I am now playing a game as the Ottomans on a map that seems to be 2 continents. Yet, before even reaching the classical age, I am now alone on the continent. First, I stumbled across Alexander. Made peace with him only to learn the next turn that his capital was undefended. So 2 turns later, I turn it into a pile of rubble.
Ok, I think. That opens up a nice place to build a city later in the game. After more exploration, I discover the Mongols. Ok, need to focus on military. A little bit later, I see blue borders of France. However, there's no diplomatic screen. Next turn, Paris is black and undefended. I turn it to rubble. Shortly after that, I see a message that Ghenghis has been eliminated from the game. Go over there and turn his former capital to rubble. As I move south, I see a small stack of barbarian archers pass by. The vikings are too the south. Not for long. So I send all my warriors to my capital to await the coming invasion. Sure enough, a stack of now 2 barbarian archers attacks me and is destroyed.
I've now explored the entire continent only to find myself entirely alone. I rushed the Great Wall and have been doing my best to maintain a tech lead with the other 4 unknown civs, until I can get some boats.
But this isn't the first game I've played where AI civs vanish early and quickly. It's obvious that they weren't destroyed by regular barbarians but by the event. That event is cruel this early in the game. That stack of archers appeared long before I saw a single barbarian warrior. There's no way any civ could prepare for it so early in the game and they walked over the AI. Had the same event occurred on the other continent too, I'd have won this game by conquest without producing anything tougher than a warrior.
Ok, I think. That opens up a nice place to build a city later in the game. After more exploration, I discover the Mongols. Ok, need to focus on military. A little bit later, I see blue borders of France. However, there's no diplomatic screen. Next turn, Paris is black and undefended. I turn it to rubble. Shortly after that, I see a message that Ghenghis has been eliminated from the game. Go over there and turn his former capital to rubble. As I move south, I see a small stack of barbarian archers pass by. The vikings are too the south. Not for long. So I send all my warriors to my capital to await the coming invasion. Sure enough, a stack of now 2 barbarian archers attacks me and is destroyed.
I've now explored the entire continent only to find myself entirely alone. I rushed the Great Wall and have been doing my best to maintain a tech lead with the other 4 unknown civs, until I can get some boats.
But this isn't the first game I've played where AI civs vanish early and quickly. It's obvious that they weren't destroyed by regular barbarians but by the event. That event is cruel this early in the game. That stack of archers appeared long before I saw a single barbarian warrior. There's no way any civ could prepare for it so early in the game and they walked over the AI. Had the same event occurred on the other continent too, I'd have won this game by conquest without producing anything tougher than a warrior.