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How is one's "worst enemy" determined?

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  • How is one's "worst enemy" determined?

    Is it due to razing of cities or very negative relationship score?

  • #2
    At default, it's the nation that has the lowest total diplomacy modifier. I don't know how the AI breaks ties. It's also subject to change; one civ might declare war or refuse a few "help" requests and get enough negatives to drop them below the standing of the old worst enemy.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3
      The buggers still always seem to have open borders with their worst enemies so when I think I'm safe from an attack from AI X through AI Y because they're worst enemies I get attacked by X on the front where I least expected for it to happen.
      "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


      • #4
        I had a beaut where someone asked me to help them in a war, which suited me so I did.

        Then immediately got a -1 'You declared war on our friend' modifier, wtf?

