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What causes global warming? (no nukes!)

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  • What causes global warming? (no nukes!)

    Playing plain vanilla version of Civ 4 (no expansion packs)

    I have a game going now that has lasted up to 2070. Unless there is a way around the UN resolution of non-nuclear proliferation, there isn't any way anybody can have nukes.

    Around 2000 I saw a message in my events log about global warming. I went and checked the city it happened in, but I couldn't find any change in the terrain, so I figured it was just a fluke. However, about 10 years later, I see the message again, and this time there is a desert tile where there once wasn't. This continues, but the frequency starts to increase. THe next one in seven years, then in 5. Now is 2070 and I'm at the point where I am getting the message once or twice per turn.

    The problem is, unless I missed it, there is absolutely nothing in the manual that talks about global warming except in the case of nukes being used. I do have a forge/factory combination in every city, but I have Three Gorges powering my whole empire which I would assume is "clean" power. The only possible clue I have is that some cities have a light red background behind their population number. I'm guessing this means the city is contributing to global warming, but either way if I don't know what the cause is there's nothing I can do to stop it.



  • #2
    The background of the population figure turns red when the city isn't producing enough food; it represents starvation. It's white when the growth is stagnant, and green (I think, can't remember now, brain fart) when growing because of excess food production.

    As to what produces global warming in Civ IV, AFAIK it's only nuclear weapon usage. There might be some hard coded factors that apply once you go beyond the ending date, but I don't know about that. Did anyone nuke anyone else before the non-proliferation agreement?
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3
      I'm guessing someone had a meltdown in a nuclear reactor somewhere.

      AFAIK, nuclear events are the only thing that contributes to global warming (whether from bombs or meltdowns).
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        Yes, if you've got global warming, then you've got some idiot out there that has not only built a nuc power plant, but has let go kablooie. Look around for the fallout surrounding the city if you want (assuming you have the intelligence capability in BtS). It will definitely be there unless it has already been cleaned up.


        • #5
          Thanks all. I'll have to start sending some exporers around when I get home.


          • #6
            Well, if its a pollution problem, I can't find it. Attached is my savegame. If you look in the log you can see I got hit by pollution last turn, but I've got four explorers on the German island, so you can see there's nothing there. You can also get a unit into what is left of America and Egypt with relative ease (if there is a cheat to reveal map, I can't find it). I am playing Civ Vanilla with most recent patch.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              There doesn't have to be an ongoing source of pollution to make Global Warming hit. Once pollution has happened it's enough to set off Global Warming for the rest of the game. You would need to post a save from around the time of the first incident of Global Warming to have an idea of where it happened.
              "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Ben Franklin


              • #8
                Oh fudge. It sounds plausible though. I guess I won't worry about it then. At least it makes me feel better though knowing that I wasn't doing anything wrong.


                • #9
                  I was playing one of the custom games and when I started hitting really high levels of production in one city I noticed some global warming.

