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Archer Rush Part II - Revenge of AAHZ...

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  • #91
    Maybe you didn't read my original post on this subject:

    Originally posted by Brutus66
    Veteran players will no doubt point out that I tried to occupy too many cities too early, that I should have razed some, etc., and I realize this.
    And here you are, right on schedule, trying to point it out to me.
    The problem with razing is that other AI civs move quickly to fill the void, and before you know it someone else's new city is there collecting the resources you just conquered.

    Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
    Civ is no wargame, nor is it a historical sim. It never attempts to be, either, from my point of view. (perhaps in a scenario, but not the core game)
    Let's see, we have units representing infantry, mechanized infantry, armor, paratroops, artillery, antitank troops, SAM missile batteries, fighters, bombers....we have game actions for amphibious assaults, sieges,, nothing even remotely resembling a wargame here.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Brutus66
      The problem with razing is that other AI civs move quickly to fill the void, and before you know it someone else's new city is there collecting the resources you just conquered.
      I know you were talking to UnO, but in response to this... that's perfectly OK. You can repeat the process later on, when your economy is better.



      • #93
        Originally posted by Brutus66
        Maybe you didn't read my original post on this subject:

        And here you are, right on schedule, trying to point it out to me.
        The problem with razing is that other AI civs move quickly to fill the void, and before you know it someone else's new city is there collecting the resources you just conquered.
        I've always viewed those settler stacks as an easy ticket to, uh, "building" my own workers.

        Let's see, we have units representing infantry, mechanized infantry, armor, paratroops, artillery, antitank troops, SAM missile batteries, fighters, bombers....we have game actions for amphibious assaults, sieges,, nothing even remotely resembling a wargame here.
        Oooo we got units...Monopoly has units. Battleships, cavalry...

        We have abstracts of sieges, amphibious assauts, bombardments, etc, sure. Suicide artillery? Come on. To call it a wargame is laughable.

        Where's the combined arms? Where's the morale? Where's the supply lines? Where's an actual DECENT representation of artillery?

        Go play Combat Mission, or even ye ole Panzer General to see a wargame.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #94
          Like I tried to say earlier, it flirts with being a wargame in many ways, but lacks the follow-through.

          Last time I checked, Monopoly doesn't allow you to blockade properties with the battleship, land paratroops on Go or nuke your opponent's hotel on Boardwalk. Your comparison is pretty specious.

          I have Combat Mission and like it.

          I have spent my share of time in the 70's playing Avalon Hill Games, like Afrika Korps, Luftwaffe, etc. I can remember pre-ordering the original Squad Leader before it was released. I think it can safely be said I have at least a passing familiarity with wargames.

          Where's the combined arms in Civ? It's part of a general cop-out when they designed the combat system, that's where. It's one of the things that I have read plenty of frustrated posts about, right here on Apolyton, and was left to modders like Dale to rectify.


          • #95
            Last edited by ZEE; April 24, 2011, 06:05.
            The Wizard of AAHZ


            • #96
              So how many times did you Google it yourself?
              I'm consitently stupid- Japher
              I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


              • #97
                Last edited by ZEE; April 24, 2011, 06:05.
                The Wizard of AAHZ


                • #98
                  Does that mean only AAHZ is daft enough to try this?

                  Or, another way of looking at it... most other people follow the cow-paths and do Axe rushes or whatever.

                  (And yes, for those not having ever lived on a farm, the term "cow path" is derogatory.)

                  gj AAHZ!


