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Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

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  • Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

    So yesterday I decided to try a (noble) marathon huge map game for the first time.

    The fractal world had a big ass continent with most players, a small continent with Catherine the Great, and a medium sized continent with me and Saladin. Other than that, just a few tiny islands.

    My starting position was not great, but Saladin did not start too near me, so I was able to expand more or less as desired. When he started crowding me, I eliminated him and had the whole continent to myself. Because he got Hinduism and I got Judaism and Confucianism, I was a pretty religious mofo and could get lots of income from that. Also, the continent was pretty safe. I was able to squash every possible invasion (pretty much everybody else was Buddhist, except for Darius who was free religion from early on).

    The tech trading on the big continent left me behind, but through dint of hard effort, I worked my way up to the top, in tech and score. In the 1880s, I launched a massive invasion of Catherine the Great and took out her civ in a few turns.

    (I soon thereafter turned her into a colony, to see what that was like, and it gave me more money, but overall it seems to me to be a disadvantage)

    So I was in the lead, but not by too much. Charlemagne (military) and Darius (tech) were the only other two contenders. The rest of them were just nuisances. Charlemagne was accumulating vassals and Darius was going strong for the space race.

    It seemed to me that invading the big continent would be very difficult; I had no tech advantage over the big two, and the fact that they were all Buddhist and had better relations with each other than with me meant that if I did invade, I'd probably be fighting several at once--and giving up my "island fortress" advantage, while fighting at a distance. Moreover, the two most obvious invasion points were square on Darius and Charlemagne territory; it wouldn't really be very feasible to try to get a beachhead by knocking off one of the lesser ones, just by the way the geography laid out.

    So I was looking at the victory screen and noted that my capital city had the highest culture in the game by far, and that I had two other cities which also had pretty high culture. Maybe I could go for a cultural victory. I remembered that it took 50k culture points to become "legendary."

    I had never tried this before, so I was not sure of the best strategy. I built up enough of a defense to be able to repel any invaders while going on my culture run, then spent some time building up my infrastructure, especially economic and science. Then I turned those 2nd and 3rd cities to produce culture.

    So I was basically in a waiting game. I figured I had one legendary city and needed two more. So I was clicking next turn constantly, waiting while the computer thunk it all out, and constantly turning down the various diplomatic entreaties.

    I was not producing culture very fast, so I eventually started running at 100% culture, which stagnated me technologically. Even that was not producing culture fast enough in those two cities. I maxed out their specialists to help produce culture as well.

    And waited, turn after turn after turn. We are talking we hours of the morning here.

    Through all of that period, I only got 3 "great" figures. I don't know why I wasn't getting more. I got only one great artist, which I used as a culture dump for one of the two cities, getting 12k culture. The other two I combined for a golden age to increase culture output.

    Finally, I got my 2nd and 3rd cities over 50k. But nothing happened! The game kept playing!

    I went into civilipedia and the rulebook and discovered that apparently the 50k was only for "normal" games, not epic or marathon!!!!!!!!

    How much did I actually need to win? 60k? 75k? Neither the pedia nor the rules said, nor did the victory screen.

    I had no idea. So I kept playing, as Charlemagne accumulates vassals and Darius builds components and 4 am turns to 5 am and still later.

    I get to 60k, 75k, still nothing.

    It was around 6:30 in the morning that a glance on one of the CITY screens, for crying out loud, finally showed me how much culture I needed. I actually needed 150k culture to get a city legendary. My first city had it, but #2 and #3 were nowhere remotely close. Even leaving aside Charlemagne and Darius, I'd have to keep hitting that damn next turn button for over another hour just to get them legendary.

    I "retired" in frustrating, feeling that about 20 hours had been more or less wasted--or at least that portion of it from the point of time when I made the "culture victory" decision. Even if I had won, those hours of basically doing nothing but hitting next turn were joyless.

    I doubt I'll try that again.

  • #2
    I doubt I'll try that again.

    WHAT!!? WASTE all that time and experience? Are you MAD?

