive little feature. The game has two different executables - one that runs full screen and another than runs windowed. Each executable also has its own video configuration so that the full screen can be run at one resolution while the windowed can be configured to run at a different resolution. Otherwise, both versions of the game share the same directory and configuration files so you can start the game in one setup and finish it in the other. Personally, I find this to be a great setup because if I just want to play the game, I can run the full screen, but if I want to, say, read my email and check some blog, I can run the windowed version and sneak turns in between reading each site (or, more frequently, sneaking in read betwen turns).

    I like to do the same thing with Civ, but I am finding the process of switching resolutions to be cumbersome. Not only do you have to shut the game down and reload after switching from windowed to full screen (or vice versa) but changing the resolution at the same time doesn't always seem to "stick." By the time I've made two idependent configurations and loaded the game twice, I've blown about three minutes of time. Other than having two separate game installations, is there any way to setup either separate executables, configuration files, or switches that will allow me to setup two different shortcuts, each running a different video mode?

    (Plug: Battle for Wesnoth is a free turn based combat RPG set in a Tolkien-like setting. If you're a warmonger that just wants to fight without mucking around with techs and city maintence, you're almost certain to love it. )

  • #2
    I don't know a way to do exactly that. I usually make the game run in windowed mode, but with a resolution just below my desktop res. This way I have a "full screen" game with very fast switching in and out.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #3
      Assuming you need to have a resolution change going from windowed to FS (which is not necessarily required, but anyhow), the only way to do this is with an ALTROOT installation.

      CAUTION: Most likely your Civ:BtS preferences folder will be deleted when this occurs, so BACK IT UP somewhere like on your desktop.

      Edit your civ4 BtS shortcut by adding the following to the end of the run statement:

      The first time it runs it will probably delete your Civ4:BtS my games folder, and create a new one in a folder in the program files BtS folder as a subset of that called "Name". That will now have its own settings and be entirely unique from the other ones. You will want to edit the INI file to set the video configuration (or change it in-game, but INI file changes are more easy to ensure they're accurate).

      Then do the same for a second shortcut, though you can have one not using an altroot if you want it's usually safer/easier to use two altroot installations (so no risk of deleting one). Just change the name to something else
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        Actually, it looks like this command:

        ini=foo // specify the ini file

        will work better. According to the Firaxis website, the switch you gave me will change the location of save files whereas this switch will allow me to create separate INI files which, I think, is what I am really looking for. Also, it doesn't look like this switch runs the risk of having my current folders deleted. Nonetheless, I wouldn't have found this switch without your help, so many thanks.

        I will play around with this tonight and see if I can make something work.

        List of command line switches, for those of you who don't know them, are here:


        • #5
          Hmm, didn't know about the .ini switch... that is useful indeed Thanks!!

          Additionally, you know about the "ASK" mode for fullscreen/windowed, right? If you want to run the same resolution but sometimes one or the other (say, you have a 1600x1200 monitor but run Civ normally at 1280x1024 or whatever even when fullscreen), you just set the switch in the .ini file to "ask" and it will popup at the start of the game a question box where you can indicate one or the other.

          Doesn't help if you need to switch resolutions (unless there's a switch for that also, but i'm not aware of one), but if you can use the same resolution it works
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • #6
            W00t! I got it to work!

            For those who care, here is the solution:

            Copy the .ini file in your save game directory into your executable directory. Rename it to Full.ini. Make another copy and Rename to Pane.ini.

            Edit the relevant lines in the Full.ini file as follows:
            FullScreen = 1
            ScreenHeight = 1024
            ScreenWidth = 1280

            Edit the Pane.ini file to read:
            ScreenHeight = 768

            Create a shortcut that targets:
            "C:\directories\civilization4.exe" ini=Full.ini
            and another for
            "C:\directories\civilization4.exe" ini=Pane.ini

            Obviously you create your own INI files do things other than changing resolutions.

            Yes Snoop, I did notice the "ask" option while I was in there and considered just turning that on and forgetting about it, but since I like to run different resolutions this is much more conveniant for me. Now its just click and go without having to worry about it.

