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  • Flanking

    Ok, one of those 'I'm sure there's a reason why I just can't find it' questions.

    Bunch of riflemen and cannon holed up in an enemy city.

    I throw a few cavalry at him. Some of the cavalry die, some withdraw and survive, some win their fight and survive.

    But no flanking damage.

    What am I missing?

    Cavalry are same/adjacent era as cannons, so that's fine.

    The cavalry survive, so that's fine.

    As far as I can tell from the notes in the Civilopedia, those are the only two things required for flanking damage.

    Have I stupidly missed something about them being safe from flanking in a city?

  • #2
    The defenders need to be outside of a city, otherwise you can't flank.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #3
      Cool, my inkling was right!

      I suppose it makes sense too.

      City walls and buildings and defences probably make it a little hard to charge the flanks.

      See, this is why I love you guys.
      A support network for the underinformed world leader.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Modo44
        The defenders need to be outside of a city, otherwise you can't flank.
        REALLY!! Wow, thanks Modo (and JeebusGreen for bringing it up).


        • #5
          Since the whole attach strength defensive strength was combined I think withdrawing (flanking) should work for defenders too, unless those units are set to fortify (ie, fight to the death).

          So a unit with a withdraw chance should be able to run if attacked. It should just choose a random direction to run in.


          • #6
            Defender retreat should be available to ALL units, even foot-sloggers. Unfortunately, it isn't the civ way of doing things.

            From an old board wargamer, who was always used to "defender retreat 2" (in addition to DE (Defender Eliminated), AE (Attacker Eliminated), AR (Attacker Retreat), and Exchange (smaller force eliminated, other force loses equal amount)).


            • #7
              I agree, though mounted flanking units should get extra % chance of retreat

