I haven't played a huge amount of BTS. Played a couple of games at the easier levels and then decided to wait for the patch.
Anyway, had a bit of spare time so had a couple of games at noble thinking it would be a gentle re-introduction. Guess I was wrong
I've now played and thoroughly lost five games so the time has come to ask for help. Now the first game I picked Hannibal on a desert map so not a good start but the others went just as wrong.
Now partly I wonder if its because I'm not a particularly aggresive player tending to be a builder, very rarely starting wars.
For the first four games I had no copper, iron or horses and couldn't even see any on the map and nobody was trading. The fifth game went better. Playing as England and mid-ranking by about 1200AD. I'm not going to win but I'm not in danger of being wiped out. Occasional tussle wit Saladin and I've taken a couple of cities. War with Cyrus on the other border not winning but racking up those great general points. Bit of peace, Saladin declares war and then next turn the whole map declares war on me.
This is the bit I don't get - why would everyone suddenly declare war on me? I'm not loosing and vulnerable -if anyone if its Saladin and I'm not pulling ahead. Relations with everyone else range from Cautious to Friendly. Pacal is friendly, declares war and he's still pleased. Most of the others are at the other end of the map and we've barely been introduced. Certainly not close enough for a war.
So a couple of questions. Are my experiences with resources typical? Is noble a proportionally bigger step up than others? And what other changes are there?
But really it's the diplomacy. I don't think I've quite had such a hard time and should friendly and pleased really just declare war for no obvious reason. Is an aggresive strategy the way to go ?
Guess I'll go back down the shallow end
Anyway, had a bit of spare time so had a couple of games at noble thinking it would be a gentle re-introduction. Guess I was wrong

I've now played and thoroughly lost five games so the time has come to ask for help. Now the first game I picked Hannibal on a desert map so not a good start but the others went just as wrong.
Now partly I wonder if its because I'm not a particularly aggresive player tending to be a builder, very rarely starting wars.
For the first four games I had no copper, iron or horses and couldn't even see any on the map and nobody was trading. The fifth game went better. Playing as England and mid-ranking by about 1200AD. I'm not going to win but I'm not in danger of being wiped out. Occasional tussle wit Saladin and I've taken a couple of cities. War with Cyrus on the other border not winning but racking up those great general points. Bit of peace, Saladin declares war and then next turn the whole map declares war on me.
This is the bit I don't get - why would everyone suddenly declare war on me? I'm not loosing and vulnerable -if anyone if its Saladin and I'm not pulling ahead. Relations with everyone else range from Cautious to Friendly. Pacal is friendly, declares war and he's still pleased. Most of the others are at the other end of the map and we've barely been introduced. Certainly not close enough for a war.
So a couple of questions. Are my experiences with resources typical? Is noble a proportionally bigger step up than others? And what other changes are there?
But really it's the diplomacy. I don't think I've quite had such a hard time and should friendly and pleased really just declare war for no obvious reason. Is an aggresive strategy the way to go ?
Guess I'll go back down the shallow end
