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Help - How to initiate UN votes

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  • Help - How to initiate UN votes

    Good evening all. I have searched and searched the manual, civilopedia, and the internet, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to initiate UN votes to obtain a diplomatic victory. I have been voted secretary general twice in a row, but that doesn't seem to win the game. I see all the resolutions on the resolutions screen, but I cannot seem to activate them.

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Resolution suggestions will come up automatically when certain criteria for them are met. I have no idea really what hinders the diplo-win-option from popping up, but there must be some prerequisite you are not meeting. Maybe it´s turned off, maybe you need to have contact with all civs and havent yet - maybe something entirely different.

    You do not have to and cannot initiate resolution suggestion directly on your own - when you meet the prerequisites it takes for them to pop up, they will do so all on their own and you will just have to wait for it to happen.


    • #3
      After reading your suggestion I continued playing the same match and eventually I secured secretary general and eventually the resolutions started popping up consistently. I guess I should have been more patient. Thanks for humoring me and also thanks for your quick response.