    Huge Marathon games are the BEST! Unfortunately, a few months ago I tried for a culture victory (having read a thread concerning it), and have become ... ah, "addicted". It's the only victory I've had since (been playing Caesar Augustus all this time). Much more rewarding than a space victory, not nearly as much work as domination, particularly for a huge map. Diplo victory for me is very iffy and have rarely attained it.

    With the right wonders in the right 3 cities along with free speech and the Eiffel Tower (or broadcast towers), it doesn't necessarily take a lot of culture slider for a culture victory. Of course, that culture slider isn't going to help much if your target cities aren't high in commerce, but if they are high in production you could always build culture.

    Again, now that you know it takes 150K culture, don't waste that knowledge. Use it for your own future victories, and for keeping tabs on others who are striving for it.


    • #3
      well, I had free speech and the Eiffel Tower and the culture slider set to 100% and the cities building culture and specialists producing culture and all their culture buildings built and it was still taking forever. That's just a lot of time just sitting there, waiting to win. I guess I want to be more active.


      • #4
        Yes, a little micromanagement each turn & maintaining proper military readiness can make a few score turns hard to endure. The same can be said for many victory types as you wait for the end result.

        But just imagine: someone else might have pulled a rabbit out of a hat and made things hairy and exciting again. If all else fails, go on a little military adventure (such as say "OK" when someone asks you to join a war).


        • #5
          It seems to me that the problem is that you went for culture victory too late in the game. From reading your description, it sounds like you didn't really turn on your culture engine into about the industrial age. A culture victory almost has to be started on from the beginning of the game to be time-effective, though you can go for it a little later if you're willing to wait a little, but industrial is just too late. Building the sistine chapel is almost a necessity, you ideally want more than 3 religions (cathedrals are the key to cultural victory, even more so than artists) and early culture builds (especially wonders) are important so that they double their culture output. But if you plan it out right, cultural victory is probably the easiest victory in the game, and much less management intensive than military victories.

          @Jaybe: Hell yes marathon huge is the best.
          You've just proven signature advertising works!


          • #6
            Freddy Fender reference.
            And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot


            • #7
              I go full culture when I get cathedrals, no real need to wait for the Eiffel Tower.


              • #8
                Actually, I find marathon to be a little tedious as well, even when I'm doing well. I usually play on normal, occasionally will stretch out to epic.

                That said, it would be nice if the Civilopedia made clear the actual number of culture points necessary to win on the Quick, Epic, and Marathon speeds.

                Oh, and the jkp1187 trivia fact for the day: my mother dated Freddy Fender when they were in high school in San Benito. Absolutely true.
                "The nation that controls magnesium controls the universe."

                -Matt Groenig


                • #9
                  I had a 3rd grade teacher who dated the actor who played Hoss Cartwright.

                  I think Epic is probably closer to my chosen speed--normal is pretty darn fast. Probably my preference would have been for an epic just a tad slower than it is.


                  • #10
                    Ha! You think that is wasting time?! I have spent the last week playing Fleme's Diety challenge game over and over and over and over and over, trying to see if there was any way to win. And while my game certainly improved for all the time spent, it probably wasn't time well spent either.


                    • #11
                      You also need to use Free Speech civic (100% culture), Caste System (so you can assign unlimited artists) and Pacifism (so all those artists you use generate Great Artists faster) along with National Epic in the city generating the most Artist GP points. Hermitage and cathedrals should also be built in the Big 3. You had 3 religions and enough cities so each city can get 3 cathedrals for (150-250% bonus to culture). Way before Eiffel Tower. Getting Sid Sushi also helps a lot.


                      • #12
                        Sid's Sushi, Creative Constructions, and Civilized Jewelers are definitely great assists. Getting the right Greats can be a bear if you haven't saved them from earlier. OTOH, I've never needed Pacifism, though I probably could have afforded to after Wall Street.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jaybe
                          Huge Marathon games are the BEST! Unfortunately, a few months ago I tried for a culture victory (having read a thread concerning it), and have become ... ah, "addicted".
                          Here is the thread referenced: All Cultural Victories are EVIL (poly thread)

