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Best starting position ever!

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  • #31
    My best start was an MP game ... coastal with something like 3 fish-type resources, a cow, a marble, two gold plains hills, a horse, and later popped a copper relatively early on. Plus stone within I think 4 tile distance. I had to OCC that game basically because I had no room and my neighbor to the N had too large of an army for me to ever compete with... but I still was in very good position in that game due to the fact that I could build any wonder I wanted. I don't remember if I was Inca or Mali, but it was one of those two. Quite ahead in tech even with the only 2 cities (the second city was pretty lousy)...
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Theben
      Seems a waste for the Moai Statues.
      Not sure how it's a waste of the moai statues. I didn't see another early city site where there would be as much water to work or where I could get them up relatively quickly. Plus, with all that seafood, and financial coast, by adding the moai, I got some decent production out of my early financial giant. Later, once I added ironworks and converted some cottages to watermills, the moai are icing on the cake. It's not my best production city ever, but it's very versatile. It can kick out naval units and wonders at rapid speed but still contributes a nice chunk of commerce.

      Usually, I wait and wait and wait to find the perfect site for my Moai and the don't get it built until very late -- that seems a juge waste. So does trying to maximize it by building it in a fishing villiage that has like one hill or something so that it takes 40 turns. Same general idea with National Epic (which I considered putting in this particular cap, instead I'm running about 5 engineers there and running scientists in a different national epic city -- works nicely). I've started trying to get national wonders up more quickly, even if it means putting them someplace slightly less than ideal.

      On the topic of dealing with the Statue of Zeus -- I know where it is. I've got a nice little stack of marines ready to pounce...
      The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria.

