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Monarch vs Emperor starting locations

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  • Monarch vs Emperor starting locations

    It just seems that Emperor is much harder because of the starting locations. I have tried 4 consecutive games on Emperor (all losses) and the nearby resources my starting cities get are 1-2 health/happiness bonuses and maybe copper. I tried playing the Mongols for early warfare but there are no horses nearby.
    I switch back to playing Monarch, and I get stone AND marble both times for wonder building. Copper and iron are not hard to find too.

  • #2
    One of the handicaps in the game is the order that the starts are selected. It's not necessarily a smooth progression, as integer rounding kicks in, but if you are getting the 4th best spot instead of the third best, you'd expect to see a weaker collection or resources nearby.


    • #3
      I've had some insane spots on Emperor too and I still get a ton of those 17 forest tile starts on Monarch as well as Emperor. I'm sick of those and always regenerate them, because they're simply not fun.

      I suppose it's down to luck too. (I play RandomScriptMap, perhaps that has got something to do with the start locations being mostly good)
      "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


      • #4
        I actually ran a test to see what kind of maps turned out. I selected Emperor as difficulty and first created 3 maps with RandomScriptMap. First one was a Big and Small map, turned out a starting spot with 5 Flood Plains, 3 Grassland Hills, a plains hill with Gold, a Fish and a Cattle. A really good spot. Second one was a Terra with an average spot. Coastal location, no river, 2 clams and something. Third one was a Pangaea, 2 rivers running in the BFC, incence, cattle, wheat. So, all in all, good types of start locations for each specific map type.

        Then I created a game with the inbuilt Pangaea. This also turns out a really strong spot with 2 Corn, a plains hill with gold, but on the downside there's not a lot of river. Worldbuilder shows that there's stone, marble, horses and iron nearby. Second one was a Terra, which I immediately looked at in the worldbuilder and boy it was grim. On my screen I could see only 3 resources which were Coal, Dye and Wheat, all in my BFC and other than that there was nothing. Awful. The third one, another Terra, was again a good spot with a river running through, a plains hill with gold alongside it, ivory, cattle.

        So, it's quite inconclusive. The mapgenerator can apparently really screw you over and I'm glad I wasn't playing that game with nothing within any reasonable distance. In retrospect I'm a bit upset I didn't save that Big and Small with the killer start spot

        Anyways, I do like RandomMapScript, it can generate all kinds of maps and in my opinion beats the regular map generator.
        Last edited by Fleme; January 26, 2008, 08:32.
        "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


        • #5
          "on the downside there was a lot of river" How can that ever be bad?


          • #6
            heh, my last started emperor game got 2 cows and the rest forest. fekk. first tech AH. then the barbs started pooring in ruining my early development. when I beat them back I had 4 cities and my worker army was breaking my economy. emperor is HARD. moving along fairly nicely now though, but I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind in tech. maybe I can catch up as I have a big rivercovered area now. but still, seems far fetched looking at my competition.
            Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


            • #7
              I haven't seen anything in the code that ties difficulty level to starting locations. There is no such link in any of the map scripts I read (or wrote).
              Clash of Civilization team member
              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
              web site and forum here on apolyton)


              • #8
                Did I say downside? Well I had stayed up until 7 AM so that was me being daft. Just shows what missing a simple "not" will do to your point.
                "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Fleme
                  Did I say downside? Well I had stayed up until 7 AM so that was me being daft. Just shows what missing a simple "not" will do to your point.
                  Ah, that makes sense then. I do that all the time too!


                  • #10
                    It seems like I get way more starts right next to the Tundra in Emperor than Monarch. I also know that if I don't have a decent start on Emperor I am going to lose so I probably regenerate more often than on Monarch because I don't like losing EVERY game! Actually, I have yet to win a more or less peaceful game on Emperor. I keep getting closer though...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Crossfire
                      It seems like I get way more starts right next to the Tundra in Emperor than Monarch. I also know that if I don't have a decent start on Emperor I am going to lose so I probably regenerate more often than on Monarch because I don't like losing EVERY game! Actually, I have yet to win a more or less peaceful game on Emperor. I keep getting closer though...
                      Nothing worse than a bad emperor start, bite the bullet, slough through a hundred copper...churn another iron...another fifty...Gilgamesh has a big army!...Gilgamesh declares war you (your insults have gone on long enough)...Yes! a cottage!....

