If that's an option, then sure. In this specific game, though, this same AI had recently beaten me in a war, and there was just no way I could take out his cities using conventinal means. He just had vast numbers of units, and there weren't any of the three cities I could at all get to without going through most of the rest of his empire first.
If you can, though, that's probably a better option, probably involving actually razing one or two of his mega-cities if you can just so he can never take them back and get the culture back. But a sucessfull, large-scale late-game conventional war against a larger, more millitirised opponent is NEVER going to be anywhere near as cheap as a handful of nukes, especally if you're, say, also trying to build a spaceship at the same time.
Of course, once you nuke him, you're at war anyway, so you might as well also do as much other economic damage as possible, in any way you can. Any damage you can do tends to force him to turn down the culture slider even farther.
If you can, though, that's probably a better option, probably involving actually razing one or two of his mega-cities if you can just so he can never take them back and get the culture back. But a sucessfull, large-scale late-game conventional war against a larger, more millitirised opponent is NEVER going to be anywhere near as cheap as a handful of nukes, especally if you're, say, also trying to build a spaceship at the same time.
Of course, once you nuke him, you're at war anyway, so you might as well also do as much other economic damage as possible, in any way you can. Any damage you can do tends to force him to turn down the culture slider even farther.