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patch 161 vs 174 in Vista 64

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  • patch 161 vs 174 in Vista 64


    I just built a new computer and made the very risky choice of installing Vista 64. I've re-installed civ4 and am working on patching it.

    The first thing I did was use the 'check for update' function in the game, which finds version 174 and patches it automatically. When I did that the game would no longer start.

    I uninstalled and re-installed again. This time I checked here and at the civ4 site and downloaded and installed 161. The game runs fine and tells me it's version

    When I use the 'check for updates' function in the game it still wants to install patch 174. I don't trust it so I cancel.

    I searched for 174 on the civ4 forums and didn't find any matches. I figured some old forum friends could help enlighten me about this patch. Or does no one know cause they're all using the expansions?

  • #2
    Hmmmm, I have been running 64bit Vista for 6 months now with no issues. But, I am playing BTS. There are still some bugs but the only really annoying one is the need to tab-switch out of Civ and back in to reload.


    • #3
      Well things seem to have fixed themselves once I installed BtS. Vanilla is now updated to 174 and properly runs. And the BtS update to 313 even works! Yay.

      I still don't know what 174 changed to vanilla though.


      • #4
        174 made a bunch of changes retroactively to vanilla that were made in Warlords and BtS. My guess is your 1.74 download was corrupted (the first time) and ended up doing weird things to it. Or, perhaps you had direct2drive? That would mess things up if you didn't install the right patch for it.
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